
How to split the array keyword value separated by commas in PHP?

Hello! I have an array in $_POST: Array ( [tags] => Javascript,PHP,Java,C++,Python) How can i convert this Array into Array like this: Array ( [tag1] => Javascript [tag2] => PHP [tag3] => Java [tag4] => C++ [tag5] => Python) I guess i need to use regexp to remove the commas and do split in "foreach as".. But i'm so newbie in PHP....

Confusion about virtual/new/override

I am a bit confused about the virtual/new/override thing, here's some example: class A { public virtual void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("A::mVVirtual"); } } class B : A { public virtual void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("B::mVVirtual"); } } class C : B { public override void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("C::mVVi...

Significance of const keyword positioning in variable declarations

What is the significance of the positioning of the const keyword when declaring a variable in Objective-C, for example: extern const NSString * MY_CONSTANT; versus extern NSString * const MY_CONSTANT; Using the first version in assignments produces warnings about "qualifiers from pointer target type" being discarded so I'm assum...

how to highlight matched keywords in a listview?

Hi. I have a search button and I want the search results to be highlighted. For example, I want to search a topic and the results will be shown in a listview. I'm using ASP and and the result of query is based on the records in my database which is MYSQL. My question is how can I highlight matched keywords in a listview control? T...

Logging Search Keywords in Solr / Lucene

I'm new to Solr and am looking for a way to record searches (or keywords) to a log file or database so that I can then analyse for data visualisation. Can Solr do this already? Is this data accessible via. a Solr query? Thanks. Update 1 I'm starting to think I might need to write my own Solr analyzer? ...

C# 'dynamic' keyword... is it really a RESERVED keyword or just a identifier that means something special when used as type?

I have a C# 4.0 parser. It accepts 'dynamic' as a keyword as a type. My parser trips over statements found in working C# 3.0 programs of the form of: dynamic = <exp> ; So, it dynamic really a keyword? Or can it still be used as an arbitrary identifier name? (If so, why isn't 'int' treated the same way)? Is there a reference spec s...

Querying for tables & columns named as keywords

Assume SQL Server 2005+. Part A: What is the canonical way to query from the system/internal/meta/whatever tables/views (sorry, not a database ninja) for any user table or column names that use SQL Server keywords (like case)? I don't mind maintaining the list of keywords if that's not query-able, as it only changes with versions of S...

what does "&key" means in php?

I have a very weird problem. I am using php. In my php code, I wrote the email content and generate this link: .... <a href="' . $userid . '&key=' . $actkey . '">' . $userid . '&key=' . $actkey . '</a> .... Most of the times, it works fine. Then, I receive lots of comp...

Counting the Number of keywords in a dictionary in python

I have a list of words in a dictionary with the value = the repetition of the keyword but I only want a list of distinct words so i wanted to count the number of keywords. Is there a to count the number of keywords or is there another way I should look for distinct words? ...

What does the "incomplete type is not allowed" error mean?

I am trying to declare a callback routine in C++ as follows: void register_rename (int (*function) (const char *current, const char *new)); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* WHEN: The callback is called once each time a file is received and * accepted. (Renames the temporary file to it...

How C# compiler interpret objects that specified by var keyword?

How C# compiler interpret objects that specified by var keyword? When do we must use this keyword? ...

Automatically add svn keyword properties for new files (server-side)

I want to add svn properties (like svn:keyword=Id Date Rev Author;) to files on commits on new files. For this to work there may be two main options: client-side, altering the autoprops in the svn client configuration Server-sode, do some magic with commit-hooks The client side is not always desirable, as control over the client se...

What if I suppress "override"?

I remarked the compiler generates a warning if I suppress the override/new (Overloads/Shadows) keyword. Normally, I set the necessary keyword. But what if i forget it? // >>>> Case A - not virtual property - class MyPoint : Point { int X { get; set; } // vs new int X { get; set; } } // >>>> Case B - virtual property - class Foo ...

How to sort websites into categories based on keyword content

I'm writing a webrobot which categorizes sites based on there keyword/meta/links into a predefined list of categories. I've been looking at various ontology approaches and have looked at Wordnet (for the hypernym/hyponym), ResearchCyc , WebKb and was wondering if this was as hard a problem as I'm thinking or has it been solved somewhere...

What is the usage of global:: keyword in C#?

What is the usage of global:: keyword in C#? When must we use this keyword? ...

When must we use extern alias keyword in C#?

When must we use extern alias keyword in C#? ...

Does Git track Versions?

I am a Git newbee with UNIX SCCS and Microsoft Visual SourceSafe experience. In SCCS, each file has a version (I%), which is made of Release (%R), Level (L%), Branch (%B), and Sequence (S%). %I is equal to R%.%L.B%.%S, okay? These are referred to as ID Keywords. The purpose is you insert these ID Keywords in the source code before chec...

coding inspiration needed - keywords contained within string

Hi all I have a particular problem and need to know the best way to go about solving it. I have a php string that can contain a number of keywords (tags actually). For example:- "seo, adwords, google" or "web development, community building, web design" I want to create a pool of keywords that are related, so all seo, online marke...

Open a PDF with a word highlighted according to a link clicked on an HTML page

Is it possible to open a PDF on clicking a link in a web page, at a certain page with a certain word highlighted. E.g. my app scans keywords in pdf docs and prints a summary of their appearances. It would be nice if the user could click a link and have the PDF open at the correct page with all instances of that word being highlighted on ...

SEO: does google bot see text in hidden divs

I have login/signup popups on my site which are in hidden div by default. According to googlebot should NOT see it. But Google Webmaster tool says that keywords "email" and "password" are top keywords over the site. Why it is so? Why google bot sees them? Should...