
How do you programatically find Vista's "Saved Games" folder?

I am using XNA and I want to save files to Vista's "Saved Games" folder. I can get similar special folders like My Documents with Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) but I cannot find an equivalent for the Saved Games folder. How do I get to this folder? ...

Mixing Sound in Java?

How do I play the same sound more than once at any given time with numerous other sounds going on at the same moment? Right now I've got a "Clip" playing but it won't overlap with itself. ( I hear one bullet fire, the sound finishes then it plays again ). I'm writing a game with a fast bullet firing system but i can't get the sound to w...

Developing 2D in 3D with orthographic projection and stretched model

I was wondering if there is any benefit to using an orthographic projection camera, to make a 2D game with 3D models (as opposed to making sprites and using 2D). Also, on a related note when I use orthographic projection, my 3d-model is stretched. Does anyone know why this is happening? I know that aspect ratio only influences the persp...

What is the best Design pattern to Handle a scene that can go through multiple phases

Here is my problem. I am trying to write a small simple game engine (I'm doing it in order to improve my design skills) . I'm having a Scene Object which hold everything the rendering API need in order to render it. Naturally , I would like my scene to be immune to future changes , meaning future changes to it will not have to break it...

Is the PS3's Cell architecure the wrong platform to be learning game programming?

I have an opportunity to attend Sony licensed training classes to learn about programming with the PS3's cell architecture. However I only have a rudimentary knowledge of C++ and was wondering if the PS3 is a bit of an overkill for a starter aspiring game dev like me. And also what is the best resources to get me to a decent level in...

How to tunnel multi-player game data over HTTP with IIS to minimize latency?

I would like to create a browser-based network game. To ensure it can be used by as many people as possible, I'd like to embed all the traffic in standard HTTP packages. Assuming I use IIS as my back end, how should I code this to minimize latency? Is it reasonable to start with an ASP application of some kind (ASP.NET MVC perhaps) ...

Checking for winner in TicTacToe?

What would be the best way to see (in a 2 player) game of Tic Tac Toe who won? Right now I'm using something similar to the following: if (btnOne.Text == "X" && btnTwo.Text == "X" && btnThree.Text == "X") { MessageBox.Show("X has won!", "X won!"); return; } else // I'm not going to write the rest but it's really just a bunch // ...

Where can I get freely available audio, graphics, and other resources for games?

I've done a google search of this topic, but so far haven't found anything satisfactory. From your experience, what's the best place to get game resources, like sprites, backgrounds, sound effects, music, etc.? To be more specific, I'm looking for more of sound effects and music, which I'm currently lacking more than graphics. However...

Are there any CRobots style games that support robots written in more than one language?

Many years ago, just as I was getting started with programming, I ran into some programming games in the style of CRobots (I don't think it actually was CRobots, but a clone of sorts) which were pretty cool to play around with. Recently I've gotten a feeling of "programming is work, not play", which I would rather get rid of, so I figur...

Keyboard Polling System

I'm looking for an efficient keyboard input system for a game in Java. At present I'm using some code I found here: Keyboard Input Polling System it seems a little inefficient however (please comment as to your thoughts on the code). The full code is available here: Pastebin Code I've only just started looking into a new solution a...

What Should Be in a 2D Game Engine?

Ok, so I ended up writing my own game engine based on top of XNA, and I am just wondering what else I need to make a complete engine. This is what's in the engine: Physics (Farseer Physics) Particle Engine (Mercury Project) 2D Cameras Input Handling Screen Management (Menus, Pause Screen, etc.) Sprite ( Animation, Sprite Sheets) And ...

Is it possible to connect two iPhones over a WAN for a real time gaming experience?

Is it possible to connect two iPhones over the web (wide area network) for a real time gaming experience? Would the connection be fast enough for a game (for example) like pong? What steps should I take? What type of objects int the iPhone SDK should I employ to make this happen? If you are voting to close please at least leave a commen...

Smooth grid movement

Hey guys! I'm working on a Java Bomberman clone, using a grid system, and I'm not really satisfied with the movement right now. When the player presses a movement key, the character starts to move (with 0.25 speed). The player loses the control, and the character keeps moving until it has moved a full tile. The player only regains contr...

Are most games on the IPhone done with OpenGL ES?

I was just wondering if most games on the iPhone are done in OpenGL ES as opposed to using Quartz and Core Animation. Are Quartz and Core Animation mostly used for just creating slick interfaces? Or if there is a point with games where OpenGL probably has to be used over using other tools? ...

Structure for hierarchal Component storage

I've been batting this problem around in my head for a few days now and haven't come to any satisfactory conclusions so I figured I would ask the SO crew for their opinion. For a game that I'm working on I'm using a Component Object Model as described here and here. It's actually going fairly well but my current storage solution is turni...

How do I handle multiple key press in java?

How do I handle multiple key press in java? I'm trying to write a game and need to handle multiple keys presses at once. When I'm holding a key (let's say to move forward) and then I hold another key (eg: to turn left), the new key is detected but the old pressed key isn't being detected anymore. ...

How should I program a simulation of a "car" moving along a track?

For Operating Systems class I'm going to write a scheduling simulator entitled "Jurrasic Park". The ultimate goal is for me to have a series of cars following a set path and passengers waiting in line at a set location for those cars to return to so they can be picked up and be taken on the tour. This will be a simple 2d, top-down view ...

How to detect aggressiveness of a player in a game?

I am writing a game for gameboy advance and I am implementing basic AI in the form of a binary search tree. There is 1 human player and 1 computer player. I need to figure out a way of telling how aggressive the human player is being in attacking the computer. The human will push a button to attack (and must be in a certain radius of the...

How to code an artificial neural network (Tic-tac-toe)?

Hello! I want to play Tic-tac-toe using an artificial neural network. My configuration for the network is as follows: For each of the 9 fields, I use 2 input neuron. So I have 18 input neurons, of course. For every field, I have 1 input neuron for a piece of Player 1 and 1 neuron for a piece of Player 2. In addition to that, I have 1 ou...

Why is manually moving a UIImageView slow?

I am trying to write a head-to-head iPhone Air Hockey (like) game. When the user touches the screen I move the "puck" by placing the UIImageView center where the touch center is. Also I move the puck (another UIImageView) using a timer. This method is slow and shaky. I know I can get performance out of OpenGL ES but I do not want it to...