
iPhone dev: UITableView Cell's appreance modified when scrolling

Hello, I'm working on an iPhone application. This is a tab bar application, containing a navigation view controller within one particular tab. I have a table view in the navigation view controller. In this groupe table, I need to add some UISwitch to some particular items. for instance, I have the following sections: accounts twitte...

uitableview - custom images keep loading in cell.contentView

In cellForRowAtIndexPath I am adding a UIImageView to cell.contentView. The problem is that when the cell scrolls off the screen and back on, it adds the same image again on top of the one that is already there. This happens continuously until I get a very stacked-up blurry image. Do you have to keep removing any image views that you a...

Using a table view for entering data

With the regular table view touching a table cell will switch to another view. I have seen some applications that are using something that looks similar to a table view except touching a cell brings up the keyboard so that text can be entered into the cell. It looks kind of like a table view, but a little different. What are they using t...

How to display multiple lines in a tableView cell

I have a somewhat long string that gets truncated when displayed in a tablView cell. I did this to make the table view wider: tableView.rowHeight = 100; How can I make the font smaller as well as wrap the text in the table view cell? ...

How to insert UIWebView between UITableViewCells when I tap on accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath?

Hi Guys, I need to display the UIWebView under the UITableViewCell when user selects the required cell by tapping on the accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath. for example I have three rows, Home, Office and History, which are displayed in table view. If user selects Office then the details in webview should displayed under office's...

TableView Reload Data?

-iPad Application- I have a tableview with custom tableview cells with some dynamic data in it. Example Name Tasks 1 of 4 complete on the same screen I have a check box that completes the task. I am unable to get the tasks to change from 'Tasks 2 of 4 complete' unless I manually SCROLL the cell off the screen and then back on - I've t...

Custom UITableViewCell imageView not updating after setImage

I've got a custom UITableViewCell class whose model object performs an asynchronous download of an image which is to be displayed in the cell. I know I've got the outlets connected properly in IB for WidgetTVC, I know that image data is being properly returned from my server, and I've alloc/init'd the widget.logo UIImage too. Why is th...

Different dictionaries and tableviews

Hi all, I have a dictionary that hold address details, sometimes it can hold, 'name, email, telephone' other times, just 'name, mobile' name = "Someone"; email = "[email protected]"; telephone = "01000 000000"; or name = "Someone Else"; mobile = "07700 000000"; I want to display these in a detail table view, in my head this ma...

how to display just 10 rows in uitablView iphone application.

hi all. I have a large data to be displayed in Tableview cell can anybody tell me how to show just 10 of them after click display button. and then add more 10 when user click on load more button. Thanks in advance. ...

UITableView cellForRowAtIndexPath cell is not nil when expected

I have a grouped UITableView in my UIViewController class and I'm finding that at times, the dequeued cell is not nil as expected. The table has 3 sections to start with and and as soon as the 'viewDidLoad' is invoked, a server call is initiated to find out if there are more sections. Before the view is even rendered, the server's respo...

Custom UITableViewCell corners distorted on orientation change (UACellBackgroundView)

I'm trying out this nice way of customizing grouped UITableViewCell backgrounds: http://code.coneybeare.net/how-to-make-custom-drawn-gradient-backgrounds I've implemented it in a test app and it works great, except for one thing... when rotating the device, the cell background is stretched, making the corners look distorted. Is there ...

expand and close tableview cell

from my experience in this forum when i ask for something starting with the word "simple" it turns out to be REALLY difficult after all! at least for a noob like me. what i would like to do: tap on a cell and expanded below to show more information in that cell. tap on an already expanded cell to "restore" it back to its original "n...

Reloading UITableViewCell when changing orientation

Hi all, In my iphone app, im using a UITableView with each row containing 3 photos, and they are separated by a space = 50.0 pixels. When I change t landscape mode, I want this space to increase to 100.0 , but I cant achieve this. In the orientationChanged method, I specified that I want the space to be 50 in portrait and 100 in Landsc...

Why does this sometimes crash

Inside the function - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { I create an NSString, then give cell.textLabel.text the value of this string. Then I release it. The program will crash on getting one of the fields at the end. If I don't release the NSString, then the progr...

Text disappearing in UITextFields in UITableViewCells when scrolling offscreen

Hi guys, this is quite a nobrainer problem but as im quite new to these things I don't seem to manage it . I have a grouped table view with several sections, with different number of text field cells at each section. Have an SQLite database that saves the field values when the user taps a button. Now the problem because of how reusable c...

What are the exact circumstances in which I can reuse a UITableViewCell?

What are the exact circumstances in which I can reuse a cell (using dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier in the UITableView class)? ...

Problem with UIButton on subview of a cell

Okay, a short breif of my app before i explain the problem. My app has two views for it's custom TableViewCell, one frontview, and one backview(which is revealed once you swipe your finger across the cell, much like the twitter-app). Anywho, i wanted to have some buttons on the backview. I did this in the cellForRowAtIndexPath-method T...

iOS - how to handle orientation changes in custom table cells

I have subclassed UITableViewCell to make a custom cell for a tableView. I add text and images to the cell's contentView. Everything looks great in landscape mode (iPad), but no so much when I rotate to portrait. Where is the best place to handle orientation changes so that all the table cells can reposition the contents in its contentV...

UITableViewCell: how to turn of auto scroll to cell

I have a custom tableview cell with 5 uitextfields in it. No matter what textfield I touch my tableview automatically scrolls to the bottom of the cell. How do i turn this off ? i want to do it manually. ...

[IPhone dev] Get hidden value from Cell in TableView

Hello, i want to populate a TableView with data from a database and, when tap a cell, in didSelectRowAtIndexPath, sending selected ID to a new View. I would like to view, in cell text, the description of the record and to put ID in a hidden field/property of the cell, but i could not find a way to do it. I know i can get ID from the dat...