
Object Oriented CSS: Catchy Buzz-phrase or Legitimate Design Approach?

It seems there is a new catch-phrase emerging in the web development field: object-oriented CSS. On the face of it, this strikes me as simply being best-practice packaged up in a catchy slogan. I understand and fully respect the intentions behind the movement, but is there any more to it? Does anyone have any further insight that sets...

Display large data on web site

Hello I have some tables in my database with about 7K rows and I need to make a report on the web site( asp.net ) with custom formating, pivot table like details. What is the best solution for this, because when I render for example repeater with this amount of data it`s very slow. Thanks for advice ...

How do you do full page caching with dynamic information

I imagine a very common scenario is where an entire dynamic page can be cached in such a way that an entire framework/CMS stack can be bypassed, except that some small amounts of information change depending on whether somebody is logged in or not. For example, the menu might change from "login" to "Welcome Somebody!". No there's not way...

Add Subversion revision to included Javascript and CSS files

I'm looking adding Subversion's revision number to the name of each .js file we include, so whenever the .js file is updated, the browsers will automatically fetch the new version. I believe Stackoverflow does this, but I wonder how. Is this part of the release procedure? Any hints on how to achieve this using Subversion tools? ...

How do I reference a web service in another project using a ScriptManager?

I have a web application project and a web service application project. I'm using ASP.Net AJAX and I want to reference a service called Tickets.asmx from the web service project and call it with JavaScript. (I'm referencing it [or trying to] in a ScriptManager on the page) I've done this before with the web service being part of the asp...

Best way to create a Map in Classic ASP

I'm currently rewriting some PHP 4 code to Classic ASP (don't ask) and trying to work out if there's a better way to load a large Map into memory than just hard coding each pair in. To give you an idea, there's around 300 unique key value pairs in the hashed array definition (or whatever it's called) in the PHP. I'm tempted to just do t...

How do I record sound and send it to a server from a web application?

I'm developing a web application. It will allow people to link written phrases with spoken phrases. In order for this application to be useful, random users must be able to record their own voices and send the sounds to the server. If I just have an "upload wav" form, no one will use it. If I have a "record" button that streams or pa...

Multiple Payment options within the same order

I have a requirement to be able to accept different forms of payment within the same order - ie not just the usual credit card or paypal for the whole thing, but perhaps paypal for one item, cheque for another. I know this sounds quite crazy, but there is a good business reason for the requirement so I can't just push back. The best wa...

What's the best candidate padding char for url-safe and filename-safe base64?

The padding char for the official base64 is '=', which might need to be percent-encoded when used in a URL. I'm trying to find the best padding char so that my encoded string can be both url safe (I'll be using the encoded string as parameter value, such as id=encodedString) AND filename safe (I'll be using the encoded string directly as...

Querying html using Yahoo YQL

While trying to parse html using Yahoo Query Language and xpath functionality provided by YQL, I ran into problems of not being able to extract “text()” or attribute values. For e.g. perma link select * from html where url="http://stackoverflow.com" and xpath='//div/h3/a' gives a list of anchors as xml <results> <a class="qu...

Web Application Development Process - Version Control, Bug Tracking, Unit Testing, Deployment

Describe the process you use to develop web applications at a not-so-high level, focusing on VC, bug tracking, QA, unit testing, deployment and anything else similar (minus the planning/client communication side of things). I'm new in this area, so my rough example (read: haven't used this process) is no doubt abit off, so to speak - po...

How to move files from svn folder to production server

I have a website written in PHP under source control (SVN). I would like to move at once all my files from the website directory to production server. The problem is that in this folder there are folders of SVN (.svn). The second problem is that i do not want to put on the server only files under source control, but also other in this f...

When will you switch to IE8?

Microsoft announced the official release of IE8 today. Although users will now be able to "disable" IE8, like previous versions, it will not co-exist with earlier versions. I develop web pages, modest as they are, and Internet Explorer gives me more trouble than any other web browser that I test with. I am shocked, floored, that IE6, ...

Can I write Python web application for Windows and Linux platforms at the same time?

Can I write web application that I can host on Windows(IIS web server) and Linux (Apache or lighttpd) without any changes? CGI? Maybe something new? WSGI | FastCGI ? ...

Is it a good idea to let your users change their usernames?

I'm back and forth on the idea of letting the users on my site change their usernames, which would be displayed through out the site. On one side I want to give the users flexibility. But on the other, I don't want them to use this feature as a way to hide if they do something unwanted on the site. I know SO & Twitter lets you change you...

What advice do you give a non-techie acquaintance/relative about web development?

I just got off the phone with my cousin, who hired a web developer and left her a lousy site with broken code. I'm sure it's happened to most of us. A relative calls, asking for advice about a web site for her business/engagement/ego. Either they need one, or they've hired the kid next door to build one and it's going horribly wrong. ...

How will Internet Explorer 8 affect QA testing for Web Applications

Now that IE 8 is available: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/worldwide-sites.aspx That's three flavors of IE to manage - 6, 7, 8 and QA code against and if you add in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc - 6 browsers. How are folks dealing with all of these browsers and enabling the most diversity amongst them with their cod...

If time were a factor, how would you build this computer repair website?

I own a computer repair business and I would like to build a website that does two things: Has a homepage where customers can login and check the status of their repair service. Allows the technicians to track the orders behind the scenes (i.e. repair status, repair notes, etc.). I have been programming for almost 15 years and could ...

How can I port Perl code from mod_perl to FastCGI?

We have an existing Perl application that supports mod_perl. However, our new host (Dreamhost) does not suppport mod_perl, only FastCGI; thus necessitating the port. The existing code does not use any Apache specific stuff and is just normal Perl code written in way that's acceptable to mod_perl. Reading the documentation and online t...

Identifying ajax request or browser request in grails controller

Hi I am developing a grails application which uses lot of ajax.If the request is ajax call then it should give response(this part is working), however if I type in the URL in the browser it should take me to the home/index page instead of the requested page.Below is the sample gsp code for ajax call. <g:remoteFunction action="list" con...