
track mouse movements on 800 x 600 and show on 1024 x 768

i am tracking the mouse movements of a user using javascript and storing it along with the browser resolution. Then i can check the user mouse movement in my browser which is 1024 x 768 resolution. But if the user is using a browser in 800 x 600 then the mouse movements are recorded wrt 800 x 600. And when i see the mouse movements in 1...

Java swing: how to know the state of the mouse from outside the component receiving the event ?

Hello, I want to know the state of my mouse buttons (pressed or not), from outside the target component. I don't want to use a glasspane to intercept events. The MouseInfo class can give me the location of the mouse, but not its state. Is there a way of retrieving mouse state from anywhere in the application ? Thanks. ...

Make a mouse pointer do a hyper-jump?

I run a dual monitor setup. To get from monitor 1 to 2 (or vice-versa) requires lots of unnecessary mouse movement. My thought was to leverage a extra mouse button (I have two) and have the mouse hyper-jump (apologies to Star Trek) from the XY coordinates on monitor 1 to the same XY coordinates on monitor 2. How would I go about doing...

javascript: how to determine initial mouse position?

hi. how can i determine the initial mouse position? right now i use onmousemove, but that sometimes only fires when the mouse is actually moved. same with onmouseover. if i dont move the mouse, i observed the following: it seems like in IE a mousemove event is always fired right at the beginning, in firefox never, and in chrome strang...

Using mouse wheel with jQuery UI Slider

Hi, I tryied to find some plugin of Content Slider with MouseWheel and scrollbar but didn't find any. I wander if jQuery UI Slider can work with MouseWheel? Please help ...

How to disable mouse right click on a web page ?

I want to disable mouse right click on an HTML page. I have a page where user has to enter the details. I don't want the user to see the menu thats get displayed with the mouse right click. ...

Converting mouse position to world position OpenGL

Hey, I'm working on a map editor for my game, and I'm trying to convert the mouse position to a position in the game world, the view is set up using gluPerspective ...

Multiple mouse/mice/cursor?

How can I show another cursor for multiple mice? I have two TMemos, two keyboards which can type into their respective TMemo, 2 mice and I need 2 cursors those. If hypothetically, I can already detect which mouse is which. How can I make my own cursor to go along with it. (using Delphi) Possibly along the lines of Multipoint as an alte...

Handling Mouse events on controls with MVVM pattern - best practice -

Hello my mvvm followers :D I found actually 2 ways to handle mouse events on controls with the mvvm pattern. Both ways are actually 1 way: MVVM Light Toolkit by <i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged"> <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding SelectionC...

How to determine what caused GotFocus event of WPF TextBox - mouse click or TAB key?

How to determine what caused GotFocus event of WPF TextBox - mouse click or TAB key? I need to change border color if focus was set with TAB key and leave border's standart color if focus was set with mouse click. So I need to extract from event args what caused an event, or (better) write trigger to put it into TextBox style. ...

Move a window on keypress + mouse (like linux ALT + mouse down)

Simple, i want to move a windows pressing ALT+MOUSE, like linux os (ALT+drag). It's possible to pass a win32 api (move api) to the windows interested clicking on it? I have a windows services that hook key pressed (ALT button in specific). When ALT key is pressed and a mouse down event is verified, i want to move window clicking anywhe...

Subclassed QWidget and mouse events

Hi! I'm trying to code a widget that utilizes HGE functionality. So I have subclassed from QWidget and overloaded paintEvent(). It works OK but troubles appear when I try to handle input. Events are handled only when mouse enters zone 2(link text) But I need to handle input in zone 1(where HGE is rendering). What should I do? ...

Locking the mouse position.

Hi guys, I have to resort to you again. Is there a way to lock the mouse X and Y position?, I mean, I want to move my mouse but I want that the mouse position to be locked on.. let say, the center of the screen. Btw, I need to do this using Flash. If there is ANY workaround, i.e, using JS or something like that, would be appreciated. ...

How to check current mouse button state using Win32/User32 library?

I know how to stimulate clicks using User32 SendInput method and what I need is a similar User32 method but to obtain the current mouse button state. Something similar to: public static extern bool GetCursorPos(ref System.Drawing.Point lpPoint); Function GetCursorPos gives me the current cursor position. What I need is the left butto...

Win32 doesn't send mouse events to my window, only its parent. why?

I have a window that's a CHILD window of another window. For reasons beyond me, NC_HITTEST never gets called on it, no mouse events are called for it (but rather reach its parent window). Why is that? I want that child window to process his own mouse clicks. ...

How to draw on an unfilled box on a video stream using the mouse

Hi, I am using dshownet(first time) and C#. I have got a sample to take the web cam input and display it on a form. I now need to draw a rectangle on top of the video stream using the mouse. (the intent is to track what is inside the box from there onwards). I heard that there is something called VMR. So I went to the dshownet samples ...

How to detect Iframe paste event by right mouse click in IE, FF, Safari?

This might be a stupid question or easy questions for some people. I have code to detect paste by ctrl-V key but not paste by right mouse click. But I am looking for some clue on how to do it. Thanks for helping ...

Getting mouse co-ordinates on a mouse click in C#

I want to build myself an application that will run in the background (system tray) and log the co-ordinates of my mouse whenever I click the left or right buttons. I found this code online to get the mouse co-ordinates through an event that triggers: protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs mouseEv) { txtMouseX.Text = m...

Mouse tracking daemon

Hi gang, I need to write something using Cocoa to surface raw mouse movement data. Optimally, the app would just be a little daemon that would run, passing the data to a socket server which another application could tap into to gain access to the events. Can anyone point me in the right direction with regard to approach and tools? I ...

RTS like Mouse in an isometric view (LWJGL)

I really have an issue with mouseclicks in an isometric view. Simply i have a flat map, and, like i said, a camera in an isometric view. Now when i click in the window i want to get the Coordinates where i clicked on the map. Any Help? ...