
iOS (Apple): Is there way any for the application to ask the OS to block the device in that application?

I would find useful, in some cases, and under the user's permission, to block the device so only the running application can be accessed unless the usrer's password (pattern or whatever is used to unlock the session) is introduced. I guess the mecanism should be something like: The application asks the os to do this, the OS asks the use...

How To Reload data from URL ???Only Can Load data in viewdidload ???

OK,First this program can load plist from URL by this code,and I put this in - (void)viewdidLoad{ NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0]; NSU...

How can I add a contact in android?

hi all, i am writing code to add contact in android. here is my code: ArrayList ops = new ArrayList(); int rawContactInsertIndex = ops.size(); ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI) .withValue(ContactsCo...

FQL using facebook android SDK

I'm trying to create an android application using the facebook android SDK ( I'm trying to figure out if I will be able to use FQL using this SDK. If anyone has any experiences in this regard, please let me know. FQL can apparently be used using

IPhone SDK - CATextLayer Crash in < 3.2

I have created an app which runs fine on devices using iOS 3.2 or above but on older versions of the OS it crashes with the error dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_CATextLayer Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/70D5888B-B531-484F-997D-776B432FFA52/ Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Quar...

turn left or right with CLLocationManager ?

Hi everyone .. iam trying to turn a view in x or y Axis via CLLocationManager ! is it possible ? my application run on iPad so there is no gyroscope , if use this code : - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateHeading:(CLHeading *)newHeading { CGFloat heading = -1.0f * M_PI * newHeading.magneticHeading / 180.0f; m...

setApplicationIconBadgeNumber when called multiple times does not update the badge

Hi! I am working on an application where in I have to update the badge shown in the app icon multiple times. However, what I have noted is that, the setApplicationIconBadgeNumber api just works once during the lifetime of the app. I have tries using the UILocalNotification, and it works then but, I dont want to follow that route. Have y...

Base SDK 4.0 missing but i just installed the 4.1, how can i test for 4.0?

I used ot have the 3.x then i forgot to update to 4.0 then yesterday i installed the 4.1 sdk, so now i have the 4.0 missing... how ca i test if the app works on iphone 4.0, o better , how can i be sure it works on iphone with older sdk? ...

Android SDK emulator (AVD) for tablet size

Hi guys i was wondering how to create an emulator environment for a tablet sized device, i know there are quite a few devices being released soon, but how do start sizing up my layout? thanks ...

iphone SDK:How to use the checkmark to delete the row is checked ???

hello everyone I only know the first step is to check a row next I think is use a NSMutableArray to record which row is been checked and this is my code : - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if ([[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath] accessoryType] == UITableView...

iphone SDK:How use URL to post data back ?

I read a plist data at LightTableViewController.m and I load a data like this : LOG RESULT: The Plist Data Is : ( { category = 11; id = 1; name = "LIVING RM"; status = 0; }, { category = 11; id = 2; name = "BEDROOM RM"; status = 0; } ) I ne...

Redistribution of LGPL licensed SDK (such as Qt 4.6.x)

Hello everyone, I was wondering if under the LGPL(v2.1) one could re-distribute a complete pre-compiled SDK that is linked to dynamically in my own project? Background: Qt is licensed under LGPL and many applications I develop are linking with it. More recently we created our own SDK that uses Qt. Now, other people may extend and write...

Storing a record locator in the user's Address Book kABPersonInstantMessageProperty field

I have an app that uses the user's Address Book for contacts. I also have other information I wish to store on a per-user basis (per Address Book entry basis). I allow the user to import a single user, an Address Book group, or all of their contacts. Because I wish to continue to allow outside applications to change the users Address ...

How to make background of UITableViewCell with buttons transparent.

In IB, on the .xib where the file's owner is a subclass of UITableViewController, the structure of a cell that I wish to load from the xib is: (UITableViewCell)cell->(UIView)View->(UIButton)but1,but2,but3. I am trying to have the buttons appear on the table without the frame/background of the cell. I've made the cell's background and...

Can I change the playback speed without affecting the pitch with Finch?

Is it possible to change the playback speed of a sound in Finch, but withouth changing the pitch? ...

Animated stretch of an image frame (iPhone)

So I'm trying to animate an image stretching from a zero width to full size while fading in. The fade in comes across fine, but for whatever reason the thing appears at the full frame at the start of the animation, instead of growing as the alpha effect happens. My code is as follows: [UIView beginAnimations:@"FadeButtons" context:nil];...

iPhone UIStringDrawing usage

Could someone please explain to me how to draw a string using UIStringDrawing instead of using a label? here is my code but for some reason it compiles and the screen is blank... // // MainViewController.m // DotH // #define WINDOW_FRAME [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] #define SCREEN_FRAME [UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame #defin...

Trying to study Android Development, but I don't know Java

I've been studying Android Development for the past week or so. The xml stuff is pretty easy to understand. However, I have NO knowledge of java. Whenever the documentation says to do callbacks to the .java file and use oncreate() I get confused and see nothing but errors. Is there an easy way to understand the java stuff? I'm very motiv...

Android Porting on Telechips TCC89XX: Not able to start init process

Hello I have started to port Android on TCC89XX board, I download Android SDK. and applied the patch with kernel 2.6.29, the Processor is having armv6 instruction set. I am not able to see the network up ifconfig is not able to show the network devices. Also I do not get why there is no "on" binary in the system/bin, system/xbin, the...

iPad SDK, how to handle orientation with an UIImageView

Hello I'm developing an app for iPad and I try to handle multiple orientation. My app contains a webview and a loading UIImageView that appears when my webview is loading content. This UIImageView has a background image that I set in InterfaceBuilder. When I change orientation to landscape, the image is cut. I'd like the UIImageView t...