
[OpenGL] Importing Models Into A OpenGL Project

I am taking an OpenGL course and we have the option to create models to use in our assignments with a 3D modeling application, like Maya or Blender. I am not looking forward to typing in coordinates manually so I was curious what resources I should be looking into for writing OpenGL code and importing models. (Textures are coming later)...

How to design an extensible type infrastructure with dependencies among each other

My application is an editor for connecting "modules" (through module ports). Ports have port types. Each port type has it's associated comparator. Two types are compatible if their attributes satisfy rules implemented in the comparator. I want users to extend the application by implementing new port types and rules how to connect them (...

Suggestion about category product relationship models

Hey there, I'm trying to get my mind going on a project to my college, but I can't seem to get it right. I'm can't fit my requirements in my models. Maybe someone that has worked on a store can help me out. Let's say we have our so overused e-commerce model. Category has many Products (I never understood where the SKU fits in here) Ex...

Coregions in UML

What are coregions in UML sequence diagrams? ...

How should I model an entitly with multiple states?

I have an entity, equivalent to a task, that can have multiple states. The "task" can either be in a pending, passed, or failed state. Each one of these states will also have some unique data. For instance, in a failed state the entity should have a reason for the failure, in the pending state it should have a deadline for evaluation, ec...

How to model social graph in Java

Very simple scenario N users, each user can have 0 .. N - 1 friends (who are also users) How can I model this in Java for AppEngine data store Scenario to consider user x and user y become friends (so both need update their own status, in a transaction ...

Data modeling of interdependent hierarchies

I'm trying to make a sales report based on the following: DColor IdColor ColorPalette ColorName 21 Vibrant Blue 22 Nature Brown 23 Vibrant Red 24 Nature Black 25 Vibrant Yellow ... ... ... DFurniture IdFurniture FurnitureType FurnitureName 43 ...

Visual Studio 2010 Release Canidate Model Project

I just moved from Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 to Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate RC. My beta 2 solution included a modeling project. Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate would not open the modeling project created in beta 2. I created a new modeling project in VS2010 RC and added the activity diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence ...

Need a tool for visualizing ant execution flows and properties

I'm trying to figure out how the DITA Open Toolkit performs DITA to XHTML conversions, and it's difficult since the process is managed by dozens of ant targets spread over multiple ant files. I need a tool that can provide a visualization of the execution flow plus property dependencies of an ant invocation. VizAnt and Grand only graph...

Advice software to create flow-charts of programm

Hi. Can you advice me software to create flow-charts for program logic. My problem is that I've created complicated algorithm with lots of if...else and I need to create flow-chart for all of that to avoid mistakes. The example of what I want to have is But I don't want it to create flow-chart from source code. I want to create it mysel...

Ideas/tools/frameworks/... for an information source independent, interactive query system?

This is a conceptional question. I'm not (yet) familiar with the involved technologies, please bear this in mind. I'm thinking of developing a system that lets users make interactive queries, primarily for fault diagnostics. Users should be provided with the ability to start a "query" by entering some small peace of information. Let'...

good book on Object-oriented analysis and modeling ?

There are some mentioned in here but not directly so Questions should be ok? ...

Should Model Objects Have Interfaces?

I am creating the domain model in my system. When designing my model objects, should I make interfaces for each entity object? People have told me that our web tier should not care about the implementation of an entity and we should be able to swap out implementations, but I'm not sure that would ever happen. For example, if we have a...

What tools do you use to plan and draw a database structure = tables, relationship

Modeling tool or just a visual tool for drawing. In fact I only need to draw and later I'll transform the picture into sql by hand to better control the process. ...

Domain model: should things like Logging, Audit, Persistence be in it

I'm having a hard time convincing our architect that a Domain model should only have the essential elements of the business domain on it. Things like the fact that a class is persistable, that it needs logging and auditing and that it has a RESTful URI should not drive the domain model. They can be added later on, by using interfaces. ...

multiple models in Rails with a shared interface

I'm not sure of the best structure for a particular situation in Rails. We have several types of workshops. The administration of the workshops is the same regardless of workshop type, so the data for the workshops is in a single model. We collect feedback from participants about the workshops, and the questionnaire is different for each...

2D colliding n-body simulation (fast Collision Detection for large number of balls)

Hello I want to write a program for simulating a motion of high number (N = 1000 - 10^5 and more) of bodies (circles) on 2D plane. All bodies have equal size and the only force between them is elastic collision. I want to get something like but in larger scale, with more balls and more dense filling of the plane (not a gas model as he...

Is UML a programming language?

Could UML be used to program a computer system on its own, without a supporting implementation language, e.g. diagrams straight to machine code (maybe via C or C++ etc), without human coding intervention. ...

Constraint Satisfaction Problem

I'm struggling my way through Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach in order to alleviate my natural stupidity. In trying to solve some of the exercises, I've come up against the "Who Owns the Zebra" problem, Exercise 5.13 in Chapter 5. This has been a topic here on SO but the responses mostly addressed the question "how would you s...

DDD Modeling questions : student, classroom, seats and a favorite seat for a student.

Hi, i'm not sure how to model this relationship... A classroom contains many seats, every student studies in a classroom and have a favorite seat within it. The way i see it, i have two aggregate roots: classroom and student, seats a are entities aggregatged by classroom... And for a student to have a fovorite seat, it must hold a ref...