
Getting special characters with gettext

Hi. I am using gettext to translate my site. In norwegian I need to use the charaters æøå, but they show up blank. I have set the $encoding = 'iso-8859-1';from wikipedia it says that æøå should be available, but as I said they show up blank. In poedit settings and my po/mo file I have set encoding to iso-8859-1. ps. I want to support a...

How can I automatically extract strings for translation?

I wrote a website, with several pages, in PHP and now need it translated to a different language. I've been searching ages for how I can just automatically extract all the strings and HTML text in my php source code, manually translate each, and then insert them back in. I don't want multi-language support, and I've checked translation...

Is Using Romaji in a game for Japanese translation acceptable?

I am supporting other languages in my game for its next release and would like to support Japanese. The issue I have is a I do all of my own font and bitmap rendering internal in the engine, I do support the full extended ASCII 0-256 character map with all of the special accents, so all roman based languages work fine. But with Japanes...

How do I translate the output of a filter in Django

I have some template code that looks like: <input type='submit' value='{{ need.satisfied|yesno:"Resend this document now,Send this document now" }}' /> I'd like to be able to translate it but that appears to be difficult to accomplish. mentions {{ _("Some String") }} which appears to work...

How can I find regional translations of built-in SharePoint list names?

There are PublishingWeb.PagesList and PublishingWeb.PagesListName properties, but other list's urls also vary by site language. Those that I found are translated are: Documents Images Pages Workflow Tasks There is additional API in SP2010, but how can I handle this in 2007? ...

Which is the most efficient way to translate each model in an OpenGL ES scene?

I have some 3d models I am loading into an OpenGL ES scene. If I simply load all of them I'll get them placed one over the other since they' ve been all centered into the coordinate system origin when created in Blender. I need to position them in different places so what I am doing right now is this for each model: glMatrixMode( G...

get � when for special characters using gettext and smarty

Hi. I am using $encoding = 'utf-8'; in gettext and in my html code i have set <meta charset="utf-8">. I have also set utf-8 in my .po files, but I still get � when I write æøå! What can be wrong? ...

Translation and rotation matrix

Hi, Does anyone have code to perform the matrix calculation for translation and rotation of a point I. 2D, please? Ive been looking all over the net and not found it in a form I can use. I'm coding in lua, but any other language would be fine. Many thanks, Matt. ...

Convert a system to multilanguage

I have to translate a web application written in / javascript with a lot of html/javascript code created in the codebehind, which approach could be the best to translate it, or make it multilanguage support? ...

How to tell chrome language of your web site (as a hint to the translate bar)

Hi All, I have a web app that is in queens engrish but the chrome translate bar pops up and tells me that its in Estonian. I have tried lang and xml:lang but the google translation bar seems to ignore these. Note: The web application is totally Ajax and the content that causes the bar to pop up is dynamic content that can appear long ...

symfony 1.4: trying to replace the default 'Required' message

Hi, im trying to replace the default 'Required' message in this validator: $this->setValidator('email', new sfValidatorAnd(array( new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true)), new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'max_length' => 80)), new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array( 'model' => 'sfGuardU...

Using variables in translation strings with Brail

Hi, I'd like to build a localised web app with MonoRail and Brail. describes how to translate basic strings, and I can do that. However I'm struggling with translation strings containing variables like: Welcome ${user} This renders Welcome ${user} instead of ...

how does one create an XLIFF file

I see lots of info and tutes on how to use some XLIFF translators, and how to create .po files, but how do I create an XLIFF file? It seems XLIFF editors allow you to open and translate an XLIFF file, but not create one. Be gentle, I'm just a programmer. I don't know about human languages... :P ...

symfony: How to translate a text that contains <p></p> ?

Hi, i want to translate this below: <?php echo __(<<<EOM <p> For security reasons... </p> EOM ) ?> So i create this translation unit: <trans-unit> <source>For security reasons...</source> <target>Por razones de seguridad...</target> </trans-unit> The problem: it is not translated less than i remove the <p> </p> tags. Any way to t...

django dynamic translate on AppEngine

Hi, I need dynamic translation in django on AppEngine. I found nice django modul for dynamic translations: django-rosetta, but it open files (django.po...) and it is not allowed on AppEngine. Exist some other translate modul where is compatibile (or with small fix) with AppEngine? Thanks. Martin ...

How to convert .po to .mo files on mac?

I have tried using poedit 1.4.6>save as, but .mo is not an option. ...

How to change all the strings in an iphone application with respective selected language in settings?

Hi Guys, I need help from you, I need to display all the text, labels , strings and what ever text is showing to user in the iphone application with respective selected language in settings of iphone. for example user selects German or French in settings of iPhone language, then my application should provide or view the details in that...

Translate Spanish feed to English before storing it in MYSQL database

Hello, I am new to ruby on rails and I have just started watching rails casts tutorials. I have understood on how to parse feeds using feedzirra if the feed is in English but if I have a feed like this which is in spanish then how do i parse this feed? The link is how do i co...

Use HTML inside a Rails translation file

I have some translations in my Rails application (config/locale/[en|de].yml) and I use it in my views with <%=t "teasers.welcome" %>. Example: teasers: welcome: "<strong>Welcome</strong> to the Website ..." In Rails 2.3.8 this works just fine, with Rails 3, the HTML is escaped and translated to &lt;... How can I prevent this form ...

Are there localized resource strings available for the JCL (JEDI Code Library)?

Is there a translation/localization sub-project for the JEDI Code Library? I'm especially looking for German, French and Italian versions of JclResources.pas and JclVclResources.pas (and might be able to contribute to a German translation myself). Is anything like that already in the works or did I even just fail to find it in the origi...