
Inline stretchy button with CSS background image

Anyone know if there's a bullet-proof (standards-compliant to XHTML1.1 strict, cross-browser, non-javascript) way to use CSS and background images to turn an inline link into a visual button that will stretch to accommodate different amounts of text (or text resizing)? I'm thinking I need to use background images as the designer's butt...

Transforming coordinates from an image control to the image source in WPF

I'm trying to learn WPF, so here's a simple question, I hope: I have a window that contains an Image element bound to a separate data object with user-configurable Stretch property <Image Name="imageCtrl" Source="{Binding MyImage}" Stretch="{Binding ImageStretch}" /> When the user moves the mouse over the image, I would like to deter...

C# WPF Stretching/scaling window proportional to size

I am aware of the FontStretch property, but not really sure how to use it. What I want is to create a window designed with a resolution of say 200x400. Then when the user stretches it to 400x800 (or whatever), I'd just like the entire window to stretch/scale up (in the given scenario, everything would double in size) rather than just...

WPF Polyline relative point values and stretch for drawing a graph

I'm trying to create a pretty simple graphing component that consists of a series of Polylines within the same grid cell that represent graph lines. My strategy is to look at all the points in my set, determine the min and max, and then calculate a number between 0 to 1 accordingly and use Stretch="Fill" to stretch each Polyline to fill...

WPF Listboxitem not aligning items properly

Ok I got the following DataTemplate: Style="{StaticResource LBStyle}" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid > <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/> ...

Using opengl, how do I combine a background image and a smaller distorted texture?

I am attempting to make an image stretch effect on the iphone. I make a vertex array and shift the texture data for each indice within an arbitrary radius of a background image. Then make the following calls to display: int n = gridSize_.x * gridSize_.y; glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY...

WPF alignment stretch

Can someone help me understand the WPF stretch alignment. I often run into issues where I want a control to fill an area but I never understand on what level I should put the VerticalAlignment="Stretch". Specially when UserControls are involved. I always solve the problem by trying different things or putting stretch on all levels but I...

Table cell stretching

I have two columns in my table with equal width(50%, 50%). I am showing search results URL in them. For big urls the columns are stretching and destroying the layout. Any suggestion to the problem? Thanks & Regards, Subrat. ...

CSS: Floating div to right causes container div to stretch full width of screen in IE

Hi all, I saw a similar question here, and did not see an answer. I'm having an issue where an element is floated right, inside a parent div, and it's causing the div to stretch the entire width of the page in IE7. This does not happen in any other browsers (Firefox and Chrome). I've also posted pictures after the question, for referenc...

iPhone image stretching (skew)

Hi, How to skew the image? So, for example, each corner has CGPoint with it coords - p1, p2, p3, p4. Then, I need to set - p4.x+=50, p4.y+=30. So this corner (p4) should be stretched in 2D perspective and the image should be distorted. I tried to use CATransform3D, but it seems that it's cannot be done in such way, since it's only ch...

WPF: How do I implement a stretch transform?

I am trying to implement an effect that will stretch a polygon along a line from its center point to the mouse location. I've tried various approaches with a SkewTransform and the planar angle between those two points but that isn't giving me what I want. I am kind of assuming I'll have to go the MatrixTransform route but my linear alge...

What is a best free way to make form resizeable in Delphi 7?

I need my form in Delphi to be resizeable, and all components and controls should stretch proportionally, along with font sizes etc. Right now in order to resize components I write a code inside "OnResize" event, and manually calculate all components' sizes and fonts. I would like to have more simple solution, which I can apply to differ...

My button background seems stretched.

Hi, I have a button as made for you to see here. Looks fine,right? Well on the live site, and /selectAddress it seems stretched. Renders fine in Chrome, IE and Safari, I thought it might have been a FF issue, but loaded the fiddle into FF and seems fine. Quick ref CSS and html: #fortsett_btn { background-im...

Stretching BitmapData in AS3

Hi! I'm trying to replicate this function from the Allegro graphics library: void stretch_blit(BITMAP *source, BITMAP *dest, int source_x, int source_y, int source_width, int source_height, int dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height);

Stretch text in a TextArea control in Flex 3

I think I might be missing something really obvious here but how can I stretch the width or height of the text in a TextArea rather than just resizing the bounding box of the control ? ...

Silverlight DataGrid not stretching to accommodate all items in data source?

I'm having problems getting a Silverlight DataGrid to stretch to accommodate all the items in it's dataSource. I've got a Grid that contains two DataGrids. I've tried setting height=Auto on the Grid and the DataGrids. I've tried setting HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" on the Grid and the DataGrids. The object tag has height="100%"...

How to stretch an SSRS table to the end of the nearest page

Hello all, I can't seem to find anyone who has had the same problem as me, which I find hard to believe because it seems like it should be a common need. On to the problem... I have a pretty standard SSRS 2005 Invoice report that has a header, a few address below the header, a table that contains the line item information about the in...

iPhone stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth only makes "D"s.

UIImage *aImage = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"Gray_Button.png"] stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:25 topCapHeight:0]; Trying to make a "glass pill button". What does "stretch" do if the image is bigger... and the button I'm trying to use it on... is smaller? Does the image 'stretch' and 'shrink'? The reason I ask... is because all my imag...

Why FontStretch does not work in WPF?

I am trying setting FontStretch property on a TextBlock in WPF but it seems that it does not work. I tried Expanded, Condensed, etc. but the text appearance does not change. I am working on Windows XP with Framework 4.0 and tested both with Verdana and Arial. Does it work only on Windows 7 or only with some specific fonts? EDIT: If it...

css stretch floating div horizontally

I'm trying to make a div with a static height and variable width. With multiple horizontal tabs. The active tab should stretch horizontally to fill the container and the inactive tabs should shrink back down to their inactive size (24px in this case). I can't quite get it to work. The tab stretches, but too much. It bumps the tabs afte...