
Calculate 3d Vector perpendicular to plane described by a Point and True North Heading

I have a Point on the surface of the earth which I am converting to a Vector from Earth Center. I have a True North Heading in degrees describing the path the point will travel on the surface of the earth. I need to calculate a Vector which is perpendicular to the plane created by the path of this point along the earths surface. I hav...

WPF 3D - Fit ModelVisual3D into the camera's field of view?

I have a cuboid who's dimensions are imported from XML so i need to be sure that no matter what the size of the model, the camera can always see all of it. This is for preview purposes. I'll likely render a caption over the top showing the scale for clarity. I think i need some function which will tell me whether the ModelVisual3D fit...

WPF 3D - Detirmine whether a ModelVisual3D is being clipped inside it's Viewport3D

I have a cube rendering inside a Viewport3D and i need to know a way to find out whether ALL of the cube is visible to the user. Edit:Just to be clear,..I'm not talking about clipping because of the near/far plane distance here. I mean the cube is to tall or wide to fit in the cameras field of view. Any help would be massively appre...

AS3 3D terrain texture generation: Looking for intermediate/advanced ideas

Hello, all! I have been bashing away at Away3D for AS3, and have made a little terrain generator, using Perlin Noise to create a heightmap, and then for texturing, to splice together 5 images (very generic noise based water, beach, grass, rock & snow) depending on the height. Where to next? I doubt my ability to contribute directly to ...

Beginning 3d Programming: Book/Website Suggestions?

First an overview of myself: Graduated almost 5 years ago w/ degree in Computer Engineering, minor in Math Currently attending grad school for MS in Computer Science. Work experience since college has been primarily VB.Net, ASP, SQL, etc, "business apps" Preferred C/C++, ASM, and other "lower level" languages in college, but haven't ha...

3D modeling for programmers

Hi, I'm studying Computer Graphics as part of my curriculum at my university. The course focuses on scene modeling, rather than rendering or other aspects of computer graphics. We're learning the math behind it and OpenSceneGraph to actually run something. As part of the HW, and also out of sheer interest, I need to create a 3D model,...

Learning Interactive 3D in Flash

I'm interested in learning about 3D engines in Adobe Flash. I understand that 3D doesn't actually exist in Flash and must be accomplished with complex ActionScript, but the idea is so intriguing. Having 3D capability on a platform as widespread as Flash allows for nearly unlimited interactive possibilities for a web site, and would be ...

How do I implement AABB ray cast hit checking for opengl es on the iPhone

Basically, I draw a 3D cube, I can spin it around but I want to be able to touch it and know where on my cube's surface the user touched. I'm using for setting up, generating and spinning. Its based on the Molecules code and NeHe tutorial #5. Any help, links, tutorials and code would be greatly appreciated. I have lots of development...

easiest static model format to load with java?

What's the easiest static (non-animating) 3d model format to load with Java? I used .obj in C++, but that's a pain to do in java. Is there anything better? ...

COLLADA FX SID resolution

The rules for resolving SIDs in COLLADA, and COLLADA FX SIDs in particular, are not very clear. With regard to COLLADA FX SIDs in particular, how do I know at which element to start the search for a particular SID? Consider, for example, the "texture" atttibute of a <texture> element: <effect id="Scene_Material_fx"> <profile_COMM...

Polygon math

Given a list of points that form a simple 2d polygon oriented in 3d space and a normal for that polygon, what is a good way to determine which points are specific 'corner' points? For example, which point is at the lower left, or the lower right, or the top most point? The polygon may be oriented in any 3d orientation, so I'm pretty sur...

3d Camera Position given some points

Heyo, I'm currently working on a project where I need to place the camera such that the full motion of a character would be viewable without moving the camera. I have the position where the character starts, as well as the maximum distance that the character will travel in all three directions (X,Y, & Z). I also have the field of view (...

Is a closed polygonal mesh flipped?

I have a 3d modeling application. Right now I'm drawing the meshes double-sided, but I'd like to switch to single sided when the object is closed. If the polygonal mesh is closed (no boundary edges/completely periodic), it seems like I should always be able to determine if the object is currently flipped, and automatically correct. Be...

Easy to learn 3D IDE for Java

Hi, I need create a 3D model of and animate a robotic arm. The arm is going to receive inputs on how to move via serial I/O. What is the best Java IDE for me to create this 3D model with? It doesn't have to be fancy or anything, just a proof of concept. Unfortunately, I haven't had any experience with animation before, so I'd apprec...

Calculating the contours of a 3D heightmap?

I am looking for a function or example to produce a list of lines representing contours at a specific height within a heightmap. Eg, Lines[] = GetContours(Heights[512,512], HeightValue) Where Heights is a 512x512 array of floating point values, HeightValue is the height at which the contour should be drawn. Heights may contain multip...

What is the best way to have realtime 3D rendering in an engineering application?

We are developing a GIS based application which simulates the real word objects (i.e. Pipes, Roads, etc) in a virtual reality environment. Currently we use ArcScene from ESRI ArcGIS package for 3D rendering, and in future we intend to replace it with our own 3D environment. Question: What is the best way to have realtime 3D rendering i...

Quaternion math for rotation?

I'm drawing a flat disk using gluDisk() in my scene. gluDisk() draws the disk facing the positive Z axis but I want it to be facing some arbitrary normal I have. Clearly I need to use glRotate() to get the disk facing properly but what should be the rotation? I remember this can be calculated using Quaternions but I can't seem to remembe...

Java applets with hardware accelerated 3D graphics? OpenGL and/orDirectX

I can't find a clear answer to this question with all my googling. If I want a web applet, is there a library in Java that takes advantage of the hardware accelerated graphics drivers on the client's machine, as in OpenGL and directx? I'm picturing writing some driver detection code before the applet launches to detect 3D graphics capa...

Can Google O3D be used as a Rich Internet Application framework?

Although it's pegged as a 3D graphics framework for the browser, could Google O3D be used as an RIA framework similar to GWT, Flex or Rails? ...

3D rendering - What is this problem called?

Hello stackers. hopefully a sensible question this time... See in the picture how the top half has the textures looking ok, but then the bottom half (after it rotated a little more)the texture is breaking up, and you can see the inside of the shape? the polygons have dissappaered? What is this problem called? I need to know so I know...