
how to make the pin show bigger in Google map?

any property can set the pin in google map bigger? from what i know, MKPinAnnotationView class only provided few properties but not any related to set custom pin size. Pls help if have any idea. Thanks in advance ...

How to display user location in mapkit?

I'd like to display the blue pulsing dot for a user's location. I'm doing this: - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation{ //some other stuff here [self.mapView setShowsUserLocation:YES]; } But I eventually get -[MKUserLocation establ...

Is there a way to find the state the user is in with the iphone's MapKit?

I am using the MapKit for the iPhone and have it setup to get the user's location and display it on the view. But I need to know which state they're in so I know what data to load and display to the user. Is there any way to get that sort of info? ...

Are tile overlays possible with the iPhone's MapKit

I already have a tile source set up for use with the Google Maps JavaScript API. I am trying to translate this for use with the iPhone MapKit. I have correctly implemented the javascript zooming levels into mapkit. Whenever - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated is called, I snap the region to the ...

Issue with overlapping annotations (MKAnnotationView) on map

In my iphone application, I'm using MapKit with MKMapView and custom MKAnnotationView. The problem is when annotations overlap on map (in my app, annotations are photos and those photos may overlap) and when you tap on the annotation that appears on front, it's another annotation (on back) which receives the event (seems to be random). ...

Reverse Geocoding/MapKit on OSX?

Hi, the iPhone SDK provides with MapKit a simple solution for maps und reverse geocoding without any additional costs. Does anyone know if there is a similar Framework for Cocoa on OSX? I know that google maps is capable of that but as far as I know and understand I have to pay while using google maps in a commercial application? Thank...

How do I change the frame position for a custom MKAnnotationView?

I am trying to make a custom annotation view by subclassing MKAnnotationView and overriding the drawRect method. I want the view to be drawn offset from the annotation's position, somewhat like MKPinAnnotationView does it, so that the point of the pin is at the specified coordinates, rather than the middle of the pin. So I set the frame ...

Automatic "canShowCallOut" annotation IPHONE

Hi all, in wich way could i call the function that open automatically my annotation (with title, subtitle, calloutaccessorybutton, etc), rather than to touch on the annotation on the mapview? thanks in advance:) Mat ...

How do i get an MKAnnotationView's coords?

I have a method like this: - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView annotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view calloutAccessoryControlTapped:(UIControl *)control Using this, can i get the coordinates? ...

Getting different output from setRegion: on MKMapView

Here is my question: When I am trying to set the zoom level of my map, I is zooming to a different level than I requested. Here is the code I am using: MKCoordinateRegion cRegion = MKCoordinateRegionMake (myMapView.userLocation.coordinate, MKCoordinateSpanMake(.001, .0001)); MKCo...

Editing and iPhone SDK Framework ?

I am working with MapKit and want to be able to add a (NSString *)itemTag value to each of my annotations. I have created myAnnotiation.m and myAnnotation.h I tried adding itemTag to the myAnnotation.h/m but when I try to access currentAnnotation.itemTag within my main code, it says "itemID not found in protocols" - so I went to the Map...

MapKit/Location Manager crashes app when unloading view

I has a bug where my application crashed "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" when I hit the back key on my navigation bar and the view unloaded that had a MapKit (mapView) and used the Location Manager. Tried for days to fix the bug and finally came up with a fix for anyone that comes across this problem: Add this code to your dealloc (void)dealloc { ...

MKMapView userLocation not showing in ipod

i used self.mapView.showsUserLocation = YES; for showing blue dot (circle) on MKmapview. Its working fine in simulator. but when i tested in Ipod, its not showing. Anybody know what will be the reason ? thanks in advance ...

Custom MKPinAnnotation callout bubble similar to default callout bubble

i want to create a custom callout bubble on MKMapView. But i want to create the call out bubble in the same manner of default bubble. So how to create a View look like annotaion in this image I want a custom custom view which look like "Parked Location" annotaion in the following image. with custom width, height etc. P I am not able t...

Why MKCoordinateSpan changes?

When I debug code below, I see that span is changed by mapkit from what I have provided. span2 contains different numbers from what was provided. Why is this happening? - (void) viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; CLLocationCoordinate2D loc; loc.latitude =; loc.longitude = self.atm.lon; MKCoordinateSpan...

Custom annotationView images revert to pins when clicked

I'm displaying custom images on a map (instead of the default pins) using the code below. However, when I tap on an item (and the callout appears), the image reverts to the default red pin. How can I keep my custom image, even when the callout is displayed? - (MKAnnotationView *) mapView:(MKMapView *)map viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotat...

iPhone Development - CLLocationManager vs. MapKit

If i want to show userLocation on the map, and at the same time record the user's location, is it a good idea to add an observer to userLocation.location and record the locations, OR should i still use CLLocationManager for recording user location and use mapView.showUserLocation to show the user's current location (blue indicator)? I wa...

iPhone Development - Is Pin Annotation in a viewable Map Region

How can i check if a pin is in viewable region of the map (MKMapView)? ...

How to tell a rightCalloutAccessoryView has been touched for MapKit

I have a MKAnnotationView being allocated with a DetailDisclosure button being displayed on the right side of the annotation. How would I go about knowing when a user clicked on the annotation button? This is what my code looks like right now - UIButton *rightButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure]; pinView.right...

Best practice to display POI in iPhone's MapKit?

Assuming I have a database of POI with their respective coordinates (longitude & latitude). What would be the "standard" way to display the POI as annotations around the user's current location? To elaborate: Given a zoom level, I guess I have to search through the database for all POI whose distance to the current location < a certain...