
Fullscreen management with WinAPI.

How to well use the WinAPI to manage the fullscreen mode on windows's window ? Here is my problem : I have an application which has to be fullscreen. I use ChangeDisplaySettings() function (winuser.h) with the CDS_FULLSCREEN value to put my window to fullscreen mode when receiving a WM_ACTIVATE with (wParam == WA_ACTIVE || wParam == WA...

What is the least distracting way to show some new information?

I'm working on an editor for novel authors. After seeing programs like DarkRoom, I wanted to add an full screen mode. In addition to that, I'd like to offer an option to show information about characters and other relevant data as you type (so you don't have to grab the mouse just because you can't remember a detail about one of your cha...

WS_CLIPCHILDREN does not work when in fullscreen.

Hello guys, I have a main window created with : if (!fullscreen) { wStyle = WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_BORDER | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; wExStyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST; } else { wStyle = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; wExStyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST; } I have also a child window created runtime w...

Looking for the better way to make a kind of PDF reader w/ iOS 3+

Hi, I'm trying to make an iPhone application which can read PDFs in full screen and follow links on PDFs, but I can't find the right way to do it. First, I tried to use an UIWebView to read the PDF file, but it doesn't work exactly as I wanted (I was'nt able to fix the link problem). The second solution was to use the Quartz API to re...

Making Youtube Stop Playing When Popover Is Dismissed, Or Using Javascript Youtube Controls

Hi all, So I've run into some problems implementing YouTube videos in popovers. I can get the YouTube video to play just fine, but when the user clicks off the popover (destroying it), the sound continues playing. My solution for this was to have the webview that was displaying the youtube video load a blank html string in the viewDid...

Win32 - Fullscreen popup menu temperamental activation

Using C++ in VS2008, I'm at the beginnings of a DirectX program which can so far display a token image and flip between fullscreen and windowed mode with no problems. It has a menu bar, which is invisible as expected in fullscreen mode. The ALT key could still activate this menu in fullscreen, but it was very clumsy since its items wer...

Fullscreen richtextbox in silverlight

I have a dataform with a richtextbox In it. The user can type some text and have some editing capability, but I'd like to give the user the option to expand the editor to fullscreen to have more richtextbox editing options. How can I implement a function that will allow me to fullscreen (or atleast create a bigger window) the richtextedi...

Unable to get the correct screen size using Services for Android.

Hi, So i am trying to get the screen size of the Moto Droid on my application. on my Create, i am using the Service windowManager to get the default display. Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); int width = display.getWidth(); int height = display.getHeight(); When i set it i get width of 320 and height ...

Draw into Fullscreen GL Context

Ok this is a little tricky. I'm detecting when an application goes into fullscreen mode (captures the display) and then i need to draw occasionally some stuff into the captured displays context for notification purposes (like Growl notifications, but has to work in fullscreen mode too). Is there any way to modify another apps GL/CG cont...

How to modify the fullscreen behavior of some apps in MacOSX

I recently got a Matrox Dualhead2Go for my Mac and now I have the problem that some applications that run in fullscreen stretch over two of my monitors. Matrox DH2G "simulates" one monitor with 3840x1200 resolution across my two 1920x1200 monitors. The main applications I want this for is VLC and when viewing flash video in fullscreen. ...

OpenCV camera stream stopping while in fullscreen mode

Hi! I want to have two aplications simultaneously run: one that analyzes image from webcam written using OpenCV (the image is acquired through callback function) and an application that goes into fullscreen mode (let's say a 3D game). The problem is that while the fullscreen mode is launched the webcam image stream is stopping - the fra...

How can I hide/disable the fullscreen button in the iPad’s standard HTML5 video controls?

I’m writing an HTML5 page with a embedded video tag for the iPad. How can I hide or disable the fullscreen button? I just need to show the video without the fullscreen option. ...

How to display a notification even when a full-screen application is currently running?

My program needs to display a notification once in a predetermined interval. Under Windows, Shell_NotifyIcon does the job well except that when the user is running a full-screen application, the notification isn't shown. Though that may be the right thing in most of the cases, in my case I need to ensure the notification can be seen even...

FullScreen in the Background

Im curious if their is a way to make a windows application ( in c# or any language really ) run in fullscreen in the background. But still allow other applications to run on top of it without losing the fullscreen view. Any leads would be appreciated. Edit: Unmarked the answer to see what else i could get. While the original was helpf...

IPhone - Full screen UIScrollView starts right but repositions itself below navigation bar

Hi all, I am currently trying to implement a photo picker just like the Photo App but with a custom image source. For the "photo scrolling" part I used the Apple PhotoScroller sample code and adapted it. One of the main difference is that it is now embedded in a navigation controller (wich is the photoPicker own nav controller, not the ...

Flash fullscreen on startup in controlled environment?

I know it's not possible to get flash fullscreen for a regular user without user's interaction. However, I'm working on a kiosk, which is a closed Firefox environment. Is there a trick out there which does let you go fullscreen from code only? Maybe modified flash plugin, or a firefox plugin, anything? ...

Is there a way to check to see if another program is running full screen.

Just like the question says. Can I see if someone else, program, is running full screen? Full screen means that the entire screen is obscured, possibly running in a different video mode than the desktop. ...

iPhone Full screen camera uiimagepickercontroller preview

In iOS3 to get a full screen preview a scale of 1.12412 was enough. CGFloat cameraTransformX = 1.12412; CGFloat cameraTransformY = 1.12412; picker.cameraViewTransform = CGAffineTransformScale(picker.cameraViewTransform, cameraTransformX, cameraTransformY); } Scaling x and y to avoid distortion. In iOS4 using this scaling leaves a b...

HTML - How do I make my SWF fullscreen?

I'm working on a project where I need to make a Flex application that fills the entire browser window (note that I mean that the toolbars should be visible and all that even if I say fullscreen). To develop the SWF I'm using FlashDevelop (for the first time) and I'm stuck. When I build the project it displays no error and a file website...

ipad UITableViewController full screen

I am converting my app to run on the ipad. I have a view which is a UITableViewController. How can I cause the table to fill the screen with excess space filled with a background color when the table isn't tall enough. ...