
Can anyone give me an example of a good translation workflow using Git?

I've read somewhere (I dont recall exactly where) that Git (and probably any other good DCVS) is an excellent tool when you're translating some text. I'm trying to figure out a workflow for this scenario, and the best I could get was something like: Use your own branch. Translate files as usual, commit as needed. When there are change...

Get un-translated, un-rotated (x,y) coordinate of a point from a Javascript canvas

In Javascript we often render graphics by rotating and translating the coordinate plane before sending things; ctx.translate(someX, someY); ctx.rotate(someAngle * Math.PI / 180); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); // What's the actual (x1,y1)? ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); // What's the actual (x2,y2)? ctx.stroke(); ctx.resto...

What license to use for translations of open source software

I'm writing an open source software that is licensed under the GPL. Now I'm offering that other users can translate the software, starting from an english translation I made by myself. What license or range of license may be best for translation of text strings, dialogs, etc.? As GPL is a software license, I thought about a Creative Comm...

Help translation PYTHON to VB.NET

I am coding an application in VB.NET that sends sms. Would you please post PYTHON->VB.NET translation of this code and/or guidelines? Thanks in advance!!! import threading class MessageThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,msg,no): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.msg = msg # text message = no ...

Resource (.resx) file Key naming conventions?

Hi all, I'm building a C# app that will likely contain a couple resource files to store strings for use in language translation. I'm trying to come up with a naming convention for the Keys in my resouce files, but thought I'd see if anyone has tackled this before me? Thanks! ...

Tips for moving a large project from VB.Net to C#?

I have been tasked with moving a rather large project from VB.Net to C#. Are there any converters, and if so what should I watch for? Are there areas of the code that are known to be problem areas during a conversion like this (Data Access Layer, etc..) ...

Need abbreviation translation database

Is there such a thing? I'm looking to translate something like "mfg"=>"manufacturing" or . I figure that I'd need a database of mappings. However, I can't seem to find one. I'm don't know a lot about lexical translations and the budget doesn't call for a lot of research, so are there any quick 'n dirty tools out there? ...

PHP - how to translate a website into multiple languages?

I have a website that's currently in English; I want to be able to switch to a different language when a user clicks on a different language (there are little country flag icons on the site). The way I'm currently trying is with arrays, e.g.: $english = array('index', array('h1' => 'this is some h1 text', 'h...

GroupBy with linq method syntax (not query syntax)

How would the following query look if I was using the extension method syntax? var query = from c in checks group c by string.Format("{0} - {1}", c.CustomerId, c.CustomerName) into customerGroups select new { Customer = customerGroups.Key, Payments = customerGroups } ...

Should I check in *.mo files?

Should I check in *.mo translation files into my version control system? This is a general question. But in particular I'm working on Django projects with git repositories. ...

Translating Vista WinAPI C++ header for Delphi - any suggestions?

Hi, I'm needing to call a Windows API function introduced in Vista from my Delphi app, but I don't have any Delphi headers which describe the function. Related functions are already documented in the JEDI Windows API library, but not this function. My C++ is almost non-existent, and I'm struggling to work out the Delphi definitions th...

Is there a tool for non-developers (translators!) to edit resource bundles?

What we do in our company to let our software be translated by external translators is ... well .. how to put it... cvs co someModule ant translation.export (behind this target there is a self-made ant task, exporting all resource bundles together as one big tab-seperated text file, columns: the different languages, each row all langua...

Is automated source translation seen as beneficial and/or necessary?

I have recently spent several years translating legacy FORTRAN into Java. Prior to that, I found myself translating FORTRAN into C (for which I wrote a simple translation tool). After all this work, I find myself wondering how many others are doing similar language-to-language translations and whether an automated way of doing so would...

Process for localization of Delphi 2009 app by volunteer translators?

I have a freeware scientific app that is used by thousands of people in nearly 100 countries. Many have offered to translate for free. Now that D2009 makes this easier (with integrated and external localization tools, plus native Unicode support) I'd like to make this happen for a few languages and steadily add as many as user energy w...

How to parse html and css to understand the layout of the page (java)

Hello all i need to find away to parse html and css layout to be able to transform it to to property language that understand simple html with inline css on each html element how i approach to such task ? ...

Java syntax question: <O> O accept(ObjectVisitorEx<O> visitor)

Naive question about Java syntax. What does <T> T accept(ObjectVisitorEx<T> visitor); mean? What would be the C# equivalent? ...

Java2C# translation: public methods in Interfaces in C#

Another translation question, this may be more theoretical, but I am curious as to the design choice. SFNQ: Why does C# not allow controlling for controlling access to methods in interfaces like Java does? For example, in a C# interface: public void Visit(Axiom axiom); Thank you. ...

internationalisation library for ASP.NET applications

I am writing a web app in ASP.NET (2.0), VS2005. The main reason for developing a new application (rather than using readily-available off-the-shelf solutions) is that I need full support for at least two languages (that is front-end and the data). I am looking for the best ways of tackling i18n in ASP.NET (it can be just the UI, sorting...

Don't scale the child movieClip?

I have a question of how to transform the parent movieclip and not the child movieclip...I have a movieclip holding an image loader and some handles as a movieclip. The handles movieclips are used to listen the mouse event to do such function scaling rotation and translation of the parent movieclip. The problem here when I scale or rotat...

XSLT question. How to pair field tags with data when original XML has them in separate sections?

I hope I don't lose anyone by mentioning Filemaker. I am trying to turn it's XML export into something usable by SSIS. FM's native XML export has field names and data in separate sections of the same XML file. This lists what I need it to do, what I currently did, and the original FM export at the bottom for reference. I have not see...