Hi all,
I am new to cocos2d, In that I want to create a button, by touching the same some events should be generated.
But I don't know how to make a button in the same. As well as want to save username also. But I am not able to create a text box even.
If any one know, kindly help to create both of the things.
Thank you in advance.
I want to add an animation in starting screen of my game. I did that animation in flash. how to load it in cocos2d
hai to all , I am learning cocos2d .In that we have multiple layers in single scene Know.
I want to manage both layers at a time .I,e. first scene with 480X320 image and second one also with same size .here second one only getting visible .Thts ok .But whenever touch occurs I want to add another sprite to both of the layers (different s...
I am trying to install cocos2D but when I put it into terminal, I get the error:
Error: This script must be run as root in order to copy templates to /Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode
What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance,
I installed cocos2D and the project template show up but all of th...
I am trying to make a sprite animate in cocos2D. I believe I have the animation set up, but how do I draw the animating sprite onto the screen? Here is what I have:
id anim = [[[CCAnimation alloc] initWithName:@"char_walking" delay:1/12.0] autorelease];
[anim addFrame:@"run2.png"];
[anim addFrame:@"run1.png"];
Hi all! I need to play a video into a cocos2d project.. and my question is: how can I put MPMoviePlayerController into my view like this:?
UIView *theView = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView];
thanks very much!!
Hi ,
I have created a layer for a demo game application using cocos2D Framework. I have integrating cocos2d with existing application. I need to detect Touch Events for that. But I am not able to Detect that.I have used ccTouchesBegan.
(BOOL)ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
[self ccTouchesEnded:touches wi...
Hi ,
I have integrated Cocos2D version 0.7.2 with my existing Project. Now I want to Use CCNode and CCDirector in my Project.
But it is showing Error on "CCNode Undeclared" and also "CCDirector Undeclared" Errors. Even it is giving Error on method CCJumpTo method which I need to use.
Am I missing anything to include or is there any c...
I tried to build my (cocos2d 0.99.0-based) project with iPhone SDK 4 GM which was just released today. The reason is because I want to incorporate iAds in my apps. However I got 20 error messages which looks like errors in library calling. Can anyone tell me whether we can actually use cocos2d 0.99.0? I'm aware that 99.3 was released but...
I want to know the difference between methods JumpTo and JumpBy of cocos2D?
Where can I use JumpTo and where JumpBy?
please Help.
Hi ,
I want to use an Demo application used in Cocos2D 0.9.3 to my demo game application?
is there any way to use those application directly or I have to make that application manually?
Please help.
Thanks in advance .
I'm making a particle system for my game, which basically is smoke coming out from rockets in my game. All particles are in a ccArray called smoke.
ccArray *smoke = ccArrayNew(0);
I have a class called Smoke, which is a subclass of CCSprite, with the addition of an ivar called __opacity.
When I add a new smoke to the ccArray I do lik...
I am making a demo application of Doodle Jump. Now I want my Sprite to jump while it is moving. my sprite is on a platform which is moving constantly (both platform and Sprite). now I want my sprite to jump from that platform.
How can I do that?
Please help.
Let's say we have a CCSprite object that has an actions tied to it:
-(void) moveJack
CCSpriteSheet *sheet = (CCSpriteSheet*)[self getChildByTag:kSheet];
CCSprite *jack = (CCSprite*)[sheet getChildByTag:kJack];
CCSequence *seq = [CCSequence actions: jump1, [jump1 reverse], jump2, nil];
[jack runAction:seq];
I have developed a game for iPhone using coco2d 0.99.3. I want it to work on iPad. I have the new images which are bigger in size and resolution than iPhone images.
Every thing is fine, but I got the fps problem. In iphone simulator I used to get 50 - 60 fps and even in iPhone device I used to get 50 above fps.
But, in ipad simulat...
hi all friends,
I am new to cocos2d animations and I want to learn it , as always I stops at the point of animation while making iPhone games in cocos2d.
Can any one suggest me the way to learn such animations, so that games animation creating will become easy to make.
I am using cocos2d on the iPhone and am wondering if it is possible to use a texture mask in order to create tile transitions / fringe layer. For example, a grass tile and a dirt tile, I would want a tile that had both grass and dirt in it... Has anyone done this, or is the only way to create one tile for every possible transition?
I am working on Cocos2D 0.9.3 version. I am making a demo game called DoodleJump. now when I am making an object to jump on Touch event , It will jump to the next level.
I have statically defined Jump height like this.
actionTo = [CCJumpTo actionWithDuration:1 position:ccp(SpriteImage.position.x,40+28) height:110 jumps:1];
Hello all,
So I can't seem to get my cocos2D app to run at native resolution on the iPad. All it does it run in the little box as if it's an iphone application. I have the latest version of cocos2D inside my app and used the templates to create the project.
Any ideas?
hi all,
As we all know face book is providing SDK to add face book in our applications.
In simple applications it's easy to add such sdk as all things are known, but how to add face book sdk in cocos2d applications.
I am new to this thing, so if any one can help me out , how to add face book adk with cocos2d??
I've done the same in si...