
XCode: Two targets, two main files?

I'm working up a game in XCode, and I want to add a helper application that uses the main application's various classes to build the main application's data files. Specifically: The main application is a card game. I want a helper app that uses the classes such as card.m while it creates the deck.xml files for the deck of custom cards t...

Extend the Visual Studio C++ Build Process

A found an article (Extend the Visual Studio Build Process) that explained how to override build targets in a C# project file. I tested this, and it seems to work well. However, what I really want to do is override a build target in a C++ project (with Visual Studio 2005). The problem is that C++ projects use different XML. Instead o...

How can I use different .h files for several targets?

I have a project with several targets. For most of my classes, I can use a single .h file and change the details in the .m file (adding a different .m file for each target). For one of my UIViewController subclasses, I need to declare different UILabel IBOutlets for the different targets (each target shows a different set of labels depe...

How to change target build on Android project?

I currently have an Android project in Eclipse. I created it with a target build of 1.5 (sdk 3). Now I want to change it so that it has a minSdk of 3 and targetSdk of 8. To do this I see that I must build against the newest SDK (2.2) To do this in Eclipse I right click on my project, go to properties, click on Android and change the ...

What's the best approach to build the same Android apps for different public?

I'm working on an app that is meant to be used by fans of a sport team. In the future, I expect to use the same app but for any different team. So, what changes would be the colors, team logo, app name and the like. So, is there any technique that allows me to build binaries for different teams without having duplicated resources? ...

Makefile target depend on file from environment variable

hi, if I run make like this: make VAR=dir is there a way to add the location pointed by the VAR variable as a target dependency? actually, I need to define a file inside that directory as a dependency. I'd go with: target: $(VAR)/file.txt echo yes but if the variable was not defined, the target will understand /file.txt, which ...

Getting the target when using bindable getter in flex

Hi I have the following files: clint.mxml in clint.mxml I have the following line: <s:Group id='clint1' x="model.locationX"> ... in the I have a getter: [bindable(event="locationXChanged")) function get locationX () : int { return ... } My problem is that I need to know within the getter locationX that the id ...

Custom common target to build a solution

I created a custom common target "RealClean" which remove every files in the output and "intermediate output" directory. I put it in the Microsoft.Common.targets file. When I run MsBuild on my csproj everything is fine. But when I run MsBuild on my sln (which just references a list of csproj) I have the following error error MSB4057: Th...

jquery ui sortable - current element

Hi, I'm using jQuery UI sortable to build a dashboard userface. I'm wondering how I can fetch the item I was sorting last? What I want to do: I'm using the update event to fire a function > showing a hint, that the new position has been saved. I want to attach the DIV the moved element but therefore I have to know which one it was. An...

Facebook FB.api post how to specify a target

Hello, I am using FB.api OpenGraph to post a message on the user's wall. I would like the link target to be equal to '_blank' so it opens in a new tab. Is it possible ? The Facebook documentation doesn't give much details. var params = {}; params['message'] = 'message'; params['name'] = 'name'; params['link'] = 'http://link'; ...

Target Different Window c#

Hey, I have been searching on google and I cant seem to find anything about targeting different windows in c#, I am using Visual studio 2010. I'm not sure how to do this but I'm pritty sure it can be done, does anyone know where I can read up about it? I need to be able to target a different program (like notpad for example), and simul...

Problem setting base sdk to 4.0 and OS Deployment Target to 3.1.3 (Using MapKit)

Hi, I'm building an application that uses MapKit functionality. The base sdk is 4.0 but I'm building to a 3.1.3 device (the OS Deployment Target is set to 3.1.3). After the app is installed and right when it begins to run, I run into the following error: dyld: Symbol not found: _CLLocationCoordinate2DMake Data Formatters temporarily un...

jquery only fire if div#sidebar exists on page

I'm using the following code to control a div with the ID 'sidebar' var top = $('#sidebar').offset().top - parseFloat($('#sidebar').css('marginTop').replace(/auto/, 0)); $(window).scroll(function (event) { // what the y position of the scroll is var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //...

iPhone identify button pressed

Hi All! I have a view with several buttons that all have the same target and action. At the moment the action is @selector(doSomething). I need to be able to determine which button is pressed but I'm not sure of the best way to do this. The method doSomething is declared as... -(void)doSomething; Is there a better way to declare th...

How to determine the target machine from a DLL?

How can I determine the machine on which a given DLL can run. There are many platforms ARM, SH4, x64, x32. When I have no other information than the DLL itself how to do that? Background: There is a set off DLLs and some of them are not appropriate. How to detect them "offline"? SOLUTION Thanks for the help: the solution I use is th...

removeItemAtPath dosn't work on the device

Hi all. I'v been struggling with this one for some time so any hint or suggestion are welcome. I'm trying to delete a file from a directory under "Documents". The problem is that the file is not delete on the device dow it is on the simulator. Just to add to the mystery, before the call to removeItemAtPath I check if the file exists wi...

location.href in iframe

Hi all, I have a simple html file saying; <html> <head> <script> var someClickEvent = function() { location.href = '?action=someOtherAction'; }; </script> </head> <body></body> </html> This scripts runs at '', now imagine this file is requested via an iframe in a 'loca...

change <a> target to "_blank" depending on href

I'm trying to sort through the links on my page and make some of them open into a new window, depending on their URL. This is the code I have. It doesn't seem to be working. Can you see why? function MakeMenuLinksOpenInNewWindow() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { ...

setup save target dir .net

Hi Edit: I am using Visual Studio 2005. I wrote a Setup Project to install my application. After setup is complete, I need to get the destination folder that the user chose to install to (not the default destination folder, but the one the user actually chose during the install.) Is It possible to get this path and save the string into ...

ant build issues

I have a build with multiple interlinked dependencies, Several projects have common dependencies that are currently compiled more than once. I think in Ant we can tell it not to re-build something if its already just done it as part of the same task, can anyone please advise ...