
How to securely include secret key/signature in iOS/Cocoa apps

I want to include a secret key into an iOS app so that the app can "prove" to a certain server that a request is coming from the app itself and not some other system. I know that simply hardcoding a secret key into the code itself is very vulnerable as anyone can jailbreak their phone and attach GDB to my app's process to get the key. ...

How to implement text selection shadow as in UIWebView in a custom view

Here is a image that shows how Good Reader does it just like in the Web View. My guess is that there is no easy approach for this except add tons of code to touchesBegan, touchesMoved and touchesEnd in the custom view and map location of the string to the offset in the view. (Plus the magnifying glass) Does anyone hav...

Displaying PDF documents on iPad - Color Problems

I've built a PDF reader for the iPad and I've noticed some color problems when doing a side-by-side comparison of the document in preview verus the simulator and device. The best way to describe it is to say that the colors have become more intense. Any discrepancies between similar colors used in close proximity have become more notic...

UITextView in a UITableViewCell smooth auto-resize shows and hides keyboard on iPad, but works on iPhone

I have implemented a custom UITableViewCell which includes a UITextView that auto-resizes as the user types, similar to the "Notes" field in the Contacts app. It is working properly on my iPhone, but when I am testing it in the iPad, I am getting some very strange behavior: When you get to the end of a line, the keyboard hides for a mill...

Save audio in caf format to wav format

I record audio in .caf format and later need to convert it to .wav in order to send the file as a email attachment. How can I convert the file to wav format in iOS 3.1.x? The format of the audio: [NSNumber numberWithInt:kAudioFormatLinearPCM], AVFormatIDKey, [NSNumber numberWithFloat:11025.0f], AVSampleRateKey, [NSNumber nu...

How to set iPhone video output image size

Hi, I'm trying to do some image processing on iPhone. I'm using to capture the camera frames. I saw that I can set AVCaptureVideoDataOutput image format using setVideoSettings, but is it possible to get the images in lower resolution? If not, is the an efficient way to downs...

Can you create a UIBarButtonItem with a Custom View in Interface Builder

I know how to use initWithCustomView to create and add a UIBarButtonItem with a custom view in code. But I prefer to do things like this in Interface Builder when I can. I can't seem to find any way to create a custom UIBarButtonItem and set the custom view. ...

How does DRM work for eBooks?

What would be the scheme you recommend to use for an iOS app? Thanks. ...

Cocoa touch/Xcode - generating NIB-less graphics context

My app delegate contains: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { // Override point for customization after app launch window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; if (!window) { [self release]; return; } window.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor]; ...

Accessing English dictionary on iOS

I want users to be able to look up word definitions from inside my iPad App. Is there a way to access the English dictionary in iOS, the way iBooks does, or do I need to go to an outside API? ...

Runloop works on simulator fails on device

I have an iPod Touch 2nd generation and I'm trying to retrieve a photo from the assets library by using the photo name. I ran restore on the device to make sure it is factory 4.1. My header file has: #import <AssetsLibrary/AssetsLibrary.h> { BOOL fetching; } @property BOOL fetching; typedef void (^ALAssetsLibraryAssetForURLResu...

iOS defaults db

I am off to making a tower defense game, and will have about 40-50 towers and about 20 enemies on screen. Those objects will have a few properties each, like hp, damage, speed etc. What is the limit of the defaults db? I don't feel like writing SQL queries for simply saving the state of my game.. ...

Landscape/Portrait conflict - iOS

hey, Just when i thought I had everything figured out .. i got this problem. the scenario. I got a simple tableView. and with a search bar in navigation item's titleView. The SearchBar is added to navItems titleView via a uibarbuttonitem in view controllers toolbar. NOW, normally After initiating the searchbar with [beginResponde...

Game Center API + In-App Purchases API = Two different user accounts for a single app?

Hello. If I have an app that supports Game Center and I'd like to provide Achievements for completing a puzzle pack that's sold as an in-app purchase, how do I sync the iTunes account that's being charged for the in-app purchase with the Game Center user account that's doing the buying? As I understand it, they're two separate user acc...

Localizable.strings woes

My Localizable.strings file has somehow been corrupted and I don't know how to restore it. If I open it as a Plain Text File it starts with weird characters that I can't copy here. If I leave the file be the app builds. If I make any changes either the values aren't interpreted properly or I get an error at compile time. Localizable.s...

Audio Toolbox playing an mp3 file (iOS)

Hello, I've tried to get an mp3 file played with Audio Toolbox and Audio Queues, but whatever I try, I don't get anything played (neither in the simulator nor on the device). When I run it in the simulator it tells me: "Prime failed (-66674); will stop (0/0 frames)", so I think there is a basic mistake somewhere, maybe in the AudioEn...

Turning an NSArray of custom objects into a alphabetically sectioned UITableView with an index?

(hmm.. long title) If I start out with an NSArray of custom objects (each object is a Person) like this: { surname:Allen forename: Woody, surname:Baxter forename: Stanley, surname:Clay forename: Cassius } ..etc.. You can see that the array is already in surname order. How do I use that array to create a a UITableView wit...

How to let the user select an image from a google images search on iOS

Is there any way that I can let the user select an image from a google images search and convert it into a UIImage? ...

Select List with multiple enabled doesn't fire onchange event on iPad

I have a form with a select list that allows users to choose multiple items. I am using $('#my_form select').change(validateInput); to fire an onChange event whenever an item is selected or de-selected in my select list. It works fine on my desktop machine but the validateInput function does not run on iPad. If I change my select list...

sendSubviewToBack hides UIImageView

I have an UIImageView and a few buttons defined in interface builder. I want to display an image with the buttons on top of it. I add an image to the UIImageView programatically but it covers up the buttons. I tried using sendSubviewToBack and the image disappeared completely. Here's my code UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc]...