
Localize Application icon for UK market and for USA market on iTunes

Hi, I'm trying to figure out a way of localizing the application icon (Icon.png) for the US Market and the UK market for my app I want a different type of vehicle picture for the uk rather than the US for instance. This looks quite easy to do the info.plist and localize for English to French for instance but I couldn't figure out a way...

DateTimeFormat Issue

I dont get following desired output from a DateTime-Object: 2010-03-29 13:15:00 My default localization is de-DE, so a simple ToString gives me: 29.03.2010 13:15:00 What I've tried is to create a DateTimeFormatInfo Object from US-Culture and use its DateTimePatterns but without success: Dim usDateFormat As Globalization.Date...

Maximum(:created_at) does not give the timestamp in local time format

Maximum(:created_at) does not give the timestamp in local time format but in UTC. I am using Rails 2.3.8 Is there another way to get the latest created_at in local time? ...

Localization: resx vs DBResource Provider vs ???

I am localizing a site where the content is frequently updated. With the resx approach (if i understand correctly) if i want to change text within a localization tag, i'd have to recompile (which means a redeploy to live). This seems like a disguting way to go about things to me. As an alternative I've been looking into DBResourceProvi...

Where does a resource file go when you compile .NET website?

I have local resource files for my web application. I want to know the location of the .resource file once the compiler creates it from the resx file. The reason i wish to know this is so I can compile on the local server and copy the .resource files to live and avoid a complete redeploy for simple text change. Thanks, Shawn ...

Localize a MasterPage

I have a MasterPage and some controls in it, I also have a dropdown with languages, I'd like to know if theres is way to localize all of the controls within the masterpage because it doesn't have the InitializeCulture method. Thanks in advance. ...

Open Source: How to motivate translators to bring localizations from 70% to 100% before release?

I maintain an Open Source Android app. Every once in a while, some anonymous hero localizes to its mother tongue, sending files or using our online tool. At first I thought the magic of collaboration would be enough to provide timely localizations, but actually, the UI strings change, and each release ships with roughly: 5 languages l...

Localized country names

Where can I get the country names in all languages? I need these to localize an application. ...

JOOMFISH MENU LOCALISATION PLUGIN doesn't work... any help please...

Hi im ghop'z, Here's the error I encountered after I enabled the joomfish menu localisation plugin in my joomla website: No valid database connection Table 'database.jos_gwesys_mlmenu' doesn't exist SQL=Select * from jos_gwesys_mlmenu where menuid in (4) I don't know what to do. Can anyone suggest their idea about this problem and ...

Why doesn't Django produce locale files from template files in another directory?

Version info: Django version 1.3 pre-alpha SVN-13858 Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.10 I'm totally new to i18n and l10n in Django and currently I'm trying to make my Django project available in Dutch (in addition to its default language: English). I tried to apply the instructions given at http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/i18n/ and ht...

how to install Microsoft MVC 2.0 System.Web.Mvc.dll own resources files?

Hi everyone, by default, MVC 2.0 come with an english resource file in the System.Web.Mvc.dll. When you install the french version of Visual Studio 2010 (and probably other languages), it will add a localized resource file for this language in C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 2\Assemblies\fr\System.Web.Mvc.resources.dll. ...

Multi-language change without page refresh?

User selects a new language from English to German. Currently the page has to refresh each time to change the text to the language selected. This is fine for IE but on firefox it always asks the user and a bad user experience. Plus if user is in the middle of typing something then has to refresh the text is all gone. So is it possible to...

ASP.NET MVC localization using DisplayAttribute

I want to localize my resources (form labels, validation messages etc) using DisplayAttribute. I have my resources in the database, but looks like DisplayAttribute uses the resx files, and the class is sealed itself so I cannot derive a subclass and override the require methods/properties. Is there any way of handling the resourcemanage...

Rails3 Facebook-esque localized language picklist

Other than copying Facebook's SELECT and OPTION elements, is there a Rails-native way of generating a Facebook-esque, localized-language select list? ...

Collation STRENGTH and local language relation

I have read the following from Collator's Javadoc. "The exact assignment of strengths to language features is locale dependant. For example, in Czech, "e" and "f" are considered primary differences, while "e" and "ê" are secondary differences, "e" and "E" are tertiary differences and "e" and "e" are identical." Does this mean that I sh...

System.Convert.ToSingle() Problems, (1.5) vs (1,5)

I'm writing program in C# for converting between model formats. The model format has numbers as text such as "-0.136222". I can use System.Convert.ToSingle() to convert this to a floating point number. But here in Germany we use commas as decimal points (-0,136222), and System.Convert picks up on this. Now I have the problem of it not r...

ResourceManager not selecting correct resource set when using custom culture

I have created a localized MVC website using the code found on this blog by Alex Adamyan. This is working great if I use an existing culture. However, I am trying to localize for Tagalog (tl or tl-PH). Windows does not have this culture built in so I have created one (I have tried both tl and tl-PH) as per the code below: public stat...

JTable column headers localization

I have a subclass of javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel that defines table column headers like this: protected String[] columnNames = new String[] { "Column1", "Column2};. How do I localize the columnNames from a resource bundle? I want to read the column headers from a .properties file instead on hard-coding them in my code. Is there ...

What is the "acceptable" upper limit for JavaScript array size?

I left this question as generic as possible, but I do have a specific problem that I need to solve in my application and the answer to this would help. The application I am working on uses PHP/MySQL as its backend, and is set up so that no text/words/phrases visible to the user are hardcoded in the HTML/JS that is output to the browser,...

localize data annotations default messages ([Required] [StringLength] etc.)

if I decorate the properties of my ViewModels with attributes like this: public class Vm { [Required] [StringLength(35)] public string Name {get;set;} } I am going to get english validation messages: "this field is required" "The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 35" how could I translate them ? ...