
Open Source Projects for i18n à la Facebook

Hi there! Facebook has this unique and clever approach to localization of their site: translators (in their case users that help to translate the site voluntarily) can simply click on the not-yet-translated strings – which are marked with a green bottom border – in their natural context on the site. See

Externalizing the translation of a WinForms application?

I'm working on an application that will be deployed in a lot of different countries, which of course means different languages. The thing is that I would not translate it myself, nor the other developers. One of the user will translate it and he won't have access to Visual Studio. The question is, how to do that? Is there a tool availa...

VB to C# rewriting question

I have a following method declaration in VB and need to translate it into C#: <DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint:="OpenPrinterW", _ SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode, _ ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _ Public Shared Function OpenPrinter(ByVal src As String, ByRef hPrinter As IntPt...

Extract translation phrases from Magento

I'm relatively new to Magento and working on a site build for a client and they simply need a list of phrases used throughout the site to be sent to a translator. I'm a little surprised that there isn't something simple and built into Magento for easily pulling this stuff out, which is why I'm writing here now. Is there a relatively simp...

Application interface translations

Where can I translate my web application terminology like: "copy and paste", "drag and drop", "click link",.. I am looking for a free on-line resource. ...

Client to client through firewall

Hello all, A broad question. We have a client application that currently talks to a web service to exchange data between two clients. The first client stores data on the service and other clients poll the service to collect it at some later time. We are looking to change this infrastructure a little in that clients will Connect() to t...

MissingTranslationData - How do you set the TranslationData?

When posting from the has_calendar plugin, there is a request for the TranslationData. I'm not sure what this is, or how to set it (or where to set it). Here's the error it's spitting out. translation missing: en, date, formats, day_of_week Is there somewhere I need to set the locale for the calendar? The plugin doesn't give any inst...

GXT Grid translate

i've tried to translate one of GXT widgets - Grid (exacly context menu in column header with sorting etc.) into Polish language but i cant find place to inject my translation. In some other widget (PagingToolBar) is method setMessages(...) but i cant find it in Grid So im asking you about place where i can set text that will be displaye...

[Drupal] View content in blocks depending on selected language

How can i display content nodes in blocks depending on the selected language by the user? I already know how to do it for 'normal' nodes, just not in blocks. Edit: I tried to do this with views. Filtering on a node and content translation: language. The problem is, i don't know how to filter two id's (of the nodes), just one. ...

Does Zend Translate auto detect language?

This is my code $locale = new Zend_Locale('en_US'); Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Locale', $locale); $GLOBALS['translate'] = new Zend_Translate( array( 'adapter' => 'array', 'content' => array('Hello' => 'Hi'), 'locale' => 'en_US' ) ); gb('translate')->addTranslation( array( 'content' => array('...

Translation problem while scaling an object

Hi, I have a QGraphicsPolygonItem defined as: myShape << QPointF(-50, -50) << QPointF(50, -50) << QPointF(50, 50) << QPointF(-50, 50) << QPointF(-50, -50); mypolygon.setPolygon(myShape); Its starting matrix is identity: |---|---|---| | 1 | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 0 | 0 | 1 | |---...

Views 2: Filter Nodes by selected language

I have a Drupal 6 multilanguage installation and I want to filter the nodes displayed by a view based on the language the user selected. When adding "Node translation: Language" but I still get all entries. Any ideas what I missed? ...

Get the word under the mouse cursor in Windows

Greetings everyone, A friend and I are discussing the possibility of a new project: A translation program that will pop up a translation whenever you hover over any word in any control, even static, non-editable ones. I know there are many browser plugins to do this sort of thing on webpages; we're thinking about how we would do it sys...

CMS for Multilingual Localization and Translation Workflow

Hi, I'm helping build a multilingual website in English, Chinese and French (after in Spanish, Korean and Arabic). I've collected a database of over 2000+ entries. It is essentially a huge product catalog (specifically travel packages) where more or less the info is the same (prices, sizes, numbers, etc.) but the labels change (of cour...

How can I translate my jquery to javascript?

I have $('#hidden-data').find('#' + $(this).attr('id')).html(currdata); var hiddata = $('#hidden-data').find('#' + $(this).attr('id')).html(); I want to translate this to javascript but my brain is melted. Please help ;p ...

Is there any alternative for printf ?

I have to create a software that must work on several *nix platforms (Linux, AIX, ...). I need to handle internationalization and my translation strings are in the following form: "Hi %1, you are %2." // English "Vous êtes %2, bonjour %1 !" // French Here %1 stand for the name, and %2 for another word. I may change the format, that's...

Google Translator API and many translation for one word.

I am using google-api-translate-java-0.92.jar. Translate.setHttpReferrer(""); try { String translation = Translate.execute("arrangement", Language.ENGLISH, Language.UKRANIAN); System.out.println(translation); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.get...

What does it mean to "translate" a graphics object?

Not a long question. Can anyone explain what the word "translation" means in the context of graphics? Thanks a lot. ...

Proxy Authentication Required Error coming while using Google API for translation

Hi Am using Google API for translation on passing my request to change the text language its showing the error of "Failed to get the response(407) Proxy Authendication required". string Text = textBox1.Text; Text = Translator.Translate(Text, Language.English, Language.French,Google.API.Translate.TranslateFormat.tex...

Help changing function from prototype to jQuery!

Hey I found this function online and it works fine if I use it by itself, but the rest of my document has all jQuery functions and I'd like this one to be in jQuery as well. I also get a few errors when mixing prototype and jQuery. Here is the function: function updateCommodityProduct(e) { // The response comes back as a bunch-o-J...