
How do I set the color of a single pixel in a Direct3D texture?

I'm attempting to draw a 2D image to the screen in Direct3D, which I'm assuming must be done by mapping a texture to a rectangular billboard polygon projected to fill the screen. (I'm not interested or cannot use Direct2D.) All the texture information I've found in the SDK describes loading a bitmap from a file and assigning a texture ...

Visual Studio Debugger Output - Same output but different formats (like decimal output in one project, hexidecimal in another).

I'm learning some DirectX programming by re-implementing some DirectX code into different projects, I did find however that the debugger seems to output data differently between the two projects (the sample and my one). On my project if I do this: D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; pTarget->GetLevelDesc(0,&desc); int width = desc.Width; int height ...

Microsoft objects, the Release() functions return value?

I'm curious because I couldn't find out about this on MSDN. I've found the Release() function is present in various COM objects which I'm obviously supposed to use for deleting pointers. But I'm not sure what does it return exactly? I used to think it would return the number of references which still exist to the object remaining, theref...

XNA/DirectX: Should you always use indices?

I'm implementing billboards for vegetation where a billboard is of course a single quad consisting of two triangles. The vertex data is stored in a vertex buffer, but should I bother with indices? I understand that the savings on things like terrain can be huge in terms of vertices sent to the graphics card when you use indices, but usin...

Is Microsoft ressurecting Managed DirectX?

Today I saw that Microsoft announced 0.85 version of: "Windows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework" This pack is targeted for Windows7 OS, although most features is supposed to work under Vista. One of this pack's features is support for DirectX 11. Knowing that few years ago Microsoft stopped development of Managed DirectX,...

DirectX Overlay inside a Window

Hello all I need to be able to set an overlayed graphics area (via DirectX/DirectDraw methods) in any place on the screen, or at least to use it inside a windowed area. Anyone was able to do this? Tks in advance ...

Photoshop's "Screen" mode in DirectX

Edit: Problem solved! See end of post. How to implement "Screen" blending mode from Photoshop in DirectX 8? Info, i've found on this topic ( Result = 1 – (1 – destination) * (1 – source) Result = 1 – (1 – source – destination + destination * source) Result = 1 – 1 + source + de...

C#: Creating a graphical screensaver

I am thinking about creating a screen saver. I have the whole thing, its graphics and the back-end kind of ready in my head. But I am not quite sure how to get the graphics out in code. What I would like is a slide show of images with a bit of movement (kind of like the slide show in media center) and some floating text and shapes on to...

DirectX 10 Mesh buffer not aligned problem? How to calculate wavefront obj index?

Hi all, I wrote a program to render a wavefront obj model in DirectX 10 I loaded the vertexes data as following desc D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC defaultLayout[] = { {"POSITION", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 0, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0}, {"NORMAL", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, D3D10_APPEND_ALIGNED...

Best practices for Alt-Tab support in a DirectX app?

When writing DirectX applications, obviously it's desirable to support the user suspending the application via Alt-Tab in a way that's fast and error-free. What is the best set of practices for ensuring this? Things that need to be addressed include: The best methods of detecting when your application has been alt-tabbed out of and w...

OpenGL and Direct3D

What is the difference between OpenGL and Direct3D? Are they truly different implementations to accomplish the same things (like Java and Mirosoft's CLR [.NET])? ...

Loading Mesh from X File with Direct X 9 in C++

Hi, I have been having problems on making a Load Mesh function in C++ for Direct X. I seem to get this error: "Unhandled exception at 0x00401e64 in _.exe: 0xC00000005: Access violation reading loaction 0x83e05597". I know it is crashing on this line: D3DXMATERIAL* tempMaterials = (D3DXMATERIAL*)bufMaterial->GetBufferPointer(); The ...

D3D10 (DirectX10) fullscreen performance issue

I have a bit of a problem setting up my DirectX10 (Win32/c++) application for fullscreen mode. The problem is that I want to have my app running in fullscreen right from the start. This can be done by taking the DXGISwapChain::SetFullScreenState function. This works, but i get a small notice in my Visualc++ 2008 debugger which states: ...

Compiling DX 9.0c app against March09SDK => Cannot run with older DX 9.0c DLLs => Problem :)

I'm unable to do a scenario from subject. I have DirectX 9 March 2009 SDK installed, which is 9, "sub"-version c, but "sub-sub"-version is 41, so libs (d3dx9.lib d3d9.lib) are linking exports to dxd3d_41.dll. What happens when I try to run my app on machine which has DX9.0c but not redistributable from march 2009 is now obvious :), it ...

DirectX AudioVideoPlayback Transparent color

I would like to set the transparent color for an avi Playback in DirectX. Does any one have any suggestions on how to do this. Update: I am using the below method to play an avi File: System.Windows.Forms.Panel VidPnl = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel(); Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Video _video = new Microsoft.DirectX.AudioV...

DirectX post-processing shader

I have a simple application in which I need to let the user select a shader (.fx HLSL or assembly file, possibly with multiple passes, but all and only pixel shader) and preview it. The application runs, the list of shaders comes up, and a button launches the "preview window." From this preview window (which has a DirectX viewport in it...

Is it possible to develop DirectX 9 apps using the latest DirectX SDK ?

I know that most people have DirectX9-capable cards but is it really necessary to install the DirectX9 SDK in order to develop DX9 apps or is it possible to do it using the latest DX SDK? ...

Painting directly on the Windows desktop

I'd like to play animations on the Windows desktop without relying on 3rd-party products such as StarDock DeskScapes or Windows DreamScene. What APIs should I look into? ...

d3dxcompileshaderfromfile versus d3dxcreatetexturefromfile

Hi all, I can use D3DXCreateTextureFromFile fine but was wondering what D3DXCompileTextureFromFile is and its purpouses, it seems to be basically the same thing? However I"m unsure how to use it properly... ...

DirectInput analogue joystick range

I use DirectInput to handle input devices, I enumerate devices and elements on each device. When using the analogue sticks on my game pad, they report values in the range 0-65535. Is this always the case for all types of absolute axis? If not: is there any way to find out the range of an DX8 input element's DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA::dwData (...