
Regular class global variable being shared between object instances - help!

So I have just started learning objective c having a little Java experience and this site has been really helpful for answering loads of my questions, but I've hit an issue I can't quite fathom. Theres a fair amount to be read on the topic but I can't quite find where I've gone wrong. So I read this: Objective C does not support cl...

When running NUnit and specifying a category, can all uncategorized tests be included too?

We have several hundred test classes, with a few dozen of them marked with the following attributes: [TestFixture] [Explicit] [Category("IntegrationTests")] so they will only be run in our over-night automated build. The remaining TestFixtures don't have a Category specified (and are not marked Explicit either). Here is the...

is_subcategory(); function for wordpress

hi i know there are many nice functions in wordpress like is_page(), is_single(), is_category();... do u know how i can create a is_subcategory() function? thanks a million. ...

Jquery: Change location in a javascript menu.

Done myself,thanks anyway to all :-) ...

Choosing the main category for a post in Wordpress

hi folks, i have a post in WP, lets call it Cheesecake. And i have this post set to 3 categories: in "Coffee" in "Cake" and in "Desserts". And now i want the main category for Cheesecake to be "Cake" so the URL would be The problem is: i created the category "Coffee" first and so WP takes t...

Why is my UIView category causing warnings?

I added a category to UIView to hold some transition helper methods. The methods are all working; however, I get compiler warnings: warning: 'UIButton' may not respond to '-fadeOutWithDuration:' My "UIView+Trans.h" file looks like this: @interface UIImage (trans) - (void) fadeOutWithDuration:(CGFloat)duration; @end My "UIView+T...

different template for different categories in magento

i want to display subcategories under artist category in one layout and design and other categories in another layout and design in magento can anyone help me asap. ...

Access static variables in ObjC categories

I'm trying to implement a category of an existing class. There is a static variable in the existing class. If I try to access the static variable from a category, I'm getting an error that the static variable is undeclared. Is it possible to access static variables in ObjC Categories ? ...

Tags and Categories in Wordpress

Hi. I would like to discuss the right usage of tags and categories. I have a review site with over 1000 reviews of bars and clubs. I have set up post categories like this: Bar, Club, General Article. Since this is a very much geo-based review site, I have added Tags for each post, like for example this: Madrid, Spain. I store the exact ...

NUnit Category attribute equivalent in VSTS 2008 development edition

Hi, I am using VSTS 2008 development edition and I want to convert NUnit tests to MS tests. Currently some of the tests have "category" attribute of NUnit to control which tests to be run. I did some search and it looks like in VSTS 2008, we will need to create test list by Test Manager from VSTS Test edition. The question is how can ...

Make WordPress homepage a post category?

Hi, I am trying to set my WordPress homepage to a category but it only allows me to set it to either the latest posts or a static page. Is it possible to set your homepage as a post category? ...

Can I override a constructor using metaprogramming limited to a scope in groovy?

I'd like to override the constructor of a class for testing. I can do it like this: SomeClass.metaClass.constructor = { Map params -> def instance = BeanUtils.instantiateClass(SomeClass) instance.apply(params) instance } That works, but I need the new constructor to apply to only some instances. In particular, I'd ...

All packages that respond to a certain category on Android?

I want to build an Android widget that will update very frequently (5 seconds). This means, I want to only update it when the screen is on and when the home screen is the active Activity. How do I get a list of home apps (or apps that respond to <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME"/>) In the android API, can I use Int...

Wordpress post query not adding <!--more-->

I'm trying to have a post from a certain category display on my static homepage. I seem to everything working just how I'd like with one exception. I'd like the post to included the standard Continue reading (<!--more-->) link, but I can't seem to get it to work on my homepage instead all the post's content is displayed. Here's the co...

Taxonomy of categories

Hi, I am looking for a taxonomy of categories in a kind of tree structure for my project. For example: Organiation -> (Finance, Business, Government) Finance -> (Hedge fund, equities) Person -> (Sports, Music, Technology) Sports -> (Football, Soccer, Basketball) Music -> (Rock, pop) Is there a place, I can find this high level cate...

sub category by php and mysql table

I have a table name category with following cols cat_id | name | parent 1 | item 1 | 0 2 | item 2 | 1 3 | item 3 | 0 4 | item 4 | 1 5 | item 5 | 3 How i can display it in a menu like this Item 1 > Item 2 > Item 4 Item 3...

Cannot add category to AVAudioPlayer

I'm trying to add a category to AVAudioPlayer but I keep getting the error "Cannot find interface declaration for 'AVAudioPlayer'". AVAudioPlayer+Fade.h #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h> @interface AVAudioPlayer (Fade) - (void)fadeToVolume:(CGFloat)volume; @end AVAudioPlayer+Fade.m @implementation AVAudioPlayer (Fade) - (voi...

Wordpress: category page not for post's

Hi, Please at first let me explain my question. I use wordpress to create web sites for flash games, so I don't have certain page for post's. I add each game by <code> post-new.php?post_type=game </code> and u can see it's not the regular post for wordpress. I try to use this code from codex: <code> <?php if ( have_posts() )...

Building a collection of business categories in C# without a DB

This is a two part question really (at the end). Let's say I have a DB table of businesses. Each business has a category field, filled with a category "slug" (food-restaurant-brazilian for example). Instead of building a BusinessCategory DB table, I'm just going to build it in-code. Something like this: public class BizCategory { pub...

Run JUnit Test suite from command line

How do I run a Junit 4.8.1 Test suite from command line ? Also I want to use the categories introduces with JUnit 4.8 , is there a way where I can specify from command line the category which I want to run. ...