
How to permanently change a variable in a Python game loop

I have this script in a game that I am making. This will be used in the Blender game engine. Blender runs scripts over and over from top to bottom continuously, so if I declare a variable at the beginning of the script, it keeps being initialized over and over. #The current location of the object loc_x = obj.getPosition()[0] loc_y = obj...

Generate "spherical" panorama in 3D software

Lets say I have a 3D model of room in some format. How can I programmatically render "spherical" panorama from some point of room (kind of like the "Google street view" uses)? I suppose it can be done in Blender? It's better if it will be done in Linux. ...

Blender: render project on a server without X-Server

I want to create a blender-project on my Ubuntu 10.04 Laptop. But I don't want to render it on the same machine because I also have to work with it. I want to render it on my Linux-server over ssh and without any GUI. So my question is: Is this possible and if yes, how? Can I do every single setting on my laptop and put the project on my...

Processing: how to load a 3d Blender model?

How can I load a 3-d Blender model into the Processing environment? ...

Can I use Blender to create 3D wall image viewer application under Linux?

Hi, Is that possible to use Blender to create Cooliris-like 3D wall image viewer application under Linux? I don't see many people use Blender (BGE) to create desktop application, so I am wondering if this is possible. People normally use Blender for modeling/movie and game engine. I can not find a good way to create 3D application in L...

3d animation from cinema4d to blender

Hello, I need to import a mesh animation from Cinema4D into Blender. I tried to do that using Collada.The Collada 1.3 importer doesn't seem to do anything, the Collada 1.4 importer seems to work, but the animation didn't get imported into Blender. After reading this post: Problem solved! In case anyone comes in here looking ...

Creating a tiled map with blender

I'm looking at creating map tiles based on a 3D model made in blender, The map is 16 x 16 in blender. I've got 4 different zoom levels and each tile is 100 x 100 pixels. The entire map at the most zoomed out level is 4 x 4 tiles constructing an image of 400 x 400. The most zoomed in level is 256 x 256 obviously constructing an image ...

Approach to create complex 3D drawings in OpenGL ES (on Android)?

Hello, I'm new to opengl-es and I wonder how people are able to draw these much detailed OpenGL ES graphics, e.g. on Android OS. It's already hard to draw a single squre, because it's composed of triangles due to the reason that OpenGL ES obviously cannot draw anything else than triangles. I thought about this approach: Drawing and ren...

how to connect p5 glove with blender game engine ?

i try to do project about control model in blender by using p5 glove ,but i don't know how to connect it with blender game engine ...

Assigning a material in Blender with a script

Question: How do you assign a material with a script to an object in blender? Info: I have this script to import a proprietary model type of mine that is basically a star map with object consisting of a single vertex. in order to make them look like stars and be visible they are all going to have a halo material assigned to them. I'm...

Restore the object's properties after applying in Blender 3D (apply location/rotation/scale).

Hi There, I've made a game map in blender and accidentally applied the objects transformations. I don't really understand how it works. My guess is that the properties getting zeroed because the origin of the object is being set to its center. I've tried the "clear origin" option, but it doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thank you, A...

Server-side rendering using blender and twisted (python)

Hi everyone, The project I am working on at the moment basically takes in an image and then renders a video using blender from the command line. At the moment I am using Twisted to deal with the requests but there is certainly something that I am doing wrong as it is not working how I would like it to. You can see the jist of the progra...

how can i update the value of a textbox in a live manner ?

I have a gui interface in blender and the following should be the scenario for the user : after pressing the button "Run" then the user could enter sentences in the input text box such that each sentence should be ended with a dot point '.' then if the user enter a sentence then the input box should be cleared and the entered sentence s...

how do I set a value for a ShapeKey in Blender Python ?

I've managed to insert Shape Keys from Python using: ob = Scene.GetCurrent(); if(ob.activeShape == 0): ob.insertShapeKey() ob.insertShapeKey() Now how do I change a key value ? ...

what is the framework using in Blender GUI ?

What is the framework using in Blender GUI? QT? Or Tk, GTK+, FOX toolkit, wxWidgets? Because Blender is cross-platform application. ...

How do I get the index of the largest list inside a list of lists using Python ?

I am storing animation key frames from Cinema4D(using the awesome py4D) into a lists of lists: props = [lx,ly,lz,sx,sy,sz,rx,ry,rz] I printed out the keyframes for each property/track in an arbitrary animation and they are of different lengths: track Position . X has 24 keys track Position . Y has 24 keys track Position . Z has 24 ke...

How to draw a spherical triangle on a sphere in 3D?

Suppose you know the three vertices for a spherical triangle. Then how do you draw the sides on a sphere in 3D? I need some python code to use in Blender 3d modelisation software. I already have the sphere done in 3D in Blender. Thanks & happy blendering. note 1: i have the 3 points / vertices (p1,p2,p3 ) on the sphere for a spher...

How Do I Switch Y and Z Axises from Blender? (So Y is Up)

Hi. I've been having a bit of a problem with making the Y axis my up axis when exporting mesh and scenes from Blender. Both Blender and my export target use right handed transformation matrices. Z is the up axis in Blender while Y is the up axis in my target. The problem exists in 2 places though. The scene's transformations can't just b...

How to create logic bricks programmatically in Blender?

I would like to let my initializing script to create additional sensors/controller/actuators necessary for an interactive Blender application (not necessarily a game). This is preferable for two reasons: I can use this script in multiple applications. Creating common logic over and over again is tedious. And there is no other way to im...

How can I set UVs to a Mesh in Blender Python ?

Using Blender 2.49's Python API I'm creating a mesh. I have a list of vertices and a list of face indices. e.g. mesh ='mesh') mesh.verts.extend(mVerts) mesh.faces.extend(mFaces) I've noticed MVert's uvco property and MFace's uv property, and added some random values, but I can't see any change when I render. Re...