
Problem Implementing XmlTextWriter in new XmlRecordsetWriter for Streams

For background see my question here. So the problem now isn't that I can't send a DataSet to classic ASP but that it can't do anything with it. So I found some code to create a recordset xml structure from a DataSet. I have tweaked it a little from it's original source. The problem is that I can't seem to extract the base stream and ...

Interfaces with static fields in java for sharing 'constants'

I'm looking at some open source Java projects to get into Java and notice a lot of them have some sort of 'constants' interface. For instance, has an interface called, and most other core classes implement this interface. The interface is riddled with static members. Is there a reason for this approach, or...

How are Python's Built In Dictionaries Implemented

The topic title pretty much says it all. Does anyone know how the built in dictionary type for python is implemented? My understanding is that it is some sort of hash table, but I haven't been able to find any sort of definitive answer. ...

How does "Find Nearest Locations" work?

Nowadays most of the Restaurants and other businesses have a "Find Locations" functionality on their websites which lists nearest locations for a given address/Zip. How is this implemented? Matching the zipcode against the DB is a simple no-brainer way to do but may not always work, for example there may be a branch closer to the given l...

Have you ever implemented a programming language?

Have you ever implemented a programming language, either your own or an existing language and why did you decide to do it? ...

How are javascript arrays implemented?

Namely, how does the following code: var sup = new Array(5); sup[0] = 'z3ero'; sup[1] = 'o3ne'; sup[4] = 'f3our'; document.write(sup.length + "<br />"); output '5' for the length, when all you've done is set various elements? EDIT: Forget the comparison to using it like a hashmap. I think this was confusing the issue. My 'problem' ...

Can Read-Only Properties be Implemented in Pure JavaScript?

Looking at the mozilla documentation, looking at the regular expression example (headed "Creating an array using the result of a match"), we have statements like: input: A read-only property that reflects the original string against which the regular expression was matched. index: A read-only property that is the zero-based inde...

JavaScript implementation that allows access to [[Call]]

The ECMA standard defines a hidden, internal property [[Call]], which, if implemented, mean the object is callable / is a function. In Python, something similar takes place, except that you can override it yourself to create your own callable objects: >>> class B: ... def __call__(self, x,y): print x,y ... >>> inst = B() >>> inst(1...

.Net implementations

I've worked at two companies that implement ASP.Net two different ways. I tend to lean towards A, but my current job follows the B (more typical) approach. I'm wondering which is best, and also, are there formal names for these implementations? A) No project or solution was built. We simply pointed Visual Studio to a directory and sta...

Cocoa/Objective-C - Can i somehow see the implementation files?

I believe i can learn thing or two if i can see the implementation files (.m files). Is there any way the i can view NSString.m or NSNumber.m files? and others? If i try to find these files using spotlight, i get nothing. ...

Do line endings differ between Windows and Linux?

Hi all, I am trying to parse the linux /etc/passwd file in java. I'm currently reading each line through the scanner class in java and then using string.split() to delimit each line. The problem is that the line "list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/bin/sh" is treated by the scanner as 3 different lines: 1) "list:x:38:38:Maili...

regex implementation to replace group with its lowercase version

Is there any implementation of regex that allow to replace group in regex with lowercase version of it? ...

Compression library using Nvidia's CUDA

Does anyone know a project which implements standard compression methods (like Zip, GZip, BZip2, LZMA,...) using NVIDIA's CUDA library? I was wondering if algorithms which can make use of a lot of parallel tasks (like compression) wouldn't run much faster on a graphics card than with a dual or quadcore CPU. What do you think about the ...

Implementing ACID

I am starting research on a project that will need to provide ACID semantics on its database. Due to the nature of the data it is not suitable for storage in common off-the-shelf systems (relational or key-value). What are some good resources on how to implement systems which must provide ACID semantics? My typical Google search ret...

How would you implement this digital logic in Verilog or VHDL?

I posted an answer to another stackoverflow question which requires some digital logic to be implemented in Verilog or VHDL so that it can be programmed into an FPGA. How would you implement the following logic diagram in Verilog, VHDL, or any other hardware description language? The numbered boxes represent bits in a field. Each field...

Should I be testing a methods implementation using mocks.

I'm having a bit of trouble doing some unit-testing using moq. If I have a function like this: public string GetName(IMapinfoWrapper wrapper) { return wrapper.Evaluate("My com command"); ///"My comm command" is the same all the time. } Then I have a test that checks the return value of the GetName function: [Test] public void ...

What is the best way to handle configuration files with git?

Say my application has a configuration files in plain-text. They contain some sensitive information which is required to test the application in my dev environment. I use different OSes to access and work on my projects (win, mac, ... ). I do not wish some of the information in the configuration files to make it to my public git reposit...

How are Perl Catalyst actions implemented?

How is the following code implemented in Perl? sub add_item : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; my $item_id = $c->req->param("item"); push @{ $c->session->{items} }, $item_id; } I am interested in the add_item : Local part, cause I don't think those are Perl keywords. ...

Hibernate implementation. Are we paying the reflection penalty?

Long time ago, I was creating a mini ORM using reflection. While reading about reflection I got a similar answer like this: Java Reflection Performance Which makes completely sense and I quit my mini orm and sharpen my CTRL+C, CTRL+V keys ( the lib was intended to avoid having to rewrite again and again the same snippets for differen...

Howto: PHP/Javascript communication

As I'm developing my WebIDE, I keep coming up with questions that I cannot answer myself. This is because the project is supposed to help others create what they would "normally" create, but faster (i.e. as automated as possible). In this light, my question is how to you implement a PHP backend? Here is what I do. I like to create "f...