
XAML/WPF Book Recommendation

I am looking for a good (excellent?) WPF/XAML book. A couple of things would be preferable: Oriented largely towards programming on the desktop. In depth and digs into advanced topics. Can you give a recommendation and tell why? ...

How to play *.mp4 in Silverlight (locally - no server)?

How to play *.mp4 in Silverlight (localy - no server)? I have a file How to play itr using xaml and c# ...

Is there a way to decrease xbap application size?

My question is how to decrease deployed xbap application size? ...

Using multiple brushes within a single GeometryDrawing in WPF

Is it possible to use multiple brushes within a single GeometryDrawing? I have several geometries that I want to draw with different brushes, and it's rather verbose to have to declare an individual GeometryDrawing for each. I'm looking for a more concise way to express the following: <DrawingImage x:Key="SomeDrawingImage"> <Drawing...

Resizing elements in Expression Blend Preview 4

I'm walking through Adam Kinney's Blend tutorials (http://visitmix.com/labs/rosetta/EyesOfBlend/) and I'm seeing some puzzling behavior with resizing objects. Specifically, at this step (http://visitmix.com/labs/rosetta/EyesOfBlend/Drawing/#08) I'm seeing two different behaviors resizing elements. Before I group the 3 circles into a grid...

WPF Maintain ListBox selection when tab changes

I have a TabControl where the content of each TabItem is a master-details view. For the master, I'm using a listbox whose ItemsSource is bound to a collection in my ViewModel. Selecting an item from the list displays that particular item's details in a grid off to the side. When I switch to another tab and then back to the original t...

WPF - Path/Geometry help - Strange shape

Anyone know a good way to create this object from Xaml? It also has to work at .5 Opacity when layered on top of other controls. It also has to be resizable via Horizontal or Vertical Alignment. I'm having some difficulty. The closest I get is with 2 borders, one having a negative margin--but it doesn't work when Opacity is applied...

XAML: What is the functional difference between the following notations?

XAML: What is the functional difference between the following notations? Is there any reason I shouldn't use the first method for properties? <Setter Property="Shape.Stroke" TargetName="circle" Value="#FF3C7FB1"/> <Setter Property="Shape.Stroke" TargetName="arrow"> <Setter.Value> <SolidColorBrush>#FF222222</SolidColorBrush> <...

WPF DataTemplate - x:Key vs DataType="{x:Type XXXX")

I have a DataTemplate that I want to find using the FrameworkElement.FindResource(). To do that I need to have a key on the data template. The problem is that x:key and assigning a data type are mutually exclusive. (Reference) So, once I set the DataType for my template, how do I find the Key value? Is there some formula that conver...

XAML: Get parent background

I need to set a control's background to the color of the parent's background in XAML. Why not simply make the background transparent? It's a button with a drop shadow, so I need to set the background; otherwise, the drop shadow shows through. So, from my control's markup, how do I set the Background property equal to whatever the parent...

Silverlight DependencyProperty problems

Here's the situation: I have a custom TextBox control that contains multiple other TextBox controls. I need to turn IsTabStop off in the parent control, but I still want to expose a new IsTabStop property, which the sub-textboxes are template-bound to. I wrote the following code: using System.Windows.Controls; public class CustomTextBo...

WPF Control Puzzle

I am new to WPF and am wondering how to best achieve a master detail grid as shown below. The user will be able to press the right/left arrow keys to open/close Parents or click on the icon to achieve the same result. The data structure will be a parent/child 1 level deep. How would I go about this? -------------------------------...

Why is this XAML invalid?

This XAML compiles and runs without any runtime errors: <Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:Cus...

Silverlight - Grabbing all binding information of elements in a given visual stree?

We are loading some xaml for an Element at runtime (XamlReader.Load) for some preview purposes. Need less to say, the properties/bindings are not know as they can vary across elements/controls we are loading. As the run time view model context is not available when we load the control for preview - after loading the Element, the idea i...

Set WPF/XAML window client area size

Hi, I have a pixel perfect control layout for a form I want to create. I know the exact width, height and location of each control. But I am finding it difficult to set it perfectly inside a Window element. The Width and Height property of the Window is including the borders. How can I set the inner width and height of the window? The...

How can I bind a background color in WPF/XAML?

What do I have to change to the following code so that the background is red, neither of the 2 ways I tried worked: XAML: <Window x:Class="TestBackground88238.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width...

How to get a simple hyperlink to work in XAML?

When I run this and click on the link, I would expect a browser to open and it go to google, but nothing happens: <Window x:Class="TestHyperlink2343.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <...

Dynamic document: WPF Combine bound text in a static inline FlowDocument.

Hello, I am trying to achieve something like the follwing: This is a WPF Flow Document shown to user. This has been generated by user Richard Richardson at 01/01/01 23:15:00. Blah blah blah (another 466 lines)... End of message. I want this date and the user name and 466 (and another gazillion literal texts) to come from Bi...

How do I do this in xaml?

I want to do this in xaml with a trigger, how do I do it? If ListBox1.SelectedIndex > -1 Then Border1.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible Else Border1.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Hidden End If This XAML code does NOT work. 'SelectedIndex' member is not valid because it does not have a qualifying typ...

Content of a WPF button - unable to put anything but text

I designed a nice STOP graphic with red bg and gradient and all that in Expression Design - just like it'll look on a real taperecorder or something. I exported it as a XAML WPF Resource dictionary and got the XAML code. I want this graphic to appear inside the button along with the text "STOP". If I directly paste the XAML inside the...