
Testing Dynamic Pages using Google Website Optimizer

Assume I have a site which shows information regarding restaurants. All the urls are named as /restaurants/some-dynamic-restaurant-name/ eg.../restaurants/somename**1**/, /restaurants/somename**2**/ etc... How can I A/B test or Multivariate test using GWO, all the restaurant pages in one single experiment? Update: I have created a quest...

Can I use Orbited as a HTTP server for dynamic content?

Comet Server Orbited can serve static files from paths specified in it's config file under [static] section. I wonder if it's possible to serve dynamic content via orbited? ...

How to dynamically add OR operator to WHERE clause in LINQ

I have a variable size array of strings, and I am trying to programatically loop through the array and match all the rows in a table where the column "Tags" contains at least one of the strings in the array. Here is some pseudo code: IQueryable<Songs> allSongMatches = musicDb.Songs; // all rows in the table I can easily query this ta...

Static libraries, dynamic libraries, DLLs, entry points, headers ... how to get out of this alive?

Hello, I recently had to program C++ under Windows for an University project, and I'm pretty confused about static and dynamic libraries system, what the compiler needs, what the linker needs, how to build a library ... is there any good document about this out there? I'm pretty confused about the *nix library system as well (so, dylibs,...

Oracle PL/SQL: Loop Over Trigger Columns Dynamically

Inside of a trigger I'm trying to loop over all columns on a table and compare the new values to the old values. Here is what I have so far: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "JOSH".TEST#UPD BEFORE UPDATE ON "JOSH"."TEST_TRIGGER_TABLE" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW declare oldval varchar(2000); newval varchar(200...

Arranging dynamically created controls on a web form

Hi. I am a newbie if it comes to web site development. I would like to create a web form that would contain controls defined in an XML file. This means that I am going to read the XML file within the Page_Load function and dynamically create and name all controls as defined in the file. This seams to be very easy. I have, however, anot...

Adding Java GUI component on Mouse Event

Hey Stack Overflow folks, I have been trying to get code working where i can double click on an item in a JList and it creates a new JList on a different place on the Frame from scratch of all the object names of items that belong to that category (this is useless info i guess). But the problem is when i double click on the items in the...

Java Question, how to get the value of a method from an unknown object

I have lots of object defined in the system, perhaps 1000 objects, and some of them have this method: public Date getDate(); Is there anyway I can do something like this: Object o = getFromSomeWhere.....; Method m = o.getMethod("getDate"); Date date = (Date) m.getValue(); ...

Dynamic LINQ to Entity Count()

Hi, I'm trying to write the following short line of code in a more generic way. What I want to achieve is a simple count of records, that have changed or were created since a certain date. public int GetChanges(DateTime LastActivityDate) { KHS.Innopas.Web.Library.DataModels.Documentation.DocumentationEntities ctx = ...

Web Application Project @Reference tag

I am converting a web site project to a web application project in VS 2008 and i've run across a query regarding dynamically loading user controls. <%@ Reference Control="~/UserControls/MyUserControl.ascx" %> and then in the page I simply called... Dim ucSupplierDetails As New ASP.usercontrols_myusercontrol_ascx Sadly when updatein...

asp.net mvc multi-parameter requests for dynamic images?

In webforms, we would do somthing like this to set up a hander to generate a dyanmic image: <img src="/barchart.aspx?width=1024&height=768&chartId=50" > Then of course we would write code on the .aspx page to render the image using the parameters and write it back into the response. I am honestly not sure how to set up/handle such a...

Microsoft Sql Management Studio, SQL Server Agent, Build a Insert Bulk with dynamic parameters.

Here is the syntax to start with (classified data omitted) BULK INSERT [dbName].[dbo].[data_200801] FROM '\\servername\wwwroot\path\Files\data_200904.csv' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ';', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ); This works fine as one of the step of the job. Where I hit a wall is that I need the file name...

creating dynamic controls using ajax on asp.net

I have button Add and Remove on my page. Add button adds one checkbox, two textboxes and one dropdownlist to a new line on my page. Remove button removes them. I have this running nicely by following Joe Stagner's example. Problem: The controls that are created dynamically all need to fire the same event when checked (for checkboxes), ...

Will C#4 allow "dynamic casting"? If not, should C# support it?

I don't mean dynamic casting in the sense of casting a lower interface or base class to a more derived class, I mean taking an interface definition that I've created, and then dynamically casting to that interface a different object NOT derived from that interface but supporting all the calls. For example, interface IMyInterface { b...

Insert BoundField into DetailsView

Basically I have a detailsview, dependent on what query it is I have certain BoundFields I'd like to show or hide. Using visual basic, I know that I can use .visible = false. That does the trick, however, it sacrifices my alternating row style in the process. Any ideas? Thanks By the way if you write it in C# I will probably understa...

PHP Listing Dynamic Member Variables

How would I list all the public variables in an instantiated Object given that we do not know the variable names in the first place? Scenario A class may have a function declared like: function addVar($name, $val) { $this->$name = $val; } I want a list of $names that were ever added to the object instance dynamically. ...

with dynamic, awkward reflection no more?

C# 4.0 introduces dynamic keyword, which will look up at run-time. Does this mean we'll need awkward reflection no more? If does, Can you show up an example of it? ...

convert mysql stored procedure to mssql

Hi, I need to used dynamic order query in mysql and i have successfully achieved that through string concatenation in mysql as follows: set @stmt_text := concat('select * from abc order by ',sorder); prepare stmt_handle from @stmt_text; execute stmt_handle; deallocate prepare stmt_handle; i need a similar way to convert this in mss...

Can search engines index JavaScript generated web pages?

Can search engines such as Google index JavaScript generated web pages? When you right click and select view source in a page that is generated by JavaScript (e.g using GWT) you do not see the dynamically generated HTML. I suppose that if a search engine also cannot see the generated HTML then there is not much to index, right? ...

Determine DDL value for dynamic column creation in oninit event

Greetings, hopefully there is a simple solution for this complex problem. Please correct any misconceptions I have along the way. A while ago I wrote a GrivView with dynamic column capability. The columns are added in the OnInit page event so that they are added BEFORE the viewstate is applied. They are reapplied on every posting in...