
In-App Purchase SKProductsResponse object returns title and description in wrong locale

Hi everybody, I created an in-app subscription with both English and Russian titles and descriptions. I checked that my iPhone's current locale is ru_RU by looking at [NSLocale currentLocale] object. But when I try to retrieve the list of products, SKProductsResponse object still returns English localized title and description instead o...

In App Purhcase setup for a rejected app

My app was rejected as l needed to use in app purchase for a feature, but l cant seem to get a list of products. Everything is setup just does not return list of products. Does anyone have a list of steps l need to do as l am sure its around the setup of the app, certificates etc and not the code Will also consider paying for feature i...

iPhone In App purchase subscriptions auto renew?

I am looking for a subscription solution in my app where the user can use the app for free and then to be able to sync with a website he/she pays a monthly subscription fee. Right now I'm using PayPal for this but I wanted to include this into the iPhone app and therefore in app purchase subscription seems like the right way to implement...

verify in app purchase

I'm builing an iPhone app that should handle subscriptions through In App Purchase. When I get the receipt back from Apple in my app I want to save the receipt on my own server and on my server I also want to verify the receipt with the Apple server. It is very important that this connection to my server is made as this saves information...

stuck with sandbox account

I created a test account to check in app purchases. I could purchase and the purchase was successful. After that I found a bug in navigation. I fixed a bug, created another account and deleted the account I logged in in previous session. Now I cannot test the in app purchases anymore, since the app store log me in automatically with a gh...

iPhone In App Purchase - response.products are still empty?! Please help

I've wasted so much time on this and so I'm now begging for some help. Basically, I've tried to set up in app purchases on a test app before I implement them into a proper app that my company are working on. I've read the Store kit pdf and other snippets about a 1000 times, but the products are still being returned as empty. Here's exact...

Code solution to prevent production in app purchase from using sandbox?

I have an issue where a live app is using in app purchase. Everything tested well and for the most part seems to be working well in the app sold from iTunes. Recently I have had 2 reported cases of users who cannot use in app purchase in the live app because iTunes is asking them to purchase from the sandbox. The sandbox requires a tes...

In app purchase error

hi i am developing in app purchase application and when we build our application when click on buy button nothing is take place but in console show Buyid method called. I am not understand that help me ...

Download new app from within an iPhone-app

Hello, I have developed a game and are planning to make a "Lite" version of that game in order to promote the "Premium" version of the game. Information about how to make In-App-Purchase is easy to find. But what I cannot find is how to actually download the application from within my Lite-version, after the purchase. I do not intend to...

Coding a "trial run" into an iPhone App that connects to the AppStore

I have created an application and I have purchased an account in AppStore. I wish to configure the app such that it will run for free twice and after that the user will have to purchase the full version. I want to implement the purchase of the full version inside the trial version (using in-app purchases). ...

In app purchase subscription vs consumable

I'm making an app which will allow the user to purchase either a subscription or consumable which allows them to access data on a monthly basis. Once the new data for the next month is available they will download that and the previous data is invalid and actually illegal to use so it will be removed. So I'm not sure which to choose. A s...

in app purchase urban airship help

Hey evveryone, this is first time for me here, but not last i can see from all the good questions answered here :D Here is my question: Im about ot make a new iphone app and would like to use In-App-purchase in it. Im a one man developer, so i dont have a server to hold all the packages, so urban airship is just something that fits me :...

Is it possible to restart your app programatically

Hello, I'm looking for a way to reboot my app after an in app purchase has been made. Once the user upgrades I need the ads to go away and to basically reload the app from scratch so all the new functionality will be added the next time the app loads. I'm thinking the easiest way is going to be to exit the app then automatically restar...

Error when weak-linking StoreKit framework on iPhone

I am trying to add In App Purchase support to my app. I would like the app to still be able to support OS2.2.1, but IAP are not available unless the OS version is 3.0 or higher. I have tried weak-linking the StoreKit framework. Basically, I have StoreKit.framework added to frameworks, but not in Link Binary With Libraries in the target...

iPhone In app purchases and Encryption export restrictions

When an application is being submitted to the Apple App store, I need to choose whether the app implements cryptography or not. My application itself does not use any cryptography, BUT it has In app purchase feature, i.e. the users can download additional paid content. I still didn't drill much into the in app purchase details, but I...

How to cancel my own test in-app-purchase transaction? (so I can test again)

I'm implementing an in app purchase for an iPhone app. All is good - store kit is very easy to use and everything is working after few hours of programming. Problem is : my product is non consumable, thus once I bought it, the app store always says that I already have it and does not let me test the payment again, it just calls transact...

Using consumable items with In-App Purchase for permanent items

For my upcoming iPhone application I'd like to offer In-App purchases of expansion content (things like additional unit types), but I'd like to offer them in a booster-style format, i.e., you buy a booster pack and get X new unit types out of Y total units. Units can stack and are useful in duplicate, so you can get some of the same uni...

In-app subscription apps

Does anyone know of an app that implemented an in-app subscription? EDIT ==== Just to be clear I'm referring to implementing an in-app purchase of type "subscription" as apple defines it and not implementing a consumable and calling it subscription. ===== I thought about how the subscription model can be implemented and always ends...

iphone in-app purchase

Are in-app purchases for a given App available to all versions of the App or only the current version? Suppose I have MyApp 1.0 on the App Store with in-app purchases for feature A and B. MyApp downloads a list of in-app purchase ids from a webserver. MyApp 2.0 is released that adds support for features C and D. My assumption is tha...

Question regarding the iPhone In App Purchase capabilities

Hi everyone. I am working on releasing an app that will greatly benefit from using the in app purchase model. The app is a sort of book viewer, and the content I would like to make available for purchase will be more books in various languages. Each book is stored in sqlite format, in separate .db files. Now, the way that my developer ha...