
Is it possible to get Java fmt messages bundle from database ?

I nedd to localize application and now files are loaded from text files. Is it possible to change source to database? This is how localized messages are now loaded: <!-- Application Message Bundle --> <bean id="messageSource" class="org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource"> <property name="basename...

Localization in Silverlight 4 using ResourceWrapper

I have a business application (created from template) and I can change language dynamically by making ResourceWrapper INotifyPropertyChanged and then adding in code: private void Language_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(((ComboBoxItem)((ComboBox)s...

wpf & validation application block > message localization > messageTemplateResource Name&Type

I'm trying to write validation rules for my data objects in a WPF application. I'm writing them in the configuration file, and so far they are working fine. I'm stumped on how to localize the messages using messageTemplateResourceName and messageTemplateResourceType. What I know is that the strings can be writen in a resource file, giv...

Design considerations for a multi-language web application

I was asked by an interviewer today how I would implement Arabic as a second language into a PHP web application. I talked about choosing a unicode encoding for the database and the front-end, and designing RTL friendly user interface modules. And he didn't seem too happy with the answer. I don't really know anything about multi-lingual...

Lexical and dynamic scoping in Mathematica: Local variables with Module, With, and Block

The following code returns 14 as you'd expect: Block[{expr}, expr = 2 z; f[z_] = expr; f[7]] But if you change that Block to a Module then it returns 2*z. It seems to not matter what other variables besides expr you localize. I thought I understood Module, Block, and With in Mathematica but I can't explain the difference in beha...

How to provide localized text?

Is there a simple-to-get instruction on how to localize text on the iPhone? I have some strings which need to be present in a localized form. ...

In JavaScript, How to convert string into Date ? Where string may have different culture format.

Hi I am getting DateString in JavaScript from the TextBox like, var dateString = document.getElementById('<%= txtEffDate.ClientID %>').value; dateString value may be in following format. en-US -> "4/29/2010" fr-FR -> "29/04/2010" de-DE -> "29.04.2010" it-IT -> "29/04/2010" es-ES -> "29/04/2010" zh-CN -> "2010/4/29" ja-JP ->...

Does Google punish content duplication across multiple country domains?

I like the way Google handles internationalization, with domains such as google.co.uk, google.nl, google.de etc. I'd like to do this for my own site, but I'm concerned that Google will interpret this as content duplication, particularly across countries that speak the same human language, as there won't be any translation to hint that th...

setlocale/strftime issue

I am using the following to output the full name of a month in Greek. setlocale(LC_TIME, 'el_GR'); strftime("%B"); This works, except the output string is ISO-8859-7 (greek code page), which is a problem since I need a UTF-8 string. I could put this through iconv to convert it, but I was wondering if there was a way to do that withou...

How can I get local resources in a controller in ASP.NET MVC?

I know I can use the namespace Resources to get resources within App_GlobalResources but how do I get local resources within a controller? Example, a folder in Views folder called Misc, with a page.aspx, and a App_LocalResources folder with the file page.aspx.ascx. ...

How to use genstrings across multiple directories?

I have an directory, which has a lot of subdirectories. those subdirs sometimes even have subdirs. there are source files inside. How could I use genstrings to go across all these dirs and subdirs? Let's say I cd to my root dir in Terminal, and then I would type this: genstrings -o en.lproj *.m How could I tell it now to look into a...

Where exactly must I create the fr.lproj localization file, for example?

Do you put it in "Other Resources"? Or "Resources-iPhone"? Or even in the Classes group? Or in the root of the project? What's the recommended place? ...

How to go about this big localization problem?

Imagine you have an iPhone app which is localized using NSLocalizedString all over the place. I did exactly this. Now I realized some of my comments for NSLocalizedString are wrong, and replaced them with something better. Also I added some strings and removed some others. Now I have 50 Localizable.strings files. What horrible options ...

Dectect ASCII codes for asian double byte / cyrillic character sets?

Is it possible to detect if an ascii character belongs to Asian double byte or Cyrillic character sets? Perhaps specific code ranges? I've googled, but not finding anything at first glance. There's an RSS feed I'm tapping into that has the locale set as 'en-gb'. But there are some Asian double byte characters in the feed itself - which ...

Localization as an afterthought-- screwed?

So I signed on with a startup web development company as a subcontractor. They are putting together a large, complex user/product management system for a company that needs to support multiple levels of hierarchial localization. I signed a 3 month contract, and upon looking at their code, wish I hadn't. They opted to write their own MVC...

Django's USE_L10N does not work

I already set USE_L10N = True in settings.py But in following view: from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import intcomma dev view_name(request): output = intcomma(123456) Output is always "123,456" for all locales. ...

Localize .NET assembly without source code

Hey, I need to localize a .NET assembly (winforms exe), but I don't have its source code. Is there any good tool that allows this? Thanks. ...

Is there a light and simple php framework that provides basic localization and/or internationalization?

I would like a php framework that: Is simple and lightweight It work in shared hosting (free hosting) I'll be nice if it saves the preferred language using cookies (not necessary) I'll be nicer if it detects user's preferred language from the browser (not necessary) I want to build a page that displays 3 different languages. I came o...

Django Currency Conversion

Is there any facility in Django for doing currency conversions? Obviously, rates change day by day but I'm somewhat hopeful that the locale module has some sort of web-service based converter :P There's a snippet here that handles the formatting: http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/552/ But I need to localize the values first. ...

first app - wrong language is shown in appstore

hi all last week i distributed my first app to the appstore. what i've to see was, that the app language which is shown in appstore is not the right one. my app is just in german, but in appstore english is shown up. can somebody tell me what i've exactly got to do, that the language in the appstore is german? i know i ned a "de.lproj"...