
How to display back button in nav app?

I'm pushing a tableview in a navigation based app. The pushing view (viewOld) and pushed view (viewNew) are both UITableViewControllers. I have given viewNew a title from viewOld. Once viewNew appears, I see the title but no back button on the left. Shouldn't a back button appear once you give the view (viewNew) its title? I can click...

Possible to initialize an entire UITableViewController (or subclass) from a secondary NIB... not just a UIView?

Nearly all the UINavigationController examples out there show the use of initWithNibName:bundle: to load a NIB containing NOT an entire UIViewController (or subclass) but just a UIView, with the NIB's File's Owner Class property set to UIViewController (or the appropriate subclass) and its view outlet pointed at the UIView. Why is this?...

iPhone - Change target or selector for Back Button on UINavigationController

The default behaviour when pushing a UIViewController on a UINavigationController is for the OS to display a back button that pops the UIViewController off again. I have the desire to set a different behavior for this back button (to go back two screens) - is there anyway I can do this without having to create my own back button with cu...

Combining UITabBarController with UINavigationContoller

Hi, I am sure this is very simple, yet I am stuck... I have created an application and added UITabViewController (dragged in from the library in Interface Builder. My application has 3 different views, clicking on appropriate tab brings the different view. So far so good. I want to convert one of the views to be a UINavigationControlle...

Pressing UINavigationController back button while typing.

I recently discovered that if a UITextField is being edited in a controller that's attached to a UINavigationController and the back button is pressed, upon returning to this controller, the DidBeginEditing function is called again and the UITextField keyboard is brought back up. I was wondering if there's a way to stop the keyboard from...

Views, subviews, root views, tabbarcontrollers, navbarcontrollers, woah! A diagram appraoch?

Sometimes just when I think got it, i get knocked back 2 steps. Like now add this block of code with a tabbarcontroller to this page, but with an edit button, and scrap that nav bar for a tabbar, but 1/2 is built in IB, the rest is built in code. yipes, sometimes it can get a bit nuts to make sense of it all. Has anyone found a nice ref...

self.title sets navigationController and tabBarItem's title? Why?!

I do this in a UIViewController for one of my tabs: self.title = @"Welcome"; However, it's overwriting whatever I have for the tabBarItem. I have tried: self.tabBarItem.title = @"Home"; and [self.tabBarItem initWithTitle:@"Home" image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"iconHome.png"] tag:0]; But still, self.title overwrites the tabBarItem, r...

iPhone navigation bar push/pop display issues

I am using UINavigationController and getting intermittent display issues when going back, popping and pushing view controllers. Sometimes the nav bar will show the current and previous view's nav bar overlapped buttons and text, sometimes the view will change but the nav bar doesn't, sometimes the nav bar changes, but the view doesn't....

UINavigationController not popping UINavigationBar items

I'm having a problem where my UINavigationBar isn't popping it's items when the UINavigationController pops a view controller. I have had a look at the stacks observed the following: The expected number of navigation controllers allocated (checked in instruments) There are the correct number of controllers on the stack. (debug logging...

save and restore state of a tab bar controller

I have an application that has a UITabBarController with two tabs, each having its own navigation controller. Now I want to store the state of the application when the user closes it, so that when the user relauches the application will show the same place as the last time before it was closed. So, in applicationWillTerminate: I have [N...

Glitchy transition while pushing and popping using UINavigationController

I am using UINavController to push and pop between viewcontrollers. However when I push and pop the animation is not smooth. The navbar backbutton transition happens first and then the view and its title. This lapse in timing makes it look as if a block appears between two views. I am not doing anything fancy and I commented out code fro...

iPhone How to dismiss a UITabBarController and then show it again?

Hello, I will try to explain myself as best as possible, I know the title does not say much. Basically i have 4 Navigation Controllers embedded in Tab Bar Controller. What I want to do is have one of this Navigation Controllers push a new Navigation Controller embeded in aTab Bar Controller dismissing the original Tab Bar Controller. ...

iPhoneSDK : view is not loading data for the first time but loads it subsequently.

I am trying to load a UIView with multiple data. The problem is data is not displays in first load but loads it in subsequent clicks. Can you help me trace the problem. FirstViewController.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @class SecondViewController; @interface FirstViewController : UIViewController { IBOutlet SecondVie...

iPhone Navigation-Based application - some global toolbar questions

Hi, I started iPhone development two months ago, so I can't call myself "expert" ;-) But I learned a lot in these two months, a lot here from stackoverflow :) I'm working on an iPhone app which is based on the "Navigation-Based application" app template. My RootViewController is, of course, an UITableView. From that TableView, I can na...

How do I insert a welcome screen to my Navigation-Based Iphone App?

I am new to Iphone App develoment and I was wondering how to insert a welcome screen when my app first start up. The app is primarily navigation based. There are tables that users can drill down and see a characteristic of the item that they selected. I want there to be a welcome screen that gives two options. But I don't want this t...

UITabBarController With UINavigationController "more" Tab Issue

UITabBarController with UINavigationController "more" tab issue There is a problem with using UINavigationController in UITabBarController. I have a TabBar  with 6 items. Of course, a standart item "more" appears, and there are two UINavigationControllers that didn't fit in a TabBar. The core of the problem is: when I'm working with vis...

How should I do a navigation screen in WinForms?

Hi, I want to build a navigation screen, just like installation shields has (next/previous stuff), maybe a bit more sophisticated.. How is this usually done in WinForms? thanks :) ...

iPhone + UINavigationController + UITableView

Hello, I have a view. I want to put one UINavigationController and one UITableView in this view and display data from database into my TableView. I put a UINavigationController in my instance window. In the View part of this NavigationController I drag and drop a UITableView. I map the File Owner->Identity Inspector->Class with the V...

Speeding up iPhone animations

I have a data entry application that has the user enter about 6 pieces of information all on different views in a navigation controller. This works fine, but once the user gets used to the application the time it takes for the next screen to appear slows the user down. I tried the application without the animations, but it doesn't feel...

How do I reset a UINavigationController?

Hi, I have a problem involving the UINavigationController. I have a application that have three view controllers that I'm switching between using the navigation controllers push and pop functionality. The problem is this: I stand in the third view controller and makes a call to [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnima...