
Why is no one using make for Java?

Just about every Java project that I've seen either uses Maven or Ant. They are fine tools and I think just about any project can use them. But what ever happened to make? It's used for a variety of non-Java projects and can easily handle Java. Sure you have to download make.exe if you use Windows, but Ant and Maven also don't come w...

How can this Makefile be made better/easier/less redundant?

I would like some advice about the following Makefile. It works fine, but it is overly redundant and not harnessing any most of the magic make can do to help a C project. Its purpose is to test a small ANSI C library. Portability is important. .PHONY : test OPTIMIZE = -g INCLUDE = -I. CC = gcc WARNINGS = -Wall -ansi -pedantic...

Eclipse CDT - Build sub directory within a project

Hi, i would like to know if there is an option in Eclipse (CDT) to build only part of project. my situation is i got a very large single project which consist of many sub directories, and my build system is a custom script. now if i run the custom script from the root folder of the project, it will build all the sub folders of the proj...

How to use GNU Make to make movie from indexed data files?

I'm trying to use the linux utility make in order to Run a script to generate the data Take all of the output files (data1.txt to data79.txt) and run a script to plot them each Take all those images and make a movie from them Yes, I realize that doing this in a shell/python script would be downright simple but I'm trying to learn ho...

VHDL conditional generation from makefile

I have a vhdl design that needs adapting to different variants. It would be nice to be able to generate the configurations from a makefile. The makefile for the generation of one project is ready and working. I want to avoid having different very similar files for different projects. The only differences between the projects are a coupl...

How do I shut up make when it doesn't need to do anything?

How I stop make from saying make: Nothing to be done for 'all'. or make: 'file' is up to date? I'd like my build to be silent when it's not doing anything - there are other places where echo is called to track build progress, so this message is just cluttering things up. I am currently silencing it like this: all: dependency1 dependen...

Windows and *nix compilation detection

One project should be compiled for Windows, Linux and an embedded target. The application has behavior differences when running on host or embedded targets. To summarize my requirements, here is the table: Target Compiler Behavior Windows MSVC, gcc A Host Linux gcc ...

module: command not found

I'm attempting to load several modules for building a library on Linux but am told that the command 'module' doesn't exist. I've Googled around and discovered that the solution was to source a directory called "module" which I am unable to locate despite extensive searching. I'm not quite sure what I should and any help would be appreci...

How to compile Blender from source?

I just downloaded blender souce. How do I build it? I tried make command, but I am getting this: Btw, I am doing this on Windows using Cygwin. ...

What is a 'make target'?

Why do I need to make a make target before being able to build my source code? More specifically, what is make target exactly? ...

configure, make, git on windows = how to compile&install on windows

I want to make work ffmpeg-ruby on windows. If possible. But I do not know how to do configure make ./configure --prefix=/opt/ffmpeg --enable-pthreads --enable-shared --enable-gpl make sudo make install git on windows? git clone git:// cd ffmpeg-ruby gem build ./ffmpeg-ruby.gemspec sudo gem install...

How similar/different are gnu make, microsoft nmake and posix standard make?

How similar/different are gnu make, microsoft nmake and posix standard make? Obviously there's things like "which OS?", "which compiler?" and "which linker?", but I'm referring specifically to the syntax, semantics and command-line options of the makefiles themselves. If I write makefiles based on manuals for gnu make, what are the mos...

ld linkage problems: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find [libraryname]

Im using Qmake to build a shared library on Ubuntu 9.10 This shared library (A) has a dependency on another shared library (B). project B has been successfully built. in the .pro file for project A, my LIBS variable looks like this: LIBS += -L../datelib/bin (I used the full shlib name because the libra...

How do I capture all of my compiler's output to a file?

Hello, I'm building an opensource project from source (CPP) in Linux. This is the order: $CFLAGS="-g Wall" CXXFLAGS="-g Wall" ../trunk/configure --prefix=/somepath/ --host=i386-pc --target=i386-pc $make While compiling I'm getting lot of compiler warnings. I want to start fixing them. My question is how to capture all the compiler o...

How to trace a recursive make?

I need to work on a system that uses automake tools and makes recursively. 'make -n' only traces the top level of make. Is there a way to cause make to execute a make -n whenever he encounters a make command? ...

How can I fix "Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors" in a Perl module Makefile?

I'm on Windows using Strawberry Perl. I run perl for the Buckwalter Encode module, that works fine. When I run make, it says Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors What is -e? Which file do I go to fix the error? Apparently there's a missing curly bracket on line 1, but I don't know which file has that missi...

Using make for my program

I have a bunch of files in different folders: /ai/client.cpp # contains the main function /ai/utils/geometry.h /ai/utils/geometry.cpp /ai/world/world.h /ai/world/world.cpp /ai/world/ball.h /ai/world/ball.cpp /ai/world/bat.h /ai/world/bat.cpp How do I write a makefile to compile this program? I'm using Ubuntu. ...

Makefile problem with files beginning with "#"

I have a directory "FS2" that contains the following files: #ARGH# this that I have a makefile with the following contents. Template:sh= ls ./FS2/* #all: $(Template) echo "Template is: $(Template)" touch all When I run "clearmake -C sun" and the file "all" does not exist, I get the following output: "Template is: ...

How does the make "-j" option actually work ?

From the man pages: -j [jobs], --jobs[=jobs] Specifies the number of jobs (commands) to run simultaneously. If there is more than one -j option, the last one is effective. If the -j option is given without an argument, make will not limit the number of jobs that can run simultaneously. I know i...

Makefile Build Directory and dependencies list

Hello, In a makefile, I build all my .o files in a build directory: program: class1.o class2.o class3.o g++ $(BUILDDIR)class1.o $(BUILDDIR)class2.o $(BUILDDIR)class3.o -o $@ It would be cool to generate $(BUILDDIR)class1.o $(BUILDDIR)class2.o $(BUILDDIR)class3.o from the dependencies list... I know that $^ would give me the list...