
Hardware requirements for a Virtual Server

We have decided to go with a virtualization solution for a few of our development servers. I have an idea of what the hardware specs would be like if we bought separate physical servers, but I have no idea how to consolidate that information into the specification for a generalized virtual server. I know intuitively that the specs are n...

lib to read a DVD FS (data disc)

I am thinking i might want to port a lib to read a DVD filesystem. I am not talking about movies but datadisc. Theres existing code for me to do raw reads from the disc. I need code that request this data and allow me to browse files on the disc. What lib can i use for this? -edit- NOTE: I am using an OSless hardware. Ppl seem to miss t...

Random number generation on Spartan-3E

I need to generate pseudo-random numbers for my genetic algorithm on a Spartan-3E FPGA and i want to implement it in verilog: could you give me any pointers on this? ...

TPC or other DB benchmarks for SSD drives

I have been interested in SSD drives for quite sometime. I do a lot of work with databases, and I've been quite interested to find benchmarks such as TPC-H performed with and without SSD drives. On the outside it sounds like there would be one, but unfortunately I have not been able to find one. The closest I've found to an answer was t...

How to mark a device in a way that can be retrived by HAL but does not require mounting or changing the label.

I'm trying to find a way to mark a USB flash device in a way that I can programmaticly test for without mounting it or changing the label. Are there any properties I can modify about a device that will not cause it to behave/look differently to the user? Running Ubuntu Jaunty. ...

How do you come up with your app's minimum hardware specs?

We develop an enterprise application for which we need to document the minimum hardware requirements for the following target deployments: Thick-client Database/application server (where we run several server side processes that need access to the database and a file server, which is often the same machine) Web server Some of the ide...

ASUS eeePC 1000 for Programming ?

Hello, I am a CS Student and am looking for a computing device for programming. I already own a desktop, and the choice I have is between a 10" - 1GB RAM- 160 GB HDD - 1.6 GHz Atom Processor - ASUS eeePC 1000 HE which comes for 400$ or a Notebook - mostly from DELL maybe an Inspiron 1535 which will set me back with close to 800-900 $ I...

Looking for other 'hardware video game kits'

I'm looking to fiddle with some good old fashioned soldering and assembly language or low level programming and thought one of these video game kits might be fun UzeBox XGame Station Hydra MeggyJr Are there any other kits? What are your opinions on these kits? Ease of assembly/use? Oh and I need to learn to solder too - its somet...

How do I convert my software application into a software appliance?

Assuming I want to sell a hardware appliance with only my software on it, what do I need to do? Where can I find the hardware? How can I remote into the machine to fix things if I need to? Google used to do this with the search appliance (don't know if they still do). VMWare should have a website like cafepress where you upload a l...

Infrastructure required for a large Scale PHP Project

Hi My team is developing a large music portal in PHP. It is hoped that the portal will have 1 million+ users within a year of its launch. The portal will allow users to create playlists, stream and download music. Till now, we have developed applications that have been used by a maximum of about a 1000 simultaneous users. This portal ...

Easy Button to UDP Packet - Control board terminology

For those who deal with microcontroller programming... I want to take a momentary contact switch (let's say a Staples Easy Button, since that's the most fun momentary contact switch around), and when it is pressed, send a broadcast UDP packet across a network (to be received by a .NET application and do all sorts of fun things from ther...

Will more CPU cache help compliation/development in Visual Studio 2008?

I'm thinking of a new laptop to replace my current machine. I notice a lot of machines have the P8xx and T9xxx Intel Core 2 Duo. The T9xxx have a premium but they have I believe 6 megs of cache compared to the 3 megs in the P8xx. Will this help me for compilation times or any other stat? Should I invest the premium in more RAM than the c...

Power On Self Test

Hi, Any good place to learn about POST and how to design and code one? I am a C++ programmer and quite baffeled with the term. Thanks ...

Need a very fast one-to-one algorithm, possibly encryption

I need a very, very fast one-to-one algorithm. The algorithm doesn't need to be unbreakable. Reasonably strong is enough but it must be lightning fast. I will be implementing it in hardware. Area is a concern, too, so it shouldn't use too much logic. It should be a function f_N(x) whose input is an N-bit number and whose output is a...

How long to get used to coding with a Dvorak keyboard?

If you are a proficient coder who uses a Dvorak keyboard, how long did it take you to become as speedy at writing code with that keyboard, as you were when you used a "normal" (eg. Qwerty) keyboard? Any Dvorak layout. I realize there are several. EDIT: Please quantify your answer. I really want to know: How many weeks/months/etc.? If ...

Any multi-core advantage here ?

Let me frame it this way.. "Say I have an application server running on a single core Intel processor & serving 200 concurrent users. Will moving the hardware to a dual core system enable my application server to now serve say 350 concurrent users" ? The base question I'm hoping to address is - "Can addition of extra processor cores h...

Sources to learn more hardware centered programming

I'm looking to learn how to build/program simple hardware and later move on to simple robotics. Where should I begin? What are the best sites to buy the hardware? Any recommendations on the type of hardware/language I should use to start? ...

Windows device manager and hardware IDs

I'm curious how the windows device manager obtains the hardware IDs for a device, even though no device driver may be loaded for the device yet. Anybody have a clue on how Windows goes on about this? On a related note, I am interested in supporting language localization for the software we are writing; is it possible for a device and/o...

How to determine the hardware (CPU and RAM) on a machine?

I'm working on a cross platform profiling suite, and would like to add information about the machine's CPU (architecture/clock speed/cores) and RAM(total) to the report of each run. Currently I need to target Windows and Unix, so I need methods to obtain this information from both platforms, any clues? Edit: Thanks for the great answers...

Programmatically get processor details from Mac OS X

My application running on Mac OS X that needs to retrieve details about the machine it is running on to report for system information. One of the items I need is details about the processor(s) installed in the computer. My code currently works, but is far from an ideal solution, in fact I consider it a bad solution, but I have had no l...