
Facebook API get user local time without FBML

Hello, I'm writing a Facebook Iframe canvas application using the Facebook Toolkit. There is a certain action where I need to store the date and time for the action, and in the future I want to render it for the user as a date and time like (10:05 AM 20 September 2010). The problem here is that each facebook user has his own local date...

Obtain localized file size in Mac OS X

I got a file size in byte in a (unsigned long long) variable. Is there a standard way to convert it to a string, with localized units? I am aware of those kind of solutions : NSString * stringFromFileSize( FileSize theSize ) { float floatSize = theSize; if (theSize<1023) return ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i bytes",th...

Please Help with localizing asp.net mvc application

i would like to add localization to my app... the app is currently not using any kind of localization and the strings are just being injected directly into the views... so i would obviously need to change that.... what I would like is my master page to have two flag icons.. spain and england... and every view could be displayed in either...

HTML encoding &deg; degree symbol extra space

<div id="a">°F</div> $.get("http://blah.com/go",{'TU':$('#a').text()}); IIS server logs show the following params: 99.5% of the time: TU=%C2%B0F 0.5% of the time: TU=%C2%B0+F server subsequently crashes because it doesn't know what '° F' is. Admittedly one of the flaws is that we are scraping text out of the DOM & sending it to our...

Location of currency symbol for a particular currency in java

I know the way to get the Currency Object and other details for a currency in java using locale and NumberFormat class. But I am not able to find anything in the API to know whether currency symbol is display at start or end E.g. 10 in US is $10 where $ is in the start of number) 10 in Zloty (polish currency) is 10 z (z to represe...

How to set custom property of webcontrol be translateable?

Hi all, I have webcontrol which has custom property. The property is set as attribute directly in aspx page. I use VS.addin "Resource Refactoring Tool" to generate resource files from aspx pages. Working well so far.The thing is it does not pick my custom attributes into translation. So I am asking, is there any specific attribute t...

Nightmare with Localization under Global Resources

I have two Resources files under App_GlobalResources MyApp.resx MyApp.sv.resx for those who don't know: All languages will fallback to MyApp.resx except the Swedish UICulture will use the MyApp.sv.resx and I have a simple page that shows 3 <asp:Label> in witch the Text property is called differently like: <i>using Resource.Write...

Add String to Drupal Translation Server without Resetting

I need to add some strings to my Drupal translation server but I don't want to reset the current translations. Is there any way I can do this? ...

ASP.NET: Localization: Get .resx value in MVC view using dynamic key

I have a view, and in this view, I need to get a value from an App_GlobalResources file using a dynamic key. Normally, for example, I would do this: <%= Resources.IndexView.MyKey %> However, in this case, I need to do something like: <%= Resources.IndexView[keyRoot + Model.BlahBlah] %> I don't want to get into a discussion about s...

iPhone: Update Localizable.strings files using genstrings?

I have generated my strings file correctly using genstrings. I have changed the localized strings for my different languages. Now, I have added a few more NSLocalizedString() occurrences and I want to generate those into all of my localized strings files. But, running genstrings again does not seem to update my strings files. Am I ...

localize android application where data coming from server.

Hi.. i have an application where it displays a list of items in ListView. These items(strings) are coming from the server which are stored in english language. I want to display these English characters in Chinese language in my application. Is it default if the user selects Chinese lang for their device or should i have to do some...

android: reflect UI language change on the on-the-fly without reload/restarting app

Hi I have a setting in my app that allows user to select different localization (language), ie Chinese, German, etc. What i would like to do is that once the user makes their choice, to immediately update the layout with strings in the currently selected language. Of course, i want the lang change propagated to ALL current activities...

How can i Localize FullCalendar jquery

Hi, i need to localize full calendar to spanish, ho can i change 'Next Week, Today, etc'. ...

C++ l10n, i18n solution with GNU gettext, libunistring

Hello, I'm writing a C++ application which shall be locale independent, so I decided to use UTF-16 as my in-memory representation for strings/texts (the application should be as platform independent as possible). For localize the application's messages i want to use GNU's gettext library. Since this library seems to use GNU's libunistri...

how does RoR local give you such a nice API like: layout.side.title ?

How does the RoR localization engine take a .yaml file and produce such a nice API to access the localized text like: layout.side.title What kind of class is it that you can just create a recursive style of property accessors? ...

UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad localization

I noticed that UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad was added in iOS 4.1, and started using it. During the course of my testing, I switched both the language and region to French in the International section of Settings. I expected the decimal key on the keypad in my app to change from a "." to a "," but it didn't. All I'm doing is this: _textFi...

What to use for localization (php/smarty/pear application) ?

Hi all, I have a php/smarty/pear app that has it's own localization implementation that involves using ids for strings and the strings are stored in a db. currently the app is only in English but I will start adding other languages. The current implementation is very poor and basically I'm not a big fan of re-inventing the wheel. Can a...

jpgraph localization

Do any of you know if it's possible to localize jpgraph in another language (ex. Italian)? I mean to translate graph labels like "Hours ago","points",points today",etc...Thank you! ...

WPF Localization in XAML, what is the simple, easy and elegant way of doing it?

I have a very common question. What is the best way to do localization in a WPF app. Well, I searched in SO and Binged a lot too. But I could not find any pointers which is really simple and elegant. Assume that I have to display in UI something like: In English: Orgnanization - Beoing In French: Organizzazione - Beoing <St...

Date.ToShortDateFormat() uses wrong locale sometime?

I converted my VS 2008 project into vs 2010 but kept it on .NET 3.5 framework. I don't set my locale anywhere within the app. I've got a couple on computers running windows 7 and XP and both have the region set to EN-AU. Sometime my app returns the short date format like MM/dd/YY (EN-US). As soon as you quit it and start again it reve...