
XNA - Drawing Quads (and primitives) in right order

Hi there, I'm fairly new to 3D-stuff in XNA and unfortunately I have encountered a problem I can't find the solution for. (Don't even know what the problem is). To cut it short: I am drawing quads in my game using: effect.World = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Rotation.X) * Matrix.CreateRotatio...

Pong in Box2D XNA

So I have been trying to recreate Pong in Box2D to learn how to use the engine and I think creating pong in it is more complicated than i thought. I have the collision down by itself, i have the ball restitution set at 1.0 , my only problem is I have no idea how to have the ball hit the paddle, bounce back at the right angle and have eno...

Problem converting VS C# 2005 to 2008

I have some projects from XNA 1.0 that I wanted to debug but when I try to convert them to VS 2008 the conversion errors out and only converts the .csproj and .sln file, all other project and resource files remain unconverted with no explanation as to why. Then I went back and tried to convert just regular C# 2005 projects and get the s...

Can XNA Game Studio be used to distribute games in multiple regions such as Australia and US?

I imagined that publishing a game to xbox live would make it available all around the world. It seems that this is not the case because there are far more titles available on xbox live in the USA (around 2000) than in xbox live Australia (around 700). Before I commit to using XNA Game Studio, I would like to know the details of publishi...

BOX2D Acceleration/Velocity in XNA

I am having a problem, and i have tried all the possible combination. I am trying to get my ball to just basically fly off the screen as fast as possible. The only problem is no matter what values i set it just moves at the same rate. I tried doing ballBody.SetLinearVelocity(new Vector2(1000000f, 0)); ballBody.SetLinearVelocity(new Vec...

Cross-platform graphics 3D with .NET

I'd like to program a .NET app that provides a 3D render of an animated world. I'm coding on a Windows PC, but many of my target audience will be on Linux. There are a bunch of frameworks out there that look useful, categorised into high and low level as best I can: Low Level Graphics OpenTK Tao Framework seems to have been supersed...

Scripting in C# - Portable Library for XNA and 360?

I'm just wondering if this is even possible; how to do non-complicated scripting within C#. Basically, let's say I have a structure as such: Structure int a int b int c Function ParseValue(pString as String) try return interpret(pString) catch return 0 end try End F...

How to create a "scorched area" on a 3D terrain?

Hi all, i'm experimenting a bit with C# and XNA. Going through the advanced "Riemers tutorials" helped me a lot, but i want to make my terrain even better. I have a simple game where player controls a tank and destroys other buildings and tanks. I would like to somehow draw the effects of the explosion on the terrain. The effect i want ...

How can I get an IBeam cursor in an XNA Game?

I've managed to get the cursor to change to an IBeam in a trivial XNA 'Game' with Update as: protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) this.Exit(); // TODO: Add your update logic here ...

How to effeciently spread objects on a 2D surface in a "natural" way?

Hello all, i would like to effeciently generate positions for objects on a given surface. As you probably guessed this is for a game. The surface is actually a 3D terrain, but the third dimension does not matter as it is determined by terrain height. The problem is i would like to do this in the most effecient and easy way, but still g...

XNA - Creating a lot of particles at the same time

Hello there, time for another XNA question. This time it is purely from a technical design standpoint though. My situation is this: I've created a particle-engine based on GPU-calculations, far from complete but it works. My GPU easily handles 10k particles without breaking a sweat and I wouldn't be surprised if I could add a bunch more...

How does the program flow look

Hi there, I am used to XNA like structures: LoadContent Update Draw Now based on these 3 main methods my game objects inherit from them. In XNA I as non-professional and non-game-programmer was badly forced to think in these blocks. Well add a Sprite baseClass, inherit from DrawableGameComponent. Now create the WarriorSprite class f...

Playing mpg file in XNA

Is there any way to play mpg files in XNA? (I want to develop a game that a video stream has to play at background) ...

Avoiding circular dependencies in XNA using Ninject 2.0

I have been using Ninject as the IOC for an XNA project, and was wanting to migrate it to Ninject 2.0. However, XNA is not dependency injection friendly, as certain classes must be instantiated in the constructor of the game class, but must pass the game class to their constructors as well. For example: public MyGame () { this.graph...

Need help loading XML data into XNA 4.0 project

I'd like to do this the right way if possible. I have XML data as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <XnaContent> <Asset Type="PG2.Dictionary"> <Letters TotalInstances="460100"> <Letter Count="34481">&#97;</Letter> ... <Letter Count="1361">&#122;</Lette...

How to code an web-browser based multiplayer game?

If I wanted to code a desktop-based game, I could pull some XNA code and UDP sockets and make a decent multiplayer game. I would have an extremely clear of how to code the game I wanted. But if I wanted to code a browser-based online multiplayer game, how would I do it? You can't use XNA....I've been looking at some questions and I'm se...

BOX2D Contact (isTouching) Problem

Here is my problem Image I want to check if the balls are touching, which works perfect. Sometimes however that ball with the arrow isn't picked up which of course makes sense since it isn't touching anything. However, I want to give a little bit of leeway so that if a ball is say 4 pixels/0.001m away, it should be considered as touch...

XNA and Linq on Xbox360

Please excuse the newbie question but I was wondering if I used Linq in my XNA application, would this still work on the Xbox 360? ...

Linq statement faster than foreach loop

I am writing a Mesh Rendering manager and thought it would be a good idea to group all of the meshes which use the same shader and then render these will I'm in that shader pass. I am currently using a foreach loop, but wondered if utilising Linq might give me a performance increase? ...

random angle generator

i have an angle say 60deg and want to generate random angle within interval say [-120,120] where the interval centred around the 60deg which be now [-60,180] i have this code http://www.cs.princeton.edu/introcs/22library/StdRandom.java.html but i am confused because it's say that the gaussian distribution is within [0,1] how can i...