
Non-geek in despair over menus in one site with different iframes on 2 different pages

THE SITE: THE PROBLEM: Hello, everyone. I am running into a problem with targeting pages into iframes. I am self-taught in what little HTML I know (as you will probably be able to see for yourselves.) Problem #1: My main TEXT menu that runs across the bottom works fine when I'm on the in...

how to select multiple lines in iphone .plist file?

Hi, In my Iphone application ,i am using .plist file having so many data. I want to select multiple lines in .plist file. Please give any key combination by using which i can select multiple lines in .plist file and also use it for my own purpose. Thanks, Mishal Shah ...

Beginner Regex: Multiple Replaces

I have a string: $mystring = "My cat likes to eat tomatoes."; I want to do two replacements on this string with regex. I want to do s/cat/dog/ and s/tomatoes/pasta/. However, I don't know how to properly format the regular expression to do the multiple replacements in one expression, on one line, in one declaration. Right now, all I h...

Does anyone have a script to handle multiple hg repositories at once?

I have a project that is combining multiple hg repositories (different components) to build a single application. I'm looking for a cross-platform tool to support performing an operation on multiple repos at the same time (e.g. tag, pull, push, commit etc...) Essentially, I'm looking for the 'repo' script that Google wrote for Android, b...

SimpleModal Basic Modal Dialog: how to open unique windows within the same page?

Hi there, I'm using the SimpleModal Basic Modal Dialog and am having trouble using it to open more than one unique window on a page (I don't need them to open at the same time or on top of one another). I tried adding another class and calling out that class in my js file, but I'm not getting it. Here is my example page, where I have t...

sIFR multiple calls don't work :(

Hello ! I'm trying to use sIFR on my menu and on my headers... but only one call works... the others that I put after never appear :(... Can somebody help me ? Note : I'm using the r436 and below is my code ... var segoe = { src: 'pathto/segoe.swf', ratios: [7, 1.58, 8, 1.49, 10, 1.5, 11, 1.45, 16, 1.46, 21, 1.44, ...

wordpress multiple loops problem

i am trying to build up a single.php page. this page is used to show a full single post. i have 3 loops on it. first two are used (each) for geting a random post from a specific category. 1 <?php query_posts(array('orderby' => 'rand', 'category_name' => announcement, 'showposts' => 1)); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_p...

Applying jquery function to more than one div?

The code below will show / hide a div on click. It works perfectly for the first div listed, but doesn't work for any of the others. Is there a way to have the function apply to all the elements with the same class names? It should, of course, only open / close the div to which it's being applied (i.e., clicking on the Second Div togg...

More than one class breaks jquery selector?

Hi, I'm working on a table where all rows have at least one class. Some rows have two classes and others have a class and an id. I have a simple bit a jquery to hide and show rows onclick, however when all the attributes are set, nothing happens. If I remove the additional attributes, so that only those in the jquery script are used...

Multiple UITabbarComtroller in one iPhone App

Is it possible to have more than one UITabbarController in a single iPhone application? My application has more than one sections, each section needs to have its own UITabbarController to navigate with in that section. New section is to be loaded if a certain type of item is selected from previous section. Secondly the Back button in na...

Multiple sessions for one servlet in Java

Hi! I have one servlet taking care of multiple sites and therefore I want to have different sessions for different sites, even if its the same user. Is there any support for this in Java or do I need to prefix the attribute names instead? I guess prefixing is not a good idea. /Br Johannes ...

Passing & storing multiple records into database at a time, in ASP.NET application

Hi, We have a data table in our ASP.NET application. It is holding 800+ records. Now we need to store all these records into database at a shot by using a SQL Server Stored Procedure. Would you please let me know the best way to implement it and a reference code sample. Thank you, Regards. Venkat. ...

Multipage jQuery image gallery

Is there any jQuery gallery, which support multipages? My problem is, that every page contains different number of images. I'm using Lightbox 2, but i can't see any way to configure the gallery with multipages. I can create 5-6 static HTML Pages, one page can contains one image gallery, but i think, this is not the perfect solution. Any...

[CSS] Centered DIV with defferent backgrounds on either side

So I'm creating a website that has all of its content in one centered div. Im using margin-left and right set to auto to center my content, on the left hand side of my content I want a solid white background, however on the right hand side, I want to repeat a pattern background. Maybe my mind just isn't working properly, but I cant thi...

wait untill previous .append() is complete [jquery]

Hi,I am new to Jquery. Please excuse me if this a very basic question. how can we make 'append' wait until the previous 'append' is complete. I am appending huge amount of data so the present append should check if the previous append is complete. I am able to do this by giving all the append's independently with some time delay. B...

Download multiple file in ASP.NET or Flash

Dear all Is there any way to DOWNLOAD multiple files in Is there any way to DOWNLOAD multiple files in Flash? ...

WCF - Handling request from multiple clients

Hello there, My WCF service library is hosted as a Windows Service and is supposed to handle requests from multiple clients. One request that clients are going to make frequently is pretty resource intensive. I have two doubts pertaining to above scenerio: How a WCF service handles multiple client's request? Is there any WCF configur...

LINQ: multiple Where calls only uses last one???

I'm trying to get a query going that will search multiple tags. The tags are db based and I've related them to the entity with a junction table. If I search with 1 tag, I get the correct results, but if I search with 2 tags, I only get the entities that match the second tag. Here's the C# code that builds the IQueryable: var awTable ...

Use more than one predicate in a function parameter?

I have a class that builds a url with query string parameters and so on. The class has a method: Url() which returns the complete url composed from the class properties and another method: UrlNew() which allows passing a predicate as parameter for the replacement of the value of one of the properties and THEN Returns the modified URL. No...

C# - Prevent duplicate MDI children forms

Is there a way to prevent the opening of a certain form within an MDI container if that said form is already opened? Thanks. ...