
UPDATE row in grid in extjs 3

hi everyone I have a form and below that a grid. When a add some data in form and click "Insert", it inserts data in grid. When i double click on grid all the data from grid fills up in form. I then change the data. (similar to Ext.data.DataWriter Example) The problem is I am not able to "UPDATE" row in grid. I am not using datawriter ...

How to update the all the table values using a singe query

hai friends i am having the table like this TBLKEY EMPKEY EMPNAME ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 1 101 RAJA 2 105 RAJA 3 106 RAJA 4 110 ...

Updating contact email address android

Hello, I'm trying to update email address of a contact from phonebook. But I'm not able to update and getting an empty values error on : updateValues.put(People.ContactMethods.KIND,android.provider.Contacts.KIND_EMAIL); updateValues.put(People.ContactMethods.DATA, newEmail); updateValues.put(People.ContactMethods.TYPE,ContactMethod...

Ajax update panels and styles

I have a button styled with js and css and its inside an update panel everytime i click the button (do postback) it loses style ? pretty sure its an easy issue here , any idea ? <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManag...

Changing Design For All Module Pages In Magento

I'm doing a custom module in Magento and everything is going swimmingly... except I want to change the base layout template that all pages in the module use. I've done some googling with little success. Anyone have any answers? I want to do something along the lines of: ... <optionbox> <reference name="root"> <action method="se...

how to update mootools version in joomla 1.5

Hello, I don't know why joomla is not updating mootools with their updated version, joomla 1.5 still use mootools v 1.1, i tried to replace it with latest mootools version, but results are horrible, website stops working, everthing gone worst. so please suggest me how to update mootools version into joomla without any problem. ...

Facebook Graph update rsvp status

Hi, I'm trying to get the update rsvp status working, but nothing happens. The permissions are ok btw $access_token = $facebook_session['access_token']; $fields_arr = array('access_token' => $access_token); $fields = json_encode($fields_arr); $request = "https://graph.facebook.com/[EVENT ID...

How can I update a single field from an entity with Entity Framework?

I need to load an object from the database, modify some of its fields and relations, and then I want to store a new value for only one field, without modifying the rest. It would look something like this: var thing = db.Things.First(); thing.Field1 = "asdas"; thing.Field2 = 23; thing.OtherThings.Add(new OtherThing()); thing.FieldToUpd...

Sqlite, SQL: Using UPDATE or INSERT accordingly

Basically, I want to insert if a given entry (by its primary key id) doesn't exist, and otherwise update if it does. What might be the best way to do this? ...

How to stay tuned with the latest technology of web, desktop and mobile development?

There are so much new things going on in the era of Internet and I wonder how you guys are staying updated in this area. Do you have good links, yearly conferences, blogs, twitter profiles, irc channels, mailing lists etc to share? I want to stay tuned too! ...

How to update a usage of jQuery jqGrid version 3.5 to the current version 3.7.2 ?

Let's say we have the jqGrid in our ASP.Net MVC 2 application, e.g. Craig Stuntz's demo source code on his blog, and we want to update the grid's codes to version 3.7.2 (currently when this question is being asked). How can I do it? Which steps should be followed? I found here from the internet (trirand.com) but there's nothing related ...

Update or Insert (multiple rows and cols) from Subquery in PostgreSQL

hi folks, i'm trying to do something like this in postgres: UPDATE table1 SET (col1, col2) = (SELECT col2, col3 FROM othertable WHERE othertable.col1 = 123); INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2) VALUES (SELECT col1, col2 FROM othertable) but point 1 is not possible even with postgres 9.0 as mentioned in the docs (http://www.postgresql.or...

Trigger repaint of WPF Button control from external thread

Hi there. I am having some issues with WPF not fully repainting a button control when the button is changed from another thread, and I am not sure how to force it to do a full repaint. The situation is that on receipt of a message (via WCF - but the source isn't important, except that it is an external thread) I update the foreground ...

MySQL: Update all rows in a table matching results of another query

I've written a query returning rows associating Customers and Salespeoeple. Note that the query joins several database tables. And note that not all customers have a salesperson. c_id c_name s_id s_name 24 microsoft 1 mike 27 sun 1 mike 42 apple 2 bill 44 oracle 1 mi...

NHibernate ISession.Update

I have noticed, by using log4net, that when calling ISession.Update, it updates all the changed objects. For example: // Change 2 instances user1.IsDeleted = true; user2.UserName = "Xyz"; // Call session.Update to update the 2 users using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction()) { Session.Update(user1); // This upd...

Threading UI updates in Android

Hey guys, I've just started with android development and updating the UI is really bugging me :/ This is what I've got working so far - package projects.Move; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Paint...

Why are 2 rows affected in my `INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE`?

I'm doing an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE for a PRIMARY KEY in the following table: mysql> describe users_interests; +------------+---------------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+---------------------------------+------+...

SQL Server 2008 Update Query with Join and Where clause in joined table

Hi All, not sure why this is not working.. UPDATE ust SET ust.isUnsubscribedFromSystemEmails = 1 FROM UserSetting AS ust INNER JOIN [User] ON ust.userID = [User].userID AND [User].emailAddress IN (SELECT emailAddress FROM BadEmailAddresses) In plain English, I am trying to set the isUnsubscribed fiel...

mysql performance: nested insert/duplicate key vs multiple updates

Hello. Does anyone know what would be more efficient and use less resources: Method 1-- Using a single SELECT statement to get data from one table and then iterating through it to execute multiple UPDATEs on another table. E.G. (pseudo-code, execute() runs query): Query1_resultset = execute("SELECT item_id, sum(views) as view_count F...

ASP.NET GridView - How to Perform Custom Update Statements?

Hi Guys, I have an ASP.NET GridView which displays a list of neighborhoods. I wish a user (administrator) to be able to edit the neighborhood name. Now, the database is quite complex, and as such, i can't simply provide an UpdateCommand / SqlDataSource for the GridView. I bind the data manually (on first load, and on the PageIndexCha...