
Custom UINavigationbar for different views - iPhone SDK

Hi all, I have implemented a custom UINavigationbar using this code (placed in the top of my AppDelegate.m file): @implementation UINavigationBar (CustomImage) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: @"NavigationBar.png"]; [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.he...

How to get UINavigationController child view

Hello guys, I have one detail view controller in splitView - SearchDeatilViewController. But that view controller is attached to navigation controller. How can I get that subview to take controll of him? I tried like this, to reload sub view tableView: SearchDetailViewController *detail1 = (SearchDetailViewController *)[self.viewContr...

Custom titleView on UINavigationController is animating incorrectly

I'm probably doing something wrong here because this looks a bit stupid. I'm setting up a custom titleView (in the form of a UILabel) on my UINavigationController that is the same on every page. To facilitate this, I've created a function in my app delegate to display the label correctly. I then call this function on any subviews just af...

Bar Button on navigation based app

I want to add a Bar button to the Navigation bar on a Navigation based app, the bar however is on the MainWindow and has no code behind so I Can't connect it to an IBAction. how do i go about connecting it to an action ? ...

Three20 navigation by openURLAction; self.navigationController is nil in pushed VC???

The navigation commences with [[TTNavigator navigator] openURLAction:theUrl]; from one UIviewController controller and another UIViewController is the target of that URL. The map is set with set with the following code and there is no doubt navigation goes to the right place: TTURLMap* map = navigator.URLMap; [map from:@"tt://goToMyVie...

Adding and Removing Views - Best Practice

Hi, I have developed a few applications now all using single view controllers. In each application in the application delegate I alloc/init the first view controller in "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" and [window addSubview: view_controller.view]. Now my question is what is best practice for removing and adding secondary views. At the...

Navigation Controller that doesn't use the whole screen

I have a navigation controller which I don't want to use up the whole screen. In particular, I want to put a logo image in a bar at the top of the screen. Unfortunately, the navigation controller doesn't seem to be designed this way. In interface builder, I can't make it take up part of a screen. How would you achieve the effect of a log...

Can a UISplitViewController be the root controller in a UINavigationController?

Interface builder does not allow you to add a UISplitViewController as the root controller of a UINavigationController. I've also tried programmatically creating the UINavigationController and setting its root view controller to be the UISplitViewController. The result is an empty window with just the nav bar. I've also tried a split ...

iPhone UINavigationController Back Button Missing

In am currently creating a Navigation-based application for the iPhone, where the root view of the NavigationController is the main menu (home). There are 3 other views (named View1, View2 and View3), which can be accessed in this manner; main menu -> View1 -> View2 -> View3. Each of the Views has a 'Home button' that will call 'popToRo...

iphone UINavigation Controller

I'm trying to get a better understanding of the UINavigationController. I have 3 .xibs. From .xib1 I am pushing to .xib2. I have to pass data to .xib2 from .xib1. Controller1 *selectcity = [[Controller1 alloc]initWithNibName:@"Controller1" bundle:nil]; selectcity.item1 = @"hi"; // Push the next view onto our stack [self.navigationCo...

How does a Navigation-based application get access to the UINavigationController class?

In a Navigation-based application, the method pushViewController:animated can be used. This is a method of the UINavigationController class. However, nowhere in the source files do I see any #import statements that import this class. The documentation doesn't show UIViewController as inheriting from UINavigationController. So how are Na...

Repeated call of push for UINavigationController causes access error

I have a TabView application with a tab that has a NavView as one of it's views. This view has a sub view with a TableView to hold events. I've enabled the "Add" button on the top right of the nav bar and assigned the IBAction to the button. The objective is to show a page to add a new event which is defined by a NIB file loaded whe...

Why does Apple recommends to create modal navigation controllers programmatically?

"When presenting a navigation controller modally, it is often simpler to create and configure your navigation controller object programmatically. Although you could also use Interface Builder to do so, doing so is generally not recommended." If fact, because my navigation controller is simple, I would rather customise the view in IB! ...

How to add a navigationController to a view-based application

Is it possible to add a navigationController to a view application that inherits from UIViewController and not UITableViewController? How is it done? ...

Navigation-based app + tab bar

I made a tab bar application with several tab bar buttons. Each button is linked to a separate xib file. This works for a xib with a UIViewController and a xib with a UITableViewController. However, it does not work for a xib with a UINavigationController. On the left you can see what it looks like in Interface Builder, and on the right...

UINavigationControl with Image View as root, table views thereafter

All, This is one that should be simple, but since I'm rather new to the xcode IOS 4 developement, I gotta ask: What I need: an Image View with a button that will then display a series of linked table views. This screams (to me) a UINavigationController where the first view is NOT a table view, but the UIImage view. I cannot get this...

status bar and Navigation bar problem after dismissed modal view

the apps launched the mailcomposer modal view (MFMailComposeViewController) when the Contact Us button is pressed. but once the modal view is loaded, the status bar is hidden automatically. I setStatusBarHidden Status to NO after modal view controller is dismissed. [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; [[UIApplication...

Uiimage won't be shown upon uiscrollview

Hello, i've created a tabbar application. Within the app i have a tab item containing a uinavigation controller.My problem is to display a uiimage upon a uiscrollview i pushed. Instead only the UIScrollview will be shown. My nib file of the pushed view looks like this: +UIView +UIScrollview -UILabel +UIImage(with shadow)...

How can I display a view controller modally, using the parent's navigation controller?

I'm implementing a UITabBar in the middle of my navigation stack without UITabBarController. The UITabBar is in the DetailViewController which delegate a portion of the screen to the view controller associated with the selected tab element. Inside one of view controller's thats displayed via tab bar selection, there's a UIButton which...

iPhone dev: UITableView Cell's appreance modified when scrolling

Hello, I'm working on an iPhone application. This is a tab bar application, containing a navigation view controller within one particular tab. I have a table view in the navigation view controller. In this groupe table, I need to add some UISwitch to some particular items. for instance, I have the following sections: accounts twitte...