
Drupal gallery with thumbnail made of first picture

I have drupal6,cck,views,imagecache. category_type gallery contain a CCK node reference to a category_type images and In this Images there is a cck file (image) field. I know how to create a view which will display a list of galleries. BUT question is .. HOW can I display a list of galleries with a THUMBNAIL that is made of first imag...

Saving image: A generic error occurred in GDI+. (

I need to save an image after opening it in from an OFD. This is my code atm: Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog ofd.Multiselect = True ofd.ShowDialog() For Each File In ofd.FileNames Image.FromFile(File).Save("C:\Users\Jonathan\Desktop\e\tmp.png", Imaging.ImageFormat.png) Next And on the line Image.FromFile(File).Save("C:\Users\Jonat...

help running SWF To Image on 64bit windows

I had been using SWFToImage for a specifc client, but have recently migrated to 64bit Windows Server 2008 As this dll was compiled for 32bit managed code, it will not run in my new 64bit environment. I've tried to follow the instructions the developer has presented here with no luck: How to run and use SWF To Image on x64 Windows Alas,...

Image file posted not viewable when written to file

Hi, I'm sending an image file from an iPhone application to a http Post application. The Post application is a java restful web service that accepts Post requests. I have the Post method receiveing a byte array and then writing it to a file like this: private void writeToFile(byte[] str) { String strFilePath = "/Users/j/Desktop/

CKEDITOR - prevent adding image dimensions as a css style

How to prevent CKEDITOR from adding image dimensions as a style? Instead of this: <img src="image.jpg" style="height:100px; width:100px;"> I want this <img src="image.jpg" height="100px" width="100px"> ...

Access denied in SQL 2008 on image write

I have create my code in order to write images in a remote sql server All the details of accessing and writing are fine until now, including the system account right now i'm in the command of: SqlFileStream = New SqlFileStream(filePathName, fileToken, FileAccess.Write) and when i'm trying to execute it the Server returns the error 'A...

image upload with sending content with form

hello! i got a form: <form name="form2" method="POST" action="post.php"> <p>ba$lik:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="text" name="baslik" size="90"></p> <p>spot kisa: <textarea name="spot_kisa"></textarea></p> <p>spot uzun: <textarea name="spot"></textarea> </p> <p>kategori: <select name='kategori'> <? while ($kat=mysql_fetch_array...

How to validate image file format in C#

Hello Everyone, Does anyone know the script to validate what the file format is for a given image. Currently i am populating an image object, looking at it's height, width, and resolution. I don't see any specific properties off of this object that explains the file format. I would like to check for jpg, AI, PSD, High Jes Jpg, Bitmap,...

Open source Magic Eye generator

Do you remember those Magic Eye images that contain a 3D object? I love them! Are there any open source programs for generating Magic Eye pictures, which ideally work on Linux. I found a Gimp plugin, but haven't managed to get it working yet. ...

Storing images in file system, amazon-s3 datastores

There has been numerous discussions related to storing images (or binary data) in the database or file system (Refer: We have decided to use the file system for storing images and relevant image specific metadata in the database itself in the short term and migrat...

Determine color quality of image byte stream in sql

Does anyone know of a way to determine if a image stream is in color or black and white, I have thousands of images to process from sql server stored in a varbinary. Can one read the images header (if type of image is known - bitmaps) from byte offsets directly? IF so how can i do this in sql. ...

How can I add text to an image with Perl?

Hi I have got an image file which has 3 colors as background. I have also got a text file . I need to write a Perl script which copies text file on to the specific background color of the image file. When I execute my Perl script , the script should ask the path for image file and then the path for text file. ...

Is rendering a lot of repeated images more or less performant than using brushes in WPF?

An application our company is working on currently displays many rectangle shapes with gradients to draw 'Tiles'. An internal discussion came about that posed a question of performance. These tiles are about 100 pixels by 200 pixels, and are either gradient shaded red, yellow, or green. At any given time, there could be up to 100 of thes...

Image format and unsigned char arrays

I'm developping imaging functions (yes I REALLY want to reinvent the wheel for various reasons). I'm copying bitmaps into unsigned char arrays but I'm having some problem with byte size versus image pixel format. for example a lot of images come as 24 bits per pixel for RGB representation so that's rather easy, every pixel has 3 unsign...

Internationalizating images in Flex

I have a button in Flex that has mx:skin set to an image, but i want to set it so that when i change the language the image change as well. The code is something like the following: <mx:Button id="btnMain"> <mx:skin>@Embed(source='main/resources/images/ABA_MAIN_IDLE.png')</mx:skin> The way i handle i18n is by using a class called ...

jQuery Flicker/Flash Animation

Does anyone know of a neat jQuery effect that will make an image randomly flicker or flash? Most of the posts on here are "how to stop flickering" etc, so it's pretty hard to find anything about actually making the image flicker ON PURPOSE. ...

Is there anything out there that can take screenshots of website content and crop out the layout?

Other ideas are also welcome. I am trying to take an excel file, using python to generate an xml for a javascript html webpage that will essentially display a gallery (or some sort of directory structure). The excel file would be pretty massive, but let us assume time isn't so crucial. So far I can convert the tab delimited version of ...

How do I do this simple task in an image.

I have many of these loading signs. <span id="loading" rel="1n" style="display:none;">Loading...</span> <span id="loading" rel="2a" style="display:none;">Loading...</span> <span id="loading" rel="3w" style="display:none;">Loading...</span> Notice the only difference is rel. How do I write a JQuery script so that I choose which one to...

Java: Create an image from binary data (both image data and color palette)

I am trying to create an image from a binary file. The file contains a 32x32 icon and its corresponding 16 colors palette. Specification The icon is 512 bytes long. The icon is separated in 4x4 tiles. Each tile is 4x8 bytes. Here's the 4x8 arrangement of bytes for a single tile: B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B ...

Is Library/Caches cleared automatically by the iPhoneOS?

I have an app that will need to cache some images. I have read some documentation about caching, and the logical thing to do is to cache my images within the Library/Caches directory within my app's sandbox. I understand that the reason for storing caches images here are: Library/Caches isn't backed up by iTunes Library/Caches is cle...