
PowerShell: How To Use Standard Output In Place of Filename

I'm writing a C# class that runs a Process (REG) to export registry keys. REG requires that you specify a filename to export to but I would rather have the output of REG directed to the standard output so I can capture it directly in my C# code (using Process.StandardOutput). Is there a way in PowerShell to specify the standard output ...

Determining the input of a function given an output (Calculus involved)

My Calculus teacher gave us a program on to calculate the definite integrals of a given interval using the trapezoidal rule. I know that programmed functions take an input and produce an output as arithmetic functions would but I don't know how to do the inverse: find the input given the output. The problem states: "Use the trapezoidal...

what will be the output & why

_ #include<stdio.h> int main() { int a=5,b=10; printf("%d %d"); return 0; } ...

python : get the print output in an exec statement

i've got a little problem here is my code : code = """ i = [0,1,2] for j in i : print j """ result = exec(code) how could i get the things that print outputed ? bref here how can i get in something : 0 1 2 regards and thanks Bussiere ...

How do I get Debug/Trace.Writeline output from a WCF Service

I have a WCF Service hosted in IIS. I am getting the WCF Tracing , but I can't find where my trace.writeline entries are going. My trace listener only logs the WCF Tracing. Is there a specific Source I need to add to get this included. ...

PHP - Check if something was print in the browser

How can I check if something was print in the browser? I've tried headers_sent but it's for headers... If nothing was printed i want to download a file: public function download() { $file = null; $line = null; if(headers_sent($file, $line)) { /* generic exception... change that... */ throw new Exception('Hea...

php headers_sent function is not working

<h1>Header</h1> <?php echo 'teste'; // output here echo headers_sent(); // no output here! ?> Why headers_sent() doesn't output in this case? Thank you. ...

C++ Outputting to an Excel file.

Is there a way to output to an excel file but to assign what you're outputting to a specific cell in the excel file? For example have an array be cell x 1-50 or something like this. ...

Linq, inserting record into cross reference table, hotfix not working

I have a cross reference table RolePrivilege that has FK to Role and Privilege tables....basically Role can have many Privileges. Hotfix located at Microsoft hotfix has already been applied. Here is my code: Public Sub InsertRolePrivilege(ByVal inrole As Role, ByVal inprivilege As Privilege) Dim r As Role = (From ro In DataC...

Problem with Recursion

Hello, I am running into a little pickle. For class I have an assignment (below), I came up with a solution but I keep getting an error, that says; "'factorial' : recursive on all control paths, function will cause runtime stack overflow;" If someone could help me, I've been working on this for about an hour and I'm stumped! Assi...

SQL Output on Cascaded Delete

Is it possible to output values from a cascaded delete in SQL? Something like: DELETE [Families] OUTPUT [deleted].[FamilyID] [deleted].[FamilyName], [Members].[MemberName] FROM [Families] LEFT JOIN [Members] ON [Members].[FamilyID] = [Families].[FamilyID] If there were two families with three total members, it sho...

coldfusion remove unnecessary output

Hi All, I have an output page like this <!-- some css --> <!-- some js --> the body of content is here unfortunatelly the css & js is always included before content body. how can we remove the css and js so the output is just content body? I can't change the way how css & js rendered in the page because it's part of the framework ...

How can I stop this JSP if the browser has stopped?

I created a JSP which will create a potentially infinite amount of output. When I told the browser to stop, the browser stopped, but my console told me that the JSP's servlet kept going and going and going. I'm wondering whether and how I could modify this code so that it will stop if the browser stops receiving data: <%@ page languag...

How to change the installer's icon using Installshield 2011?

I'm using Installshield 2011 to create an installer and it create an output installer whose icon is something that I want to replace one of my own. How can I do it? Please help! ...

Need Help: Android SDK Simple Test Program

I'm trying to play around with the Android SDK and I'd like to try and run a random interactive java program on the Android. However, I'm still not sure about how to convert java's System.out.println and TextIO.getlnInt(); to Android equivalents. Here is the program I'd like to convert/run: http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/c2/s4.html The ...

Send touches on iOS device to another UIScreen (external display)

Is there a simple way to send touches on an iOS device (e.g. iPad) to another UIScreen which is rendered on an external display? For example, the iPad shows a blank screen and the app is shown on the external screen. If I touch down on the iPad approximately where the button (displayed on the other UIScreen) would be, it sends the coord...

Creating an Object [multiple of same instance]

I created an Matrix object (like the math Matrix, a 4x4 block of numbers for instance) and it works fine, can set row,col,variable just fine, but, I cant have more than one of the same object, I have it creating an ArrayList of a dozen Matrix objects, each with the three variables, but when I call changeVar(Matrix x,int variable) and ref...

Is there a definitive anti-XSS library for PHP?

I already know how XSS works, but finding out all the many different ways to inject malicious input is not an option. I saw a couple libraries out there, but most of them are very incomplete, ineficient, or GPL licensed (when will you guys learn that GPL is not good to share little libraries! Use MIT) ...

SQL Server 2005: T-SQL INSERT INTO and OUTPUT timestamp to a variable

Example: IF OBJECT_ID('T1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE T1; GO CREATE TABLE T1 (id int PRIMARY KEY, timestamp); GO INSERT INTO T1(id) VALUES (1); GO declare @v timestamp; INSERT INTO T1(id) OUTPUT inserted.timestamp as v VALUES (10); select @v How can I get the inserted.timestamp into variable @v? ...

C++ Outputting to .CSV Files

So basically i've never worked with CSV files before, but im making a program thats going to be calculating and outputting ALOT of data to files (8 separate files) Basically it's going to do a formula. then output it as something like: (| means seperate column) int | int | int | float | string | int | int | int | float | final_float in...