
Learning MIPS as a second assembly language?

Hello, I know x86 Assembly (and have worked with FPGA etc') , Never wrote for a RISC, I have the opportunity to take a course in MIPS, but I'm busy as it is, so my question is, I know that every thing I learn is beneficial in some way, but really, how much beneficial? (I am a low level enthusiastic, but is this a must?) (I'm aware of ...

Low level programming: How to find data in a memory of another running process?

I am trying to write a statistics tool for a game by extracting values from game's process memory (as there is no other way). The biggest challenge is to find out required addresses that store data I am interested. What makes it even more harder is dynamic memory allocation - I need to find not only addresses that store data but also poi...

How CPUs implement Instructions like MUL/MULT?

In different assembly languages MUL (x86)/MULT (mips) refer to multiplication. It is a black box for the programmer. I am interested in how actually a CPU accomplishes a multiplication regardless of the architecture. Lets say I have two 16-bit values in my registers and I am the cpu, so I have to implement MUL using the other bit-fiddlin...

Is there an un-buffered I/O in Windows system?

I want to find low-level C/C++ APIs, equivalent with "write" in linux systems, that don't have a buffer. Is there one? The buffered I/O such as fread, fwrite are not what I wanted. ...

Cocoa memory editing inspection

How would I go about editing the memory of other applications using Cocoa? I know the editing has to be done as root, but how would I do it in the first place? ...

low level programming: How does the OS start a new thread/process?

Whenever the bootloader loads the operating system there is presumably only ONE program flow active, right? This would mean, one processor holds the instruction pointer and executes the commands it founds at the position the EIP register points to. At which point and how does the system start to exploit more processes and/or threads (no ...

Why do you program in assembly?

I have a question for all the hardcore low level hackers out there. I ran across this sentence in a blog. I don't really think the source matters (it's Haack if you really care) because it seems to be a common statement. For example, many modern 3-D Games have their high performance core engine written in C++ and Assembly. As far...

Getting all static (interned) strings from a .NET assembly (dll)

I wish to get a list of all strings that are used in a .NET assembly including the “static” values that local variables are set to, parameters passed to methods, fields at set to, etc. I recall from something I read a long time ago that a .NET assembly contains a tables of all strings it uses (or they can be "interned")– or am I just dr...

Indexing in ESE

Does the Microsoft "Extensible Storage Engine" expose enough access to the storage manager to allow me to write a custom access method, for example a GiST? Alternatively, is there a basic log manager / buffer pool manager project for Windows that I could extend to play around with GiST without re-inventing the entire wheel? (Access meth...

Replacement language for C++?

When working on hobby projects I really like to program in low-level languages (in the sense that C and C++ are low level). I don't want to work with managed languages with garbage collection and whatnot that takes all the fun away (yeah, we're all different ;-) ). Normally I use C++ for these type of projects. C++ is rather complex and...

Why isn't WH_MOUSE hook global anymore?

I have this global mouse hook setup in a DLL that watches for mouse gestures. Everything works perfectly but with a hook set for WH_MOUSE_LL which is a low-level hook and one that doesn't need to be in an external injectable DLL. Once I switch - to the more suitable one would say - WH_MOUSE mouse hook, everything falls apart. Once I cl...

Can you recommend any good book about low level programming?

Disclaimer: I'm not a programmer, and I'm really acting as a proxy to ask this question here :) In old days, there was Peter Norton's Programmer's Guide to IBM PC. This book served as invaluable source of information for every person that wanted to write all things low-level. What book nowadays can be recommended as source of knowledge ...

low level, global keyboard hook in wince

I'm trying to make a small tool will run in background & capture all key events. For instance it will do a job like: when user types 'uu' on any textbox it will turn 'uu' to 'aa' ...

What Skill set should a low level programmer possess?

I am an embedded SW Engineer, with less than 3 yrs of experience. I aim to "sharpen the saw" continuously. I was wondering if there was anything specific to low level programming that C/C++ coders should be proficient with. What comes to my mind is familiarity with the hardware's architecture and instruction set. Knowing how to fiddle ...

x86 equivalent for LWARX and STWCX

I'm looking for an equivalent of LWARX and STWCX (as found on the PowerPC processors) or a way to implement similar functionality on the x86 platform. Also, where would be the best place to find out about such things (i.e. good articles/web sites/forums for lock/wait-free programing). Edit I think I might need to give more details as ...

Why is JavaScript sometimes viewed as a low level language?

Inspired by this question. I commonly see people referring to JavaScript as a low level language, especially among users of GWT and similar toolkits. My question is: why? If you use one of those toolkits, you're cutting yourself from some of the features that make JavaScript so nice to program in: functions as objects, dynamic typing,...

What is INT 21h?

Inspired by this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1237489/how-can-i-force-gdb-to-disassemble I wondered about the INT 21h as a concept. Now, I have some very rusty knowledge of the internals, but not so many details. I remember that in C64 you had regular Interrupts and Non Maskable Interrupts, but my knowledge stops here. C...

Am I "wasting" my time learning C and other low level stuff ?

I have just recently started learning C and the reason I did that was because frankly, I consider myself to be of a "less-developer" than the people who know and work with C. Thus I planned to start learning ASM, C, C++ and bought the K&R book and started pushing myself to learn the C Programming Language and up till now I'm doing great...

Bluetooth UUID discovery

Does anyone know how a bluetooth device could pick up the discoverable devices' device IDs in range? I am ideally looking for the simplest solution that involves the smallest implimentation of the bluetooth protocols. A starting point would be good, I just wish to create a device that can store all the device ids of nearby bluetooth ...

How to enable ARMv6 unaligned access on WinMobile6?

ARMv6 introduce a great feature - unaligned memory access, which make some things in code much more simplier and faster. But microsoft gives API for it only in winCE6. And most PDAs now based on WinMobile6 (which is on CE 5.x). And unaligned access is disabled by default :( I've try to set unaligned flag in CP15 register, but this doesn...