
SVN : 500 internal server error on my repository access

Hi, (OS is Ubuntu Server) I create a new repository with SVN like that : $ svnadmin create myrepo --pre-1.6-compatible The first time, when I want to access in my new repository myrepo (with TortoiseSVN tool), I could reach in reading, but in writing, I couldn't (lock SVN message appears). So I found on forum post, a guy who recomma...

Graphical User Interface for git

Possible Duplicate: Git gui client for Linux Does anybody know a good GUI for git on Linux Ubuntu? ...

How host a ssh server in ubuntu?

I have installed ubuntu as my guest Os using vmware as a virtual machine. I want to host a ssh server in my virtual machine(Ubuntu) and access it via ssh client in my windows. First of all , how to start a ssh server in ubuntu ? And how to achieve the above ? ...

Graceful Apache Stop in Ubuntu

I can do sudo $ service apache2 graceful and it'll do a graceful restart, but looking at /etc/init.d/apache2, the only way I can do a graceful shutdown is is running $ /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -k graceful-stop But that results in a PID error: httpd (pid xxxxx?) not running Obviously Ubuntu/Debian does not mean for me to run this command di...

Ubuntu mount -t command

I use following command to mount "/dev/sdb1" to "/storage" directory: mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /storage After run above command, I can use "df -h" can see it: /dev/sdb1 147G 188M 140G 1% /storage But after i restart the server, it disappear, and i have to run mount command again. Is there a command that can keep the mou...

Byte Order Mark generating a file using Mono in Ubuntu

Hi people! My .NET utility AjGenesis is a code generation tool. The compiled binaries runs without glitches under Ubuntu 10.x, and Mono. But I have a problem: generating a java text file (a normal text file for my tool) it generates Byte Order Mark at the beginning of each file. I'm using System.Text.Encoding.Default: in Windows, all OK...

Why does this JavaScript work on Safari, but not Firefox?

I have the below HTML file. I tried the code on Safari and it was working fine. But when I tried this on Firefox, it’s not working.Can anyone suggest how to make it working on firefox? On click on undo button I want to retrieve contents from the jsp file. Thats working when I used this code on safari on my mac.. but when I open the same...

Proper way to manage Daemons, Debian/Ubuntu Linux

What is the best way? Or at least... an easily managed one? I am routinely creating shell and python scripts that need to always be running in the background. Any recommendations on packages that simplify this? In the past I would stick a shell script in cron to check for the running process, but this feels like a hack. I recently re...

How can I use OpenLDAP as the store for OpenAM under Ubuntu?

I realize there are a number of sources on how to get OpenLDAP set up under Ubuntu, or how to configure data stores for OpenAM (formerly OpenSSO). Some that seem most useful to me are: ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8236370&postcount=1 blogs.sun.com/indira/entry/using_openldap_as_user_data Unfortunately, when I try to import the LDIF...

Using Git with non-root user

I've already set up a Git repository on GitHub and committed a few changes from my Windows machine. But tomorrow I'll have to work in this repository from a machine running Ubuntu with limited privilege (i.e. no sudo). Is there a portable version of Git for Linux? Or some source that allows me to compile and install Git only for the cu...

Setting Up Netbeans with MINGW on Ubuntu 10.10

i am currently trying to develop an JNI(Native) component for a Java application, I would like to compile my native components into a Windows DLL, however don't have the time to reinstall windows. is it was possible to set up MINGW with Netbeans so that i can use the IDE's functions to compile the DLL. Thanks Lee. ...

ubuntu doesnt play .wmv files .. after attempting to add DVD playback from medibuntu

i cannot see video with "movie player", "GNOME video" OR with "VLC media player" .. ANnyone have any guesses?? ...

I need Ubuntu server monitoring simple tool.

Hello. I have a one production server with Ubuntu. (NO firewall). I need simple monitoring tool like gnome System Monitoring. CPU usage, Network traffic, Memory load, HDD space etc. Montly, I try Nagios but i is so many port use. // Not suitable for me. ...

Dell Vostro won't boot with a USB. When try to boot from it, it say "BOOT ERROR"

Here's the problem; I'm trying to install Ubuntu:Maverick Meerkat using a USB flash drive on my dell vostro but when I try to boot from it, it say "BOOT ERROR". I used Universal-USB-Installer- to create the bootable USB flash drive. Any idea? I tried the same process on other machines and it works fine. ...

Ubuntu init.d script not being called on startup

I've got a script in ubuntu 9.04 in init.d that I've set to run on start on with update-rc.d using update-rc.d init_test defaults 99. All of the symlinks are there and the permissions appear to be correct -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 642 2010-10-28 16:44 init_test mike@xxxxxxxxxx:~$ find /etc -name S99* | grep init_test find: /etc/rc5.d...

php5-fpm doesn't work with php-apc on ubuntu 10.10

Packages php5-fpm and php-apc installed from ubuntu 10.10 official repo. APC configuration: /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini extension=apc.so apc.enabled=1 apc.shm_size=128M Afret php5-fpm restart: Fatal error: Call to undefined function apc_exists() in /var/www/.../application/models/user_model.php on line 271 phpinfo(); says apc module ...

./configure && make && make install

I am logged in as a regular user. Should I use: ./configure && make && make install or sudo ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install or ./configure && make && sudo make install when installing packages. And could someone explain the differences. I want all users to be able to use it. ...

Could not disable volume control notification icon on Ubuntu 10.10

I am annoyed with the pop up of volume control notification on GUI of my Ubuntu 10.10 ,The volume slide bar moves automatically.Its flickering on my screen and hinders my work.I wonder why ,I am new to Ubuntu ,Please let me know how to put off this notification I tried sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notificatio...

Installing Joomla on Ubuntu

I am trying to locally install joomla on my laptop. I have apache2 installed and working. When I go to localhost:8080 I get to the Joomla's install page. This is what I see PHP Version >= 4.3.10 Yes - Zlib Compression Support Yes - XML Support Yes - MySQL Support No MB Language is Default Yes MB String Overload ...

404 Not Found Error when trying to access localhost on local LAMP server

I'm running Ubuntu. My Apache2 default file looks like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/ <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory> <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowS...