
Best solution for simple game graphics in C#/.net

I'm making a turn-based top-down game in C#. The graphics requirements are pretty simple: it's entirely 2D, requires drawing some images taken from graphics files (perhaps rotating them first), line drawing to make a hex grid and the ability to place text at any position on the screen. I'm wondering what the best API is for doing these ...

How similar is an std::vector to a raw array in C++?

I'm writing a hangman game. I'm having a logic fail, both with myself and my game logic. Char guess (the letter the person guessed) isn't being added into the correct memory slot of the vector guessArray. Assume that word is an inputted word by the user. I assume this would work if guessArray were a raw array. Is there some reason this...

How to do betting in C# with roulette (with a betting table)?

What I have right now is a "Betting Table", a picture box I have placed on my form. What I'm trying to do is make it so that when you click on one of the squares, it prints another image, that of a poker chip, on the respective spot on the board, that part isn't difficult, just time consuming. What I want to know is how I can make this t...

Is it possible to write a commercial XBOX game using Visual Studio and MS XNA Game Studio SDK?

I know most commercial games development is done in assembly or C/C++ but has anyone tried using XNA with VS 2008 to create a real time intensive application that would be fit for release in the high street as oppose to just on XBOX Live. What are the limitations you encountered and what sort of frame rates were you getting and in what r...

Books for 3d game engine development

Hi. I'm looking for tips on books that goes through what is needed/recommended in a game engine for 3D. I don't need books about math, physics or OpenGL/XNA/DirectX, but only about the inner goings of a standard game engine. I also just want tips and tricks for the game engine, and not a full source game engine, since I really want to w...

Dynamically alter or destroy a Texture2D for drawing and collision detection

I am using XNA for a 2D project. I have a problem and I don't know which way to solve it. I have a texture (an image) that is drawn to the screen for example: |+++|+++| |---|---| |+++|+++| Now I want to be able to destroy part of that structure/image so that it looks like: |+++| |---|---| |+++|+++| so that collision now will work ...

Suggest a Game Idea for my 3D World

Been creating a 3D complete world in OpenGL. For now, it features navigation like Google Earth, making possible the zooming from outter space to meter like level. My question is: How do you suggest I make this a fun and interesting game? My initial tought was to have a kind of moon lander where the user simply navigated the lander arou...

Looking for other 'hardware video game kits'

I'm looking to fiddle with some good old fashioned soldering and assembly language or low level programming and thought one of these video game kits might be fun UzeBox XGame Station Hydra MeggyJr Are there any other kits? What are your opinions on these kits? Ease of assembly/use? Oh and I need to learn to solder too - its somet...

Best way to implement game playback?

I'm creating a grid based game in Java and I want to implement game recording and playback. I'm not sure how to do this, although I've considered 2 ideas: Several times every second, I'd record the entire game state. To play it back, I write a renderer to read the states and try to create a visual representation. With this, however, I'...

What are some good approaches to learning the Half-Life 2 SDK?

I have been a Half-Life lover for years. I have a BS in CS and have been informally programming since High-School. When I was still in college I tried to become a mod programmer for fun..using the first Half-Life engine...didn't work so good. So i figured after all my great college learrning :-) I would have more insight on how to tackle...

A hacking game for programmers?

Are there any games that I can play that allow me to use things I've learned while programming to hack (not for real, just in the game). I found Slavehack but don't really like it; does anyone know of any others? ...

Available Game network protocol definition languages and code generation

I've been looking for a good general purpose binary network protocol definition framework to provide a way to write real-time game servers and clients (think World Of Warcraft or Quake III) in multiple languages (e.g. Java backend server and iPhone front-end client written in Objective-C and Cocoa). I want to support Java Flash clients...

XNA mock the Game object or decoupling your Game

I was wandering if it's possible to mock a Game object in order to test my DrawableGameComponent component? I know that mocking frameworks need an interface in order to function, but I need to mock the actual Game object. edit: Here is a link to respective discussion on XNA Community forums. Any help? ...

What do I need to do for this line of code? (C#)

I'm trying to get an if statment that says if my Points Array at "i" (Initialized in a For Loop) is equal to the X and Y of a Circle (Which is set to smallcircle.X and smallcircle.Y). I know what I need to do in the if statment, but I can't get the if statment itself to work. What is the syntax for that? Currently Have: if (centerPoint...

Game Development in vb.Net

What are the big limitations with VB.Net that prevent people from wanting to use it as a language to develop games? ...

How do I use an image Hot Spot in C#?

I'm trying to use Hot Spots in C# to detect a mouse click on a betting table. ...

What is a good game involving coding?

I remember the days of Shadowrun that got me excited about hacking. There is CodeWar and LightBot which are both fun (though CoreWar is a little dated). What other games are there involving coding that are fun and challenging that can be used to get someone excited about coding or flex their chops or even learn the basics? ...

Algorithm for Client-Server Games

For stand alone games, the basic game loop is (source: wikipedia) while( user doesn't exit ) check for user input run AI move enemies resolve collisions draw graphics play sounds end while But what if I develop client-server-like games, like Quake, Ragnarock, Trackmania, etc, What the Loop/Algorithm for client and the ser...

Lightweight, cross-platform input library

I'm trying to write a game with support for Joypads as well as mouse/keyboard. I've tried finding information about that, but it's either outdated or not portable enough. Does anybody know of any good, lightweight libraries that can abstract Joypad reading? I want to use the 360 controller, but I would like support for more than that. ...

Where do you look for team members?

What sites do you use to find memembers for a team for game development? Looking for Artists and Sound people can be tough on sites like GameDev.Net because that's what everybody is looking for there. What are some recommendations for finding people that are not coders to help you on game projects? ...