
Sending mouse events to another windows, C# under Win 7

Is there a way to send mouse events to another window in Window 7 ? I used to do this : [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern void mouse_event(long dwFlags, long dx, long dy, long cButtons, long dwExtraInfo); But this does not seem to work anymore in ...

Image rotator using mouse drag event in Javascript

Hi, I've been searching for this script all day. does anyone know any such script that I can use to rotate an image using mouse drag event. using javascript. thanks in advance. ...

flex 4 swfloader: if loading a game played with mouse not on x=0,y=0 bad mouse coords

Hiya. I'm creating a container for flash games. When I load a game using SWFLoader component at x=0 y=0, the game runs properly, but when i load the game at x=500 and y=500 for example, the mouse coords that are returned to the game are false. instead of the mouse i see the game character properly in the right place, but the game itsel...

How do I create a custom mouse pointer for a website?

Hi there, I have seen some websites with a custom mouse pointers rather than the normal "operating system" cursors. I know this is very easily done in flash and such; but I am not talking about those websites. Is it really difficult to make a custom mouse pointer for a normal webpage? I cant remember the good websites, but there is one...

JFreeChart : obtain data source value on mouse click

I have a JFreeChart instance that displays process memory status, initialized as follows: m_data = new TimeSeriesCollection(); TimeSeries vmsize = new TimeSeries("VMSize"); TimeSeries resident = new TimeSeries("Resisdent"); TimeSeries shared = new TimeSeries("Shared memory"); TimeSeries code = new TimeSeries("Code"); TimeSeries data = n...

Capturing mouse/keyboard events outside of form (app running in background)

Hi guys, I have an app that runs in the background (minimized/task tray). I need to be able to detect mouse activity (clicks, move) as well as keyboard activity. What is the best way to do this given the constraint that my window is not "focused" ? ...

Silverlight event delegates

I am dynamically building an org chart in Silverlight 2 by adding lots of Grid containers to a canvas. Each grid container represents a node within the chart. I am capturing click events for the nodes as follows: grid.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(grid_MouseLeftButtonUp); By design, each click event changes the lo...

Mouse position - Cross browser compatibility - Javascript

Hi folks, working with the mouse within Javascript I have occasionally met the following event attributes: clientX, clientY layerX, layerY offsetX, offsetY pageX, pageY screenX, screenY x, y I'm wondering what their cross-browser compatibility looks like in general, as I have only found bits and pieces of info that I'm trying to pat...

teamplayer and pyhook interacting strangely

I'm using teamplayer, which lets you connect more mice to your computer to be used simultaneously. I'm also using pyHook to capture mouse events, with the following code: import pyHook import pythoncom def onclick(event): # called when mouse events are received print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName print 'Message:',event.Message...

Logarithmic Mouse Movement

Alright, this is probably gonna be a pretty simple question to answer. I haven't had a math class dealing with logarithms in a few years, so I apologize. So I have a USB Controller that I'm using to control the mouse on the screen with the left joystick. Now how this works right now is the controller returns a double between 0.00 and 1.0...

Mouse Scroll Weird Behaviour

Here one for the record. When working on my app and zooming in/out, the mouse scroll sometimes ONLY permits me to zoom out but not in.??!! I can move around by making bumping...yes...bumping either the top, bottom, right or left sides of the screen. Eventually, I clean the caches, force quits on XCode and Safari and then reboot. Some...

Mouse coordinates

How can i get mouse coordinates in C under Mac? ...

What is the Linux/X11 (and Mac OS X) equivalent to Win API SetCapture() function?

On Windows you can "capture" the mouse to continue receiving mouse events even when it goes outside the window's client area. Here the SetCapture() documentation: I would like to know what is the equivalent function in Linux (X11) and Mac OS X (Cocoa). ...

richfaces how to detect mouse position

Hi! How can I detect the mouse position on a "onclick" event in RichFaces? Thanks! ...

Flex Builder 3 IDE - Mouse Wheel Scrolling

Currently when I am working in the source code view of the Flex Builder 3 IDE my mouse scroll wheel does not scroll the window up and down. Is it possible to enable this functionality somehow? ...

applescript and magic mouse

I want to applescript the scrolling behaviour of my magic mouse so I can toggle it on and off with a key press. Trouble is, I'm a designer not a developer, so don't have a clue where to even start. I've experimented with Script Editor and Automator and got nowhere. Can someone help or best of all, just write the script for me? I can't be...

Simulate a physical mouse move in Mac OS X

Hello, I'm looking for a way to simulate a mouse move event in Mac OS X 10.6. It would have to be defined in mouse units (rather than pixels — that is important!) I need this for an experiment which basically consists of drawing lines. Any ideas are welcome. Thank you! ...

Can't see problem in JS

Hello, I want that when mouse is over an image, an event should be triggered ONCE, and it should be triggered again only after mouse is out of that image and back again, and also at least 2 seconds passed. If I leave my mouse over the image,it gets called like every milisecond,and by the logic of my function once you hover on the variab...

Deactivate middle mouse button

Hello, well I'm trying to deactivate the middle mouse button function in firefox (middle click on a link shouldn't open a new tab). I found the right function: function handleLinkClick(event, href, linkNode) { var doc =; switch (event.button) { case 0: // if left button clicked //@line 4966 "e:\b...

Detecting mouse move and release on a locked draggable object

I'm making a custom slider component. The head (the thing that you drag) is programmed like this: head.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function():void { head.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(stubDiv,0,width - stubDiv - ((levels-maxLevel)*stubDiv),0)); }); head.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_M...