
How does the Half-Life 2 multiplayer protocol work?

I was wondering how the Half-Life 2 multiplayer protocol works in mods like Counter-Strike: Source or Day Of Defeat: Source. I believe that they use some kind of obfuscation and proprietary compression algorithm. I would like to know how different kinds of messages are encoded in a packet. ...

A* heuristic: Shortest path passing once in multiple points

I'm trying to come up with a good and fast heuristic for a clear-map pacman game. My heuristic is trying to calculate the smallest distance possible that the pacman needs to travel to go to every points with food on the map. My current algorithm is basicly Prim's MST which gets me a O(n logn) running time, but doen't account for situati...

How to write a simple game using visual studio c++ 2005

I installed visual studio 2005 in my machine and i want to start polishing my c++ skills and i thought of doing a simple game eg. space invaders! What am wondering can i do the whole game using just vs2005 without any other external libraries? Any simple examples/links out there that have used plain vs2005 to create simple games? Gath...

Implementing NSRunLoop

Ok, I've read the articles about why it's a better idea to use an NSRunLoop instead of an NSTimer call to run a game loop and maintain a nice frame rate. But what I haven't seen in any of the discussions is where to create the NSRunLoop. Should that be put at the end of didFinishLoading? ...

Real time process communication in game development

If you make a game architecture that splits up system components (IE, rendering, physics, logic, input, scripting, etc) into different threads, how do you handle cases where real-time communication is necessary? For example, if a script wants to draw a box on the screen, it would ideally do this when the rendering component issues a "Fr...

Need Help about Game to Puzzle ?

Hi Friends, I have made cellular automata called Pixelgarde. many different kinds of cellular automata and fuzzy logic are used to create complex life like behaviors. the automatons used in the game simulate: plants, flowers, bugs, fire, sand.... I want to make it a puzzle game but I don't have allot of ideas. Your answers will be he...

Is Objective C A Suitable Language For 3D Games?

I see a lot of debate going back and forth on which language to use to develop real-time 3D games, and the general consensus is that C or C++ are the only languages that can offer suitable performance for high-end, system-intensive 3D games. I see a lot of people saying C#, Java or Python are too slow, particularly because of garbage col...

gaming with c++ or c# ?

What is the best language for programming a game project and why? Why is the game programing world dominated by c++? ...

Help with algorithm to dynamically update text display.

First, some backstory: I'm making what may amount to be a "roguelike" game so i can exersize some interesting ideas i've got floating around in my head. The gameplay isn't going to be a dungeon crawl, but in any case, the display is going to be done in a similar fasion, with simple ascii characters. Being that this is a self exercise,...

What directory should my installer install an app on Vista?

I've nearly completed developing a game for Windows and I'm curious where I should have the installer install it. I know it used to be in "Program Files" but has that changed under Vista? I know that World of Warcraft now installs under Users/Public/Games... what is the Microsoft-recommended location for games? ...

Moving from Enterprise to Game development advice

Im an enterprise developer mainly focused on Java and .NET at the moment, I have been for around 5 years now, and Ive got a good grasp on the way things work. I'm employed by a consulting firm, and the work I do is quite interesting, however, over the last year/year and a half, I have been thinking about getting into games programming. ...

PhysX for massive performance via GPU ?

I recently compared some of the physics engine out there for simulation and game development. Some are free, some are opensource, some are commercial (1 is even very commercial $$$$). Havok, Ode, Newton (aka oxNewton), Bullet, PhysX and "raw" build-in physics in some 3D engines. At some stage I came to conclusion or question: Why should...

Memory issue with iPhone game animations using image sequences.

Hi, I am currently developing an iPhone game that has numerous animations using image sequences (jpg and png with transparencies). Using Instruments to view Leaks and Object Allocations, the most I've seen the object allocations go up to is less than 500k. However, the program still crashes and quits unexpectedly when we switch from one...

What are prime commercial choices for iPhone game development kits/platforms?

I'm looking to get into (as everyone else) the iPhone game development business. I've been programming for a while but have only recently forayed into the Mac development world, although since I've been working with Java for a while learning Objective-C wasn't that big of a deal other than learning memory allocation. From this, you can...

Entering / Exiting a NavGraph - Pathfinding

I've got a manually created NavGraph in a 3D environment. I understand (and have implemented previously) an A* routine to find my way through the graph once you've 'got on the graph'. What I'm interested in, is the most optimal way to get onto and 'off' the Graph. Ex: So the routine go's something like this: Shoot a ray from the source...

Is OpenGL required for my iPhone game?

On an iPhone: If I am writing a game that has multiple levels, with multiple animations (image sequences), jpg and png (transparent), some full screen and some not, some looped and some played once only. What is the best way of doing it? Each level might have up to 10MB of images. Add on to this music, and video (cut scenes). All 2D gra...

What is the name and most common implementation of this property of 3d graphics engines?

I want to say “unrestricted frame of reference” or “spatially-related independent sub-environments”, but I don't think those are right. Imagine two long, cylindrical spaceships floating next to each other on a level plane with the same orientation. Each ship has its own set of rooms and corridors in which players move freely in a first-...

Cheating in online games: Is it possible to prevent one Win32 process from inspecting/manipulating another's memory?

I play the online game World of Warcraft, which is plagued by automated bots that inspect the game's allocated memory in order to read game/player/world state information, which is used to mechanically play the game. They also sometimes write directly to the game's memory itself but the more sophisticated ones don't, as far as I know. T...

Exemplary Haskell Game Code

I know several games have been coded in Haskell, but being a newbie I don't yet consider myself capable of judging quality of coding (idiomatic style, etc.) Can anyone recommend the source of a particular game written in Haskell as a learning exercise? (As a side note, the simpler the game, the better, really. I'd especially be thrille...

PHP: Script for generating Crossword game?

I need an script for generating crossword game. I have a list of 8 words for which I wnat to generate a crossword game, let's say for 15 column and 15 row. I am not getting the concept of this problem. How to generate this using PHP ?? Can anyone tell me how to do that ?? ...